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Everything posted by Spankea

  1. Make it into a permanent jubilee like in Sweden.
  2. On Blue side only would it be possible to get northern lights in the sky at night to spawn randomly for just the pretty sign, no gifts? It would only be in the norshern end of the map in each zone.
  3. Enflame is the best way to ignite oil patch. It's preignition as long as you place it in the area of Enflame's burn patch.
  4. I just got mine to lvl 50 today. It should be a nice combo, but ice primary is good with anything.
  5. I was going to recommend this powerset earlier, but I wanted others to catch on. Thank you, kind sir!
  6. Every rose has its Thor.
  7. Gravity, symphony, mind, are all powersets that aren't melee for better options than the typical Thor Sighting.
  8. The greatest invention was the wheel. They called the next great invention Rock'n Roll.
  9. It's been that way since they added symphony powerset it seems. At least that's what I've seen on Excel. Symphony addicts are no different than anyone else is my best guess.
  10. Cheese Horse is available if anyone wants it.
  11. Try symphony for a nice change.
  12. The force is strong with this one!
  13. How common are Thor sightings in the game today? More or less or about the same? This came up in a conversation I was having recently. Why I ask is because should we make more Asgardian themed toons or is there enough already in Paragon?
  14. I ended up making both an ice/posion and ice/ta, both all T4 now. I've personally liked ta more than poison. I've attached my ice/ta build for critique. ice-ta.mbd
  15. When page 4 and 5 came out a lot of people made a lot of effort including myself to get old players back into CoH. We'll see if it was just a one year wonder or if the typical annual decline shows it's head again.
  16. If something negative happened to Barrier in 4* HM, wouldn't you see more than two or three Colds being required?
  17. I'd go with fire/kin unless you plan to do a lot of ITF/ASF 4* content then go ice/kin. Regular 54 mobs die quick enough to make fire great.
  18. You're typically going to have Destiny Barrier spam throughout the 4*. Meaning at least six members of the team will periodically spam their Barrier power plus a few cold or ff shields stacked on you. There's really no magic number of how much defense your solo toon needs.
  19. I ended up with a ice/ta and with reactive interface and char from fire epic set I should be fine setting the oil patch. I wasn't aware that ice arrow has a 50% -Res effect till yesterday.
  20. Now which blast set has the highest chance to ignite OSA is what order?
  21. I wants to be the Robinhood and ignite it though.
  22. Yeah, just choose a primary with fire or energy damage...
  23. Problem with temp powers is once you get to three star content they're disabled.
  24. I agree with all of this but I need fire damage to ignite oil patch. I'm a debuffer at heart and it's not like me to want to play fire blast. The only other fire set I can think offhand is water but it's debuffs are mostly -Def and at endgame you typically have the tohit/-def covered.
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