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Posts posted by Blackfeather

  1. 2 hours ago, Herotu said:

    I'm just wondering if it's possible to expand the colours at all?


    This is old, but from the devs, it looks like there is/was a prototype of expanding the colour picker:



    Hopefully they'll look at properly it one day.

  2. 6 minutes ago, General Idiot said:

    The only problem I see with this is that for those who already have all their incarnate powers empyrean merits no longer have much use. I wonder if it'd be too out of line to add an option to content that gives empyreans to receive reward merits instead? Wouldn't interfere with the apparent goal of preventing people easily farming infinite merits in AE but for those doing trials, task forces and story arcs past what they need for incarnate powers they wouldn't be getting rewards they have no use for.


    It looks like iTrials will be given the equivalent amount of reward merits now, but I think Heather Townshend also awards an Empyrean or two - maybe that could be adjusted to provide reward merits as well.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Shadeknight said:
    • Veteran experience rewards have been returned to AE for Level 50's.

    As from the patch notes, in case no one wants to scroll all the way down.


    In exchange:



    Merit Rewards

    • The Empyrean/Astral Merit to Reward Merit conversion has been removed from Reward Merit vendors.
    • For Incarnate Trials we'll be adding a completion bonus reward of Reward Merits on-top of the current standard Empyrean/Astral Merit rewards valuing the total of what the standard conversion would've amounted to. Meaning you'll get the same number of Empyrean/Astral Merits as you were before Page 4 but also get the following on-top:
      • Behavioral Adjustment Facility Trial = 18 Reward Merits
      • Lambda Sector Trial = 20 Reward Merits
      • Keyes Island Reactor Trial = 18 Reward Merits
      • The Underground Trial = 40 Reward Merits
      • TPN Campus Trial= 30 Reward Merits
      • Minds of Mayhem Trial = 30 Reward Merits
      • Dilemma Diabolique Trial = 30 Reward Merits
      • The Magisterium Trial = 22 Reward Merits
    • The Astral Merit bonus reward that is granted to everyone in the League for each badge challenge completed in all Incarnate Trials now includes an added 2 Reward Merits.
    • Sad 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    There are two posters other than yourself. Two whole comments on this thread that are not you. Out of 13 replies. 14 comments counting the OP. Seems like you are talking to yourself. If you are still trying to figure the set out, maybe finish figuring out what you want and then re-post?


    Hi, thanks for helping out with that! I'd definitely love to hear some more thoughts on the set; I definitely like to mull over things a lot, and it really helps to have some second opinions. I'm fairly happy with how the set is currently, but there's always room for improvement. Was there anything that caught your eye or critiques that you'd like to share? 😄


    Here's a quick list of questions to get you started if you're happy to:



    Questions to the Forums (Other Questions/Comments Welcome!)

    • Is this proposed set something you’d be interested in playing? What kinds of use cases can you see for it?

    • Does it fill a niche that other power sets already provide, or is even strictly better than them? If so, what adjustments would you make to resolve this overlap?

    • Space Manipulation was meant to perform about in line with existing support sets – how do you think it ranks performance wise compared to them?

    • Are there any discrepancies that need clearing up about the powers on display/elaboration on why some powers were made as written?

    • What powers could you see yourself taking or skipping? Would your answers change depending on the content you’re running? (E.g. simple PUG, hard mode ASF?)


    Hope to hear from you soon!

  5. On 7/16/2022 at 8:07 AM, Blackfeather said:

    Alright! Made the change - 1323707068_T6RepulsionZone.png.9b4bd91a205bcb06f2215bdc529d08ad.png T6: Repulsion Zone should now cancel out the effect of 269767037_T5DimensionVeil.png.89a000ec543bb2ed6b70b531b8ac966f.png T5: Dimension Veil on allies. Still mulling over switching the two powers around, though.


    I'm leaning on keeping it as it is; it follows the same pattern as Force Field's Detention Field for one thing. And doing it like this kind of 'unlocks' an additional feature of 269767037_T5DimensionVeil.png.89a000ec543bb2ed6b70b531b8ac966f.png T5: Dimension Veil via the whole suppression mechanic while inside 1323707068_T6RepulsionZone.png.9b4bd91a205bcb06f2215bdc529d08ad.png T6: Repulsion Zone. So it's like extending on what it's able to do.

  6. Concerns aside, I'm definitely happy with the change made 1323707068_T6RepulsionZone.png.9b4bd91a205bcb06f2215bdc529d08ad.png T6: Repulsion Zone to suppress the effects of 269767037_T5DimensionVeil.png.89a000ec543bb2ed6b70b531b8ac966f.png T5: Dimension Veil on allies while inside it. I think it does give a nice level of agency to both the Space Manipulator and the now-intangible ally. Even if an ally is veiled inside Repulsion Zone, you can always just teleport them out to immediately trigger the intangibility - and if that's not something they want, they can just head back inside. Definitely more intuitive than a temporary pop up power, since all characters move around by default.

  7. 1 hour ago, Blackfeather said:

    Definitely agreed. I'd never expect the devs to actually implement any of the power set suggestions or system changes I write about (the actual Ice Control buff currently in beta is honestly more elegant than my writeup on the topic in a lot of ways) but I like doing it anyway because it's a fun thought experiment. It's nice sharing the enjoyment that I have in making them, hearing the feedback that other people have on it, and working together to improve these ideas even further.


    And that being said, I can actually say that I was responsible for inspiring the /powexec_location cursor option, which did end up getting into the actual game's patches! Still very happy about that. 😁


    • Thanks 1
    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, Andreah said:

    That's a fair opinion.


    But I wanted to discuss it anyway, because I enjoy this sort of discussion. Maybe some other do too.


    People who don't shouldn't feel compelled to be riled by that. It's okay. The devs rarely ever leap on any proposals we make here.


    Definitely agreed. I'd never expect the devs to actually implement any of the power set suggestions or system changes I write about (the actual Ice Control buff currently in beta is honestly more elegant than my writeup on the topic in a lot of ways) but I like doing it anyway because it's a fun thought experiment. It's nice sharing the enjoyment that I have in making them, hearing the feedback that other people have on it, and working together to improve these ideas even further.

    • Thanks 2
  9. 26 minutes ago, Hjarki said:

    You can do the exact same trick - for the same amount - with Cold Domination. Both have toggle auras (+10% defense, status protection vs. +5% defense, F/C/E resist) but Power Boost will only momentarily boost them rather than locking in for the entire duration.


    You can pull the same trick with Time, albeit with 12.5% vs. 15% Defense (and +hit) that covers the user as well.


    I'd rate both Time and Cold as better than Force Field for the use case you're talking about.


    Power Boost doesn't work with Cold Domination's shields due to them having an enhanceable resistance component:


  10. I do think it'd be nice if Shivers also had the longer slow duration that Blasters got in Ice Manipulation, alongside a wider Fear (probably 90 degrees to match Terrify's, given they match the same range). The -Recharge/-Movement aspect's definitely nice and something I'd like to keep (and make more long lasting even). Though if Ice Control goes out with just these changes I'll be happy; all it really needed was a reliable way to open up fights, and Shivers fits the bill even in this state.

    • Thumbs Up 3
  11. 38 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Yeah... I'm against that thematically and mechanically. Mechanically because no power set has a heal and rez combined into one power. Thematically because absorb pain is you take the target's injuries unto yourself to heal them. So if the target is dead, you're taking their death unto you to rez them. And I don't see any comment about using absorb pain killing the user if used to rez a target.


    Edit: So if Empathy gets to merge a heal and a rez, then all the other power sets that have a heal and a rez should get to merge them too.


    Well...actually Rebirth does.



    NatureAffinity Rebirth.png Rebirth

    Rebirth can either greatly heal a conscious ally for a large amount of health over time or it can revive a fallen ally with a large amount of health and endurance and cause them to recover health over time. This power also grants 3 stacks of Bloom.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 15 minutes ago, Darmian said:

    I run a Main that is Mind Control/Empathy.  Frankly, removing the rez is a no go for me.  That thing is golden.  Ok, it doesn't smack the enemy around like HT and so on, but so what?


    It looks like it was merged.


    On 7/12/2022 at 7:29 PM, Vanden said:


    • It's gone now


    Absorb Pain

    • Hah, just kidding about Resurrect. It's been combined into Absorb Pain.
    • Using Absorb Pain on a defeated player revives them with full Health and Endurance. Recharge is 60 seconds, and the range to rez a player is 60 feet. No self-damage or debuffs when used to rez a player.
    • Absorb Pain's heal on living players reduced from scale 5 to scale 3.5. Now grants 20% absorb to the target for 20 seconds
    • Recharge on Absorb Pain when used on a living player increased to 30 seconds, range increased to 100 feet
    • -100% Healing effectiveness removed, making it possible to recover hit points by using Healing Aura, inspirations, or having another player heal you.
    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, Curtis-Newton said:

    So as a solo player I only have the chance to get Aether through the auction house or the 2% chance at mission completion. Or am I missing something?


    WSTs as well it looks like:



    Prismatic Aether Particle Salvage Rewards

    • Completion of content on Advanced Difficulty settings now rewards an exclusive salvage currency called Prismatic Aether Particles that are used to purchase the permanent costume powers covered in the next section.
    • They are capped at 2000 on how many can be carried at once by a single character.

    Ooh, Prismatic Aether... So shiny!


    • Completing the Weekly Strike Target for the first time each week on a max level character that receives a Notice of the Well salvage, will also earn 1-2 Prismatic Aether Particle salvage depending on the length of the content completed.
    • The standard bonus from completing a mission map at any level includes a 1 in 50 (2%) chance to drop a Prismatic Aether Particle.
    • Prismatic Aether Particle salvage is not account-bound and can be freely traded to other players, sold on the auction house, or stored in supergroup base salvage storage bins.
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