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Posts posted by Dahkness

  1. On 1/30/2021 at 9:34 PM, plainguy said:

    No one ever said change the current power.. Make that clear.. Option via IO..  Just clarifying that.. 


    Any other changes I leave to the Devs.. If having the option drops the hit debuff to a useless level the that should be made clear.. 
    Devs - Hey we looked into this as we thought this might be a possible idea and concept but during our power calculations we realized the penalty to the hit debuff for having the OPTION to removing repel IO was just not worth the time and effort. . Basically the Hit debuff would be reduce to a useless/negligible state that ended up not being of any value for the players..  

    Again assuming they would even consider addressing this.. 

    I like the removing repel IO! I think that is prefect! Everyone is a winner with this! Haters don't have to put it in. Fingers crossed to our wonderful DEV team that maybe one day they'll take a look at it! 

  2. Get combat Tp and fold space or at least try it out. It compliments the tier 9 toggle oh so well. But with combat tp you can set up your cone attacks much more efficient for you sonic attacks

    I personal feel poison is better with the new TP set and should not be played without it. But everyone has there play style :).



    Combat Teleport and Fold Space are amazing for poison.


    Here's a macro that will teleport you into the face of your target:

    /macroimage combat_teleport "Combat Teleport" "powexeclocation target combat teleport"

    if you learn to use this macro you become a poison god. Poisons already aggressive why not use it to its full potential and turn it into a mobility “king” debuffer.


  3. 11 hours ago, jojogladco said:

    Freezing Rain as a Rain power doesn't get a lot from Procs. There's one check at cast and another check in 10 second intervals

    I really like this information. Do you have or know were I can read this information about proc checks for other powers? Or was this a self test and something you discovered on your own? 

  4. I have never played storm before and I want to make one for my next toon. I just want to know about my proc set up and if I’m missing something important or if you have a suggestion for my strom procs. Im trying to proc it as much as I can.  


    PS: please just focus on the storm part of the build. I know my DEF sucks.


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  5. 2 hours ago, Dark Prismatic said:

    Thank you for posting all of this, Hops. I was thinking of a few random things and these ideas and insights helped nudge them along.

    Someone just told me if you take Assault Radial Embodiment it can also double your proc dmg. Haven't tested it yet. If its true that's another  way to boost up your dmg. It only runs for 2 min so you can just toggle it on when you wanna dps through a few rotations.

  6. These are some ideas I have for the set. I'm still leveling my guy so I'm not sure how well it plays out just yet. 
    I built this for Recharge/procs and dmg. 

    Wild Growth has a 57 second recharge and Overgrowth is just 4 seconds short from perma.
    I only made it with the Alpha so it  leaves your destiny open. I'm hoping I don't need ageless with the End discount from Overgrowth but we'll see! I was thinking of either taking Clarion or Barrier 

    I plan on running Overgrowth on cool down for the Buffs for myself. Its more of a dmg healer build to have fun with.
    I like to carry tier 3 purples on me so I just pop one if I'm going into a hot zone. I didn't build this for DEF.
    But I am still working on it and I'm not done since I haven't tested the build yet.

    Blazing Arrow - Explosive Arrow - Ranged Shot will be my main attacks You can open with Explosive arrow for most the time. It should be back up while you use the other 2 or any other AoEs/Buffs you wanna throw out. 

    And bloom will effect your Defender healing Proc. So I'm really excited to see how this plays out.  These are just some idea builds that can give you an idea on your future build

    *tested* End problems for sure. Needs ageless 

    Im doing a Fold Space build for my NA/Rad. You can TP the mobs with fold space and your two Mez toggles should help out a little and you can get a good soul drain off into your AOEs/Nuke and just melt the boss down 


  7. I've never played an MM before and this will be my first. So I made him and PL'd him and play tested him. And coming from a poison main I did not like the pace of traps. How slow the animation is was hurting me. Don't get me wrong I want to really enjoy this set so I made a tank out of him. Please let me know what you think. Would love to hear build ideas  to a tanky MM

    My pets have 45 DEF to all. Had to find that info in game can't find out in mids

  8. I really want to make a Traps proc build but I never played the set. I was told in game that the procs in traps don't work and acid motor is really bad? I am playing around fold space to pre set my traps. What are thoughts on procing out Traps?

  9. So I have been playing with the new Teleport pool at a very fast pace for sometime now. And I absolutely adore Fold Space. You can really bring different toons into the meta with that one power. Chefs Kiss, wonderful!

    Changes I think that would make Teleport Target more fun to use in combat
    My first idea would be reducing the animation time in half so it would feel more fluid in combat during an attack chain at higher end gameplay. I think it would great for melee toons imo.

    Keep the animation time and let it allow you to teleport bosses that  you can't usually teleport. I think that would make a good trade off since non of the other group teleport powers offer and a lot of people want something like this. It would be a way to leave those powers as is. And keep the boss TP'ing down the a minimum! 


    I kind of played around with a build. I made this with team play in mind with a focus on dmg. But here's some ideas on what you can do to fit some more dmg into your build. With teams being so powerful these days it's nice to fight and tag along. Hasten has a 6 second cool down without any incarnate buffs. I didn't build for DEF though. It'll be nice to carry a handful of purples when you dive into big mobs orrr you can take Barrier. Pop that off and than you can dps for a little bit with out worring about healing yourself or others for a fun attack chain combo and or to get a good soul drain off 

    *No Power Boost*

    *With Power Boost**

  11. The burst dmg out weighs the time for you to get all those -end debuffs imo. But people will prove me wrong. They still kill you with 2 or 3 attacks loaded with procs, they dont need all there end. Pvp is broken imo. weight tell it gets fixed somehow

  12. On 12/8/2020 at 6:04 AM, Jaki01 said:

    Hello all. Im relativly a new player and close to lvl50 (have not yet seen the end content of the game, will be expiriencing it with this character) , at this point i do not know what to take anymore from power and i definitly intend to respec and make a usefull build, but i am stumped as to what to make of this character. 


    Does anyone have a usefull build from this combination that i can take a glance at and see what can i do with it 🙂

    I love poison! I highly recommend playing with Fold space. It combos off so many of your powers! It’s great to combo it with soul drain! Keeps your dmg at a consistent flow. As you learn how to survive and play with it’s fast pace play style! Don’t be afraid to use purples! I always have /ah ready for purples. Poison can really move the pace of your team and it’ll make people feel like there builds are stronger then they are! 
    So many ways to build poison since you only need 4 powers from its set. Really explore the power pool set and see what fits your play style.  

    this was an pre fold space build. Haven’t looked at mids for sometime. Not sure if it’s updated. It is a defender build. I personally this it’s better on defenders cause you can skip the heal.



  13. On 11/7/2020 at 11:00 PM, eldriyth said:

    When is the new patch on test going live? Digging the auto-update feature to enhancements and the focus on SO at early levels. Great changes to the game that need to be implemented asap.

    Just wait tell all the testing is done. I like to take a break from the game when the update hits Ope beta. It feels better when you don’t have to constantly check. But if you must know. My best bet is about 4 to  8 weeks before it goes live when it leaves closed beta. Be patiant it’s a really big awesome update

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