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Posts posted by Blackfeather

  1. Oooooh. I might have another potential 'fix' that could work, @oedipus_tex - what if 1323707068_T6RepulsionZone.png.9b4bd91a205bcb06f2215bdc529d08ad.png T6: Repulsion Zone suppressed the intangible effect of 269767037_T5DimensionVeil.png.89a000ec543bb2ed6b70b531b8ac966f.png T5: Dimension Veil for players? Effectively it'd make it almost like an "inverse Dimension Shift" that lets a character remove the effect so long as they move to the right spot. No messing about with server tray powers, and I can't see any Space Manipulation character skipping Repulsion Zone due to it providing status effect protection.

  2. 1 hour ago, oedipus_tex said:

    As usual this is a well designed proposal.


    Dimension Veil is probably the most controversial power here, due to the intangibility. Might work better to have the power provide a temporary power that must be clicked to activate the spacial ability. Alternatively, you could make this a mobile version of Dimension Shift. 


    Thanks! I got a lot of help from @Completist - I wouldn't have thought to have 1161269269_T2FocalPoint.png.6c576fea0d53aa1b44f4e16eec670482.png T2: Focal Point disable its pull effect when used on a target with 963010532_T4WarpShield.png.b1cb9eeb07896d5b07cd587e57a9006f.png T4: Warp Shield on it, under the rationale that said targeted character wouldn't want to draw more aggro than necessary, maximising their survivability.


    I definitely had Dimension Shift in mind as a point of comparison: I was aware of Gravity Control while designing this power set, and didn't want Space Manipulation to overshadow it, hence why 269767037_T5DimensionVeil.png.89a000ec543bb2ed6b70b531b8ac966f.png T5: Dimension Veil is single target as opposed to location AoE; it has different use cases. I could even see a Gravity/Space Controller potentially being rolled for people who want to really lean into the whole chessboard-style gameplay (at the cost of being less supportive in other ways).


    One concern about providing a temporary power for another character to activate is that it basically becomes a power that grants Phase Shift (though given that 1888430910_T1Displace.png.ea64d779670598dc0e78db0e925712aa.png T1: Displace is basically Teleport Target but better, this might not be so bad). It does put some onus on the other character to activate it in a pinch as well, which might reduce the more 'chessboard' nature of this set (also granted, the same can be said to a lesser extent with providing a power to deactivate the Veil). It could definitely work though, I think! I'll have to mull it over.

  3. 4 hours ago, Andreah said:

    This discussion makes me wish there wasn't a either/or threshold based mezz system in the game. One that had a mezz chance roll, or several grades of mezz effect (e.g., slightly confused, partly confused, confused, heavily confused, totally confused) depending on magnitude level compared to protection, and we wouldn't be in this apparent all or nothing point where either a player essentially can confuse a class of enemies completely and at will, or they can't at all.


    But we don't have that, and I suppose the implementation here among the star levels seem reasonable, and maybe it could be tweaked a little with Flea's suggestion on slightly lower mag but with significant duration resistance.


    Saving throws like in D&D might be pretty interesting...though I guess that does get a bit dicey given how unlike in D&D, most 'spells' can be repeatedly re-cast again and again until the desired effect is achieved, I suppose. Would definitely have to take a re-think to the status effect system, but it'd be a neat thought experiment.


    ...I guess we kind of do have that with accuracy/defence with a chance to hit/miss. But that's pretty negligible given how most players aim for as much accuracy as possible.

  4. I might have another potential idea for making 269767037_T5DimensionVeil.png.89a000ec543bb2ed6b70b531b8ac966f.png T5: Dimension Veil a little easier to negotiate with when targeting its intangible effect on players as well. Perhaps it could grant a temporary power to the veiled player, which they could activate to immediately de-toggle it? It could even appear in the server tray to better improve its visibility. It's not a perfect solution: filled out power trays + people who have server trays disabled would still find this a bit difficult to deactivate themselves. But it might greatly help!

  5. 1 minute ago, Stormwalker said:

     You fixed the sound-stacking issue that has been preventing me from teaming since forever!  AoE's and multiple-simultaneous actions are no longer deafening!  I can play the game at a reasonable volume without getting a headache!


    That's not in the patch notes (or did I just miss it?).  Did you fix it by accident?  If so, please don't un-fix it!  This is the single greatest change you could possibly have made for me.


    Please tell me this was intentional and it's staying.


    From the patch notes:



    Game Client Adjustments & Fixes

    Issue Fixes

    • Fixed a code issue with generator randomization that was causing map server crashes.
    • Fixed an issue that made it possible to open/enter doors from unintended distances.
    • Powers that play a sound on each target that is hit will no longer reach
      a deafening volume when there are many targets. When the same sound is
      queued multiple times at the same instant, the audio system now reduces the volume.
    • Thanks 2
  6. 1 minute ago, Marshal_General said:

    What us supposed to be the difference between blitz and parkour animations? I tried both with a female character and didn't see a difference.


    It's the idle/jump animation, I think:


    17 hours ago, The Curator said:
    • Parkour - Run animation with Ninja Stance idle, jump, and weapon animations.
    • Blitz - Run animation with standard idle, jump, and weapon animations.
  7. 6 minutes ago, ForeverLaxx said:

    Because the real truth is that it needs to be somewhere in the middle. The legs should be "snapping" rather than being a continuously fluid motion. I know it's hard to explain with words, but I'm personally speaking from 17 years experience running defense/midfield on a soccer field. The "slow" animation has the right motions, but the "fast" animation is just cranked too high for each motion. For that particular running style, you should see long strides with the legs/arms in a pumping motion.


    That's actually the real problem. The stride is way too short for that kind of "power sprint."


    Do you have any examples of this running style? Videos and animations are best for this kind of thing. That could probably help the devs out a lot if they end up making adjustments to the animation.

  8. 9 minutes ago, ForeverLaxx said:



    I disagree that Ninja Run "looks fine" at slow speeds. Those leg movements do not work unless you're sprinting. When at a light jog it just looks like you're moving through molasses. It's certainly smoother, but it's still not a correct run posture for that slow speed.


    Regarding Blitz/Parkour, it's certainly jerky at high speed. The feet not bending at the ankles, the upper body not leaning correctly, and the fact that the slower animation is what you actually want at the faster speed in order to look right are what's wrong with it.


    I'm not really convinced that adjusting the speed of the Blitz/Parkour animation would make it look any better - you said yourself previously that:


    1 hour ago, ForeverLaxx said:

    Based on @Blackfeather's animation recordings, the Blitz/Parkour animation doesn't actually look wrong. It's because of the slow speed that it looks awkward. Based on that animation, it's supposed to be a sort of "push off" running animation that looks weird when you move too slowly or the upper body doesn't "sway" with the push-offs like you expect it would. It's just another one of those running animations that only looks correct if you're going fast enough, kinda like Ninja Run.


    The way the legs stick out while running are pretty noticeable, fast or slow.

  9. 57 minutes ago, ForeverLaxx said:

    Based on @Blackfeather's animation recordings, the Blitz/Parkour animation doesn't actually look wrong. It's because of the slow speed that it looks awkward. Based on that animation, it's supposed to be a sort of "push off" running animation that looks weird when you move too slowly or the upper body doesn't "sway" with the push-offs like you expect it would. It's just another one of those running animations that only looks correct if you're going fast enough, kinda like Ninja Run.


    Here's what Ninja Run looks like, no Sprint or Super Speed enabled - it looks fine:




    Here's what Blitz/Parkour looks like with Super Speed turned on - the legs still spread out weirdly:


    • Like 1
  10. I've encountered similar issues with the Blitz/Parkour run animation - it looks like it's due to the way that the entire leg kind of swings outwards to the side while extending back. Here's a recording of what that looks like:



    Compare that to the regular run, which doesn't have that splayed out leg motion:



    I'm not sure if this is within the devs' abilities, but if it's possible, I'd imagine that stopping the legs from spreading outwards when they kick back would stop that odd movement on characters.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 1 minute ago, ShadowflareXV said:

    In response to the removal of XP post 50 I suggest one of two things:

    • Dev's Choice arcs should still award EXP post 50.
    • Alternatively, change AE maps to award patrol EXP up to the standard cap.

    The second change allows people to "train" in the simulator but you still have to put that to the test in "real world" applications to earn the EXP.



    9 hours ago, The Curator said:

    Architect Entertainment

    • Characters at Level 50 can no longer earn experience towards the Veteran Level rewards (Veteran Badges, Incarnate Threads, and Empyrean Merits) from Architect Entertainment content; this does not apply to Incarnate Slot Experience which can still be earned in AE.
    • This change does not apply to Developer's Choice arcs, which have always gives full rewards and will continue to do so.
    • Fixed a bug with Experience Boosters granting too much experience in non-Dev Choice AE missions. 1.5XP was giving double XP and 2XP was giving triple XP. These have been corrected to the intended 1.5x and 2x, respectively.
    • Thumbs Up 3
  12. 4 hours ago, Blackfeather said:

    It'll definitely be an improvement for my Fire/Rad Controller - even not worrying about Hot Feet and Choking Cloud detoggling alone, not to mention the debuff toggles.


    Following up on this, my Ice/Storm Controller will definitely benefit from this change as well - I usually keep Snow Storm and Arctic Air toggled on where possible. Adding in recharge and activation time for those powers definitely exceeds 8 seconds (not to mention the time it sometimes takes for me to remember to retoggle them in the first place).


    I could see my Mastermind with Dark Miasma maybe being impacted? Their Darkest Night toggle takes a total of 6.89 seconds to get back up (from recharge + activation time), but given the QoL change it's pretty negligible for me. I imagine players who don't slot for more recharge'll benefit further still.

    • Thanks 1
  13. One thing I'm also a little unsure about is how much overlap there is between Space Manipulation and Gravity Control, namely how much battlefield repositioning each set has. Given how 1535198315_T7Dispersal.png.497c19e39d3f05a3aabee9a6a122661f.png T7: Dispersal can teleport nearby foes to a specific location, so long as 1161269269_T2FocalPoint.png.6c576fea0d53aa1b44f4e16eec670482.png T2: Focal Point is active on another ally, it might be something to consider.


    For the most part I think it's okay? If only because it has a much smaller radius compared to Wormhole, and doesn't do much in the way of locking down foes (its Stun isn't guaranteed and is weaker). But would definitely want to hear some thoughts from others who've played Gravity Control as well.

  14. 25 minutes ago, Dispari said:

    The new speak range stuff is cool but there's no guidance on how it works. Is the number you give in feet? Yards? Is it a % of normal range? What ARE the normal ranges? I know Pocket D has less range than usual, but what ARE those ranges?


    3 hours ago, The Curator said:

    Local Chat Range 

    • Commands have been added that allow you to dynamically set the range that you hear Local messages and how far your own messages carry.
      • '/speak_range' - Set the maximum range that your local chat and emotes may carry.
      • '/listen_range' - Set the maximum range of local chat and emotes that you want to listen to.
    • You cannot set these to values above the maximums of the zone you are in.
    • Setting the value to 0 using the command will restore the default range.
    • Entering no number in the command will show you what your current ranges are set to.


    As an addition to this - I would have thought that using the command would have at least showed the default speaking range if it wasn't set. But on testing, that isn't the case. That'd be nice to have, I think.

  15. 7 hours ago, Psyonico said:

    Probably force field.  Just about everyone builds for capped defenses anyway, so FF really only brings knockback to the table.


    That makes sense - it sounds like the most useful things a support powerset can bring in difficult content is Absorb, healing, and resistance boosts from what I've been reading of the thread, especially if they're the only one on the team.

  16. 1 hour ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    Rune of Protection is a ridiculous amount of resistance and mez protection up 1/3 of the time. Adrenal Booster and Unleash Potential can both be brought down near the same uptime. They're as over the top compared to other pool T5s as Shadow Meld, Hibernate and arguably Darkest Night are in comparison to their equal level APP/EPP picks. And I won't ignore Hasten. It should have been made a +20% passive back in issue 2.


    Thanks for the elaboration! So to clarify, the Origin power pools generally have stronger abilities than the Ancillary power pools?

  17. 4 minutes ago, battlewraith said:

    I think the plan was that people were supposed to purchase them. Hence them being better.


    I think I might have heard something along those lines - I want to say that Time Manipulation was also the same way? It was even mentioned in their old design notes that it was designed to allow almost all its powers to work even while playing alone.

  18. 1 minute ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    You're not wrong but that still doesn't excuse the ridiculously overpowered nature of what they provide.


    I'll admit that the origin power pools never quite pinged me as especially overpowered, might you be able to elaborate further on that? I do like them for adding in some extra damage though. I do recall Sorcery getting a once over recently by the devs?

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