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Posts posted by Blackfeather

  1. 38 minutes ago, Akisan said:

    There's enough in the Origin power pools that I feel that they probably should have been Epic pools, and tailored to each AT, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms. 


    If it's anything, it does seem like the Origin power pools were made a bit special on purpose, hence why only one of them can be picked per character, I think.

  2. 5 hours ago, Luminara said:

    TP Target.  Fold Space.  PBAoEs.  Location-targeted AoEs.  Pets.  Henches.  It's statistically unlikely that no-one on the team has any of those, even at low levels, and equally unlikely that only one person has any of them.  I play solo and I still manage to deal with stuck critters rapidly and without undue stress, using the existing options.



    Ah, so this isn't actually a suggestion to alleviate a problem, it's a blatant attempt to kick power creep so high, by Fold Space available without the power selection cost or slot cost, that the game shits itself to death.


    So not happening.


    The mention of power creep when it comes to teleportation and the like is certainly a bit concerning - I actually did write up a whole support powerset that does involve a lot of abilities based around repositioning enemies and allies alike in the form of Space Manipulation.


    One big question in mind while I was making that was definitely asking myself how much overlap it had with the Teleportation pool; I sort of figured that it has some obvious supportive holes (mass player buffs, healing), having a little bit of overlap was fine, even if its T1 ability 1888430910_T1Displace.png.ea64d779670598dc0e78db0e925712aa.png Displace is basically Teleport Target But Better (lack of interrupt, picking where the target ends up, knocking enemies down).


    I kind of liken it to the way that Medicine's Aid Other isn't really meant to be a dedicated heal, but moreso supplement characters that don't usually come with those sorts of abilities.


    Basically, there's some opportunity cost involved (or at least, I was trying for an opportunity cost, still not sure if I got the balance quite right)...but needless to say, while the suggestion's well intentioned, there's probably more optimal solutions out there to help solve the issue of mobs half phasing into walls and suchlike than just granting people the power to teleport mobs for free.

  3. 5 hours ago, Completist said:

    Nice work. Toggle buffs on allies are pretty neat. There are some parts I am skeptical of.


    The focal-point interactions are cool, but complex. You need two teammates to get full use out of Focal Point and Warp Shield; not every AT needs to be great at soloing but this is a stretch.


    There's a worrying amount of grief built-in. I don't think giving damage from one person to another is a good idea. Ideally, you'd be putting your tank at the focal point and blaster/aggro magnet at the warp, but people make mistakes (or sometimes you don't have a tank). If I'm the blaster, I'm gonna complain when I start taking extra damage (shield whatever) and dudes keep getting teleported right next to me. (I love how Dispersal works though.) And you also included an Ally Intangible which is even more dubious than an Enemy Intangible. 


    Maybe the caster should be the focal point for Warp Shield, giving the AT a little more solo prowess. You could give it some weird thing where if Focal Point is active, allies between the Warp and the Focus get the defense buff. That would be a neat spatial feature in a set about space manipulation. 


    Displace (foe) is a little lackluster; add a damage component.


    Overall, really nice first draft.


    Hi, and thanks for your in-depth thoughts!


    I definitely tried to keep Space Manipulation deliberately modest power wise - I'm aware of power creep and the like, so that's something I wanted to curtail from the get go, even while making it cool and unique. I figured that it'd be easier to add in additional effects than to take things away and keep the feel of the set. I may have succeeded a little too much! 😅


    Focal Point and Warp Shield

    Indeed, these two powers (glad you liked the toggle buff aspect!) were designed together with two other team members in mind. The interaction works kind of like a single target Bodyguard mode, except instead of a fraction of damage being transferred, all of it is. I figured that the additional resistances granted from 1161269269_T2FocalPoint.png.6c576fea0d53aa1b44f4e16eec670482.png T2: Focal Point would help to mitigate this damage transfer somewhat.


    Something to keep in mind is that there's nothing stopping both 1161269269_T2FocalPoint.png.6c576fea0d53aa1b44f4e16eec670482.png T2: Focal Point and 963010532_T4WarpShield.png.b1cb9eeb07896d5b07cd587e57a9006f.png T4: Warp Shield from being applied to the same character: they'd benefit from both an increase to their chance to dodge things as well as higher resistances. With both toggles applied to them, damage is calculated as normal, since it's not being transferred anywhere else.


    I did want to try avoiding flat out AoE buffs, mostly to avoid stepping on the toes of the other support sets, especially given that to my knowledge, there isn't yet one that gives both defence and resistances to all types of damage. I do like your suggestion of granting additional defence to players in between these two toggles though, and it'd certainly make things more conditional!


    Perhaps 1161269269_T2FocalPoint.png.6c576fea0d53aa1b44f4e16eec670482.png T2: Focal Point could even have an added clause saying that its pull effect is cancelled out if Warp Shield is also applied to the same character? This'd be primarily be for smaller teams that lack a tank, so it'd make sense to cancel out any pulling effect, and would render both abilities just flat out buffs. Given that Warp Shield is purely defensive, I don't think it'd be a problem just not to have it up when, say, partnering up with a tank, and just keeping Focal Point active.


    The Soloing Experience of a Space Manipulator

    Oddly enough, I actually imagined this power set as being fairly effective alone! At the very least, on par with the likes of Thermal Manipulation, Force Field, or Sonic Resonance.


    While it is true that two if its buffs are single target ally toggles, it has an excellent way to debuff enemies in the form of 813414262_T3ExpandDistance.png.156ad3abf2e7d1b374229c385d7bcd5f.png T3: Expand Distance, which is basically a patch version of Time's Juncture, lowering foes' chance to hit, movement speed, and damage. I figured that the potential to overlap these patches alongside it not costing endurance besides the initial cast were fine upsides to have, given that Space Manipulation doesn't have anything in the way of boosting personal defences.


    I also imagine 269767037_T5DimensionVeil.png.89a000ec543bb2ed6b70b531b8ac966f.png T5: Dimension Veil to be a useful ability even alone - I've had good experiences using Force Field's similar power Detention Field on tougher foes when not worrying too much about clear time on some of my more support oriented characters, mitigating a large source of potential damage.


    1323707068_T6RepulsionZone.png.9b4bd91a205bcb06f2215bdc529d08ad.png T6: Repulsion Zone also basically grabs the status protection and general shape/behaviour of Electrical Affinity's Faraday Cage (though without the resistance boost) with a side of repel from Storm Summoning's Hurricane. Having a source of early mez protection's been quite useful for support oriented in my experience, especially solo, and I do notice its absence.


    At the higher levels, Space Manipulation also gets access to a nice range increase, that should allow them to attack a little more from a distance via 507782050_T9CompressSpace.png.1c57023995c47a3a31257c94bf011343.png T9: Compress Space, alongside a crippling resistance debuff in the form of 118182160_T8TwistMatter.png.064dec8659fc371a892640934cd9dfb1.png T8: Twist Matter.


    The Question of Griefing

    Hmm...I suppose transferring damage does potentially have some downsides to it if not used correctly. As surmised, the most effective use of this is to transfer damage away from a fragile character to a more durable one, but it's true that most durable characters do generally have ways of encouraging foes to attack them in the first place by way of taunting and the like (that also being said, this isn't always a guarantee).


    How much help do you think the previous tweak to 1161269269_T2FocalPoint.png.6c576fea0d53aa1b44f4e16eec670482.png T2: Focal Point would help alleviate these concerns? If push comes to shove, it basically turns the two toggles into a potent single target buff.


    I kind of saw 269767037_T5DimensionVeil.png.89a000ec543bb2ed6b70b531b8ac966f.png T5: Dimension Veil as a way of rescuing allies in danger - making them untargetable while under fire and giving them time to retreat/recover, or temporarily phase out a strong foe that's focusing down a squishier character. But I could definitely see how that could potentially be misused, either intentionally or by accident.


    I generally like to think that the latter is more common than the former, and hoped that by making it a toggle, cancelling out the ability would be easier to do than, say, Sonic Cage or Detention Field. In situations where allies end up being phased, a team message asking to take it down would hopefully be enough.


    That being said, it wouldn't be too difficult to take out that team-targeting aspect...or maybe even alter it somewhat. Perhaps Dimension Veil could cause a continuous placate to occur on an ally when it targets them? It'd have much the same effect, redirecting aggro away from the team member in question (so long as they don't continue attacking of course) - I could even flavour it similarly, since the character would seem out of phase, making it more difficult for foes to target them.


    Buffing Displace

    Oh, that's an easy one! I definitely undertuned 1888430910_T1Displace.png.ea64d779670598dc0e78db0e925712aa.png T1: Displace a little, figuring that it was already better than the pool power Teleport Target (which I figured to be fine, given that pool powers are generally gap fillers and tend to be less potent), especially since it can choose where an enemy or ally ends up as opposed to just bringing it to the user.


    Adding some damage similar to maybe Force Bolt would be a fair enough addition, I think, especially since it isn't as spammable given its higher recharge time. Though I also figured that the potential to drop enemies from one place to another also constituted as a roundabout way of damaging them (e.g. grouping foes up together for better AoE).


    Thanks again for your thoughts, you've definitely given me a lot to mull over!

  4. Hi again, everyone! I got some time to think about other potential homebrew powers recently, and since my writeup on Light Control actually started off as a support set, I figured that creating a proper one was long overdue. In this case, I decided to go for a counterpart to Time Manipulation – a power set revolving around manipulating space in different ways.

    Design Rationale

    A lot of Space Manipulation’s abilities revolve around the concept of “support through repositioning”, shifting space in a more advantageous way for your allies. This comes in a variety of forms, from moving dangerous enemies away from more vulnerable targets, to phasing allies taking too much heat, enhancing the distance that allies can attack from, and even causing attacks to strike another, more durable ally instead of their intended target.

    As such, one intentional weakness of the set is a lack of any healing options. Space Manipulation excels in the field of damage prevention, kind of like Force Field, albeit mitigating damage through more indirect means. With proper use of its abilities, health recovery should hopefully be unnecessary in the first place!

    I also purposefully tried to avoid the more ’creative’ aspects of manipulating space (portal slicing, turning enemies into spaghetti, and so on); many of Space Manipulation’s powers are much more subtle and indirect in nature, save for a single ability that reduces foes’ resistances. I wanted Space Manipulation to feel a bit like playing a game of chess, repositioning allies and foes alike to provide tactical advantages for the team.

    Questions to the Forums (Other Questions/Comments Welcome!)

    • Is this proposed set something you’d be interested in playing? What kinds of use cases can you see for it?

    • Does it fill a niche that other power sets already provide, or is even strictly better than them? If so, what adjustments would you make to resolve this overlap?

    • Space Manipulation was meant to perform about in line with existing support sets – how do you think it ranks performance wise compared to them?

    • Are there any discrepancies that need clearing up about the powers on display/elaboration on why some powers were made as written?

    • What powers could you see yourself taking or skipping? Would your answers change depending on the content you’re running? (E.g. simple PUG, hard mode ASF?)

    As always, I’d love to hear everyone’s feedback on this!

    Space Manipulation


    “Space Manipulation gives you the ability to twist, warp, and rearrange space in a variety of ways, letting you move allies, enemies, and even attacks across the battlefield to tip the scales of any fight.”

    Power Table



    Level (Primary|Secondary)






    Ranged, Minor DMG(Smash), Teleport Teammate or Foe, Foe Knockdown


    Focal Point



    Toggle: Ranged Ally (Targeted AoE), Ally +Res(All DMG, Knockback), Foe Attract


    Expand Distance



    Location (Ranged AoE), Foe -ToHit, -DMG, -SPD


    Warp Shield



    Toggle: Ranged Ally, Ally +DEF(All), +RES(DEF Debuff), Special


    Dimension Veil



    Toggle: Ranged Ally or Foe, Ally Intangible, Foe Intangible, -Regen, +Prot(Repel, Teleport)


    Repulsion Zone



    Location (PBAoE), Team +Res(Status), Ally -Intangible, Foe -Intangible, Repel





    PBAoE, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Teleport, Knockback, Chance to Disorient


    Twist Matter



    Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Res(All), -Special


    Compress Space



    PBAoE, Team +Range, +SPD, +Res(Slow), +ToHit



    1888430910_T1Displace.png.ea64d779670598dc0e78db0e925712aa.png T1: Displace

    You teleport a single foe or ally to another location of your choice. A successful hit must be made in order to Displace a foe, and if so, may knock them down and deal some smashing damage from the sudden change in location.

    Damage Minor (Smashing)


    Slow (15s)

    Minimum Level

    1 (Controller)

    1 (Corruptor)

    1 (Defender)

    1 (Mastermind)


    Ranged (Foe Only)

    Teleport Teammate or Foe

    Foe Knockdown


    Enhance Accuracy

    Enhance Damage

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Knockback Distance

    Enhance Range

    Increase Attack Rate

    Set Categories

    Ranged Damage



    Universal Damage

    Universal Travel


    1161269269_T2FocalPoint.png.6c576fea0d53aa1b44f4e16eec670482.png T2: Focal Point

    You cause additional space to gather around an ally, pulling in nearby foes and providing your target with some resistance to damage and knockback effects. Focal Point will not pull in nearby foes if Warp Shield is also active on the selected ally.




    Slow (10s)




    30 ft

    Minimum Level

    2 (Controller)

    2 (Corruptor)

    1 (Defender)

    2 (Mastermind)


    Toggle: Ranged Ally (Targeted Area of Effect)

    Ally +Resistance(All Damage, Knockback)

    Foe Attract


    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Range

    Increase Attack Rate

    Enhance Damage Resistance

    Set Categories

    Resist Damage


    813414262_T3ExpandDistance.png.156ad3abf2e7d1b374229c385d7bcd5f.png T3: Expand Distance

    You create a localised space distortion where things are much further away than they appear, causing foes inside to move slower and miss their attacks more often. Attacks that do hit will have their damage reduced due to their longer travel time.


    Long (90s)




    25 ft

    Minimum Level

    4 (Controller)

    4 (Corruptor)

    2 (Defender)

    4 (Mastermind)


    Ranged (Location Area of Effect)

    Foe -Damage, -Speed, -ToHit


    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Range

    Increase Attack Rate

    Enhance Slow

    Enhance ToHit Debuff

    Set Categories

    Slow Movement

    ToHit Debuff


    963010532_T4WarpShield.png.b1cb9eeb07896d5b07cd587e57a9006f.png T4: Warp Shield

    You surround an ally in a protective spatial anomaly, making any attacks directed against them less likely to hit as well as increasing their resistance to Defense Debuffs. Any damage that would still affect them will instead be inflicted on the target of your Focal Point if it is currently active.




    Slow (10s)



    Minimum Level

    10 (Controller)

    10 (Corruptor)

    6 (Defender)

    10 (Mastermind)


    Toggle: Ranged Ally

    Ally +Defense(All), +Resistance(Defense Debuffs), Special (Redirect)


    Enhance Defense Buffs

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Range

    Increase Attack Rate

    Set Categories



    269767037_T5DimensionVeil.png.89a000ec543bb2ed6b70b531b8ac966f.png T5: Dimension Veil

    You cause a target of your choice to phase into a sympathetic dimension for as long as this toggle is active, turning them intangible and unable to affect or be affected by others in normal space. Targeted allies are able to move freely, but foes will find the dimension hostile, severely reducing their regeneration rate and anchoring them in place, immobilizing most foes and preventing them from teleporting or being forcefully moved. Maintaining this veil is taxing on the user, and cannot be kept active for more than 30 seconds.




    Slow (60s)



    Minimum Level

    16 (Controller)

    16 (Corruptor)

    8 (Defender)

    16 (Mastermind)


    Toggle: Ranged Ally or Foe

    Ally Intangible

    Foe Immobilize (Mag 10), Intangible, -Regen, +Protect(Repel, Teleport)


    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Immobilization Duration

    Enhance Range

    Increase Attack Rate

    Set Categories



    1323707068_T6RepulsionZone.png.9b4bd91a205bcb06f2215bdc529d08ad.png T6: Repulsion Zone

    You create a protective space at your location that pushes status effects away from your allies. This effect extends to many foes as well, who will be forced out of this area. Casting this power again will move this space to your location. Targets affected by Dimension Veil will phase back into reality while inside your Repulsion Zone.


    Slow (10s)




    25 ft

    Minimum Level

    20 (Controller)

    20 (Corruptor)

    12 (Defender)

    20 (Mastermind)


    Location (Point Blank Area of Effect)

    Team +Resistance(Status)

    Ally -Intangible

    Foe -Intangible, Repel


    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Increase Attack Rate

    Set Categories



    1535198315_T7Dispersal.png.497c19e39d3f05a3aabee9a6a122661f.png T7: Dispersal

    You cause the space around you to rupture outwards, violently teleporting nearby foes away to random locations before dealing a minor amount of damage and throwing them off their feet. The process can even cause them to become disoriented. If you have Focal Point active, Dispersed enemies will teleport to your targeted ally instead.


    Minor (Smashing)


    Slow (45s)


    9 ft

    Minimum Level

    28 (Controller)

    28 (Corruptor)

    18 (Defender)

    28 (Mastermind)


    Point Blank Area of Effect

    Foe Teleport, Knockback, Chance of Disorient (Mag 2, 40%)


    Enhance Accuracy

    Enhance Damage

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Knockback Distance

    Enhance Range

    Increase Attack Rate

    Enhance Disorient Duration

    Set Categories

    Melee AoE Damage




    Universal Damage

    Universal Travel


    118182160_T8TwistMatter.png.064dec8659fc371a892640934cd9dfb1.png T8: Twist Matter

    You violently twist the space your foes inhabit for a short period of time, debilitating their damage resistances and weakening their secondary power effects. The targets power effects like Heals, Defense Buffs, Endurance Drains, Disorients, Holds, Immobilizes, Knockbacks and more, are all weakened.


    Long (150s)




    15 ft

    Minimum Level

    35 (Controller)

    35 (Corruptor)

    26 (Defender)

    35 (Mastermind)


    Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

    Foe -Resistance(All), -Special


    Enhance Accuracy

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Range

    Increase Attack Rate

    Set Categories



    507782050_T9CompressSpace.png.1c57023995c47a3a31257c94bf011343.png T9: Compress Space

    You cause things to become much closer than they appear for nearby allies, increasing the range of their attacks and their chance to hit. These compressed distances also provide a boost to movement speed and some resistance to slow effects.


    Very Long (360s)




    25 ft

    Minimum Level

    38 (Controller)

    38 (Corruptor)

    32 (Defender)

    38 (Mastermind)


    Point Blank Area of Effect

    Team Range Increase, +Speed, +ToHit, +Resistance(Slow)


    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Increase Attack Rate

    Enhance Running Speed

    Enhance ToHit Buff

    Set Categories

    To Hit Buff

    Running & Sprints

    Universal Travel

    • Like 4
    • Thumbs Up 6
  5. 7 hours ago, Naomi said:

    Your thread was split as it isn't considered a costume bug. Metallic proliferation will probably happen eventually, I just don't know when. If you want to assist in making it happen faster, you can link all previous metallic port threads in a response so they're all together and I don't forget something. Some of the similar ones mentioned a legacy metal texture that doesn't exist anymore as an option?


    I did notice that the Metallic 2 gloves option isn't available for Male body types when the Suit torso option is selected, even though it is an option when Tights torso option is selected - could that be something constituting a bug, given that the piece already exists on the same body type?

  6. 28 minutes ago, biostem said:

    I wonder if it could simply be a toggle-hold power that raises the enemy into the air and deals continuous DoT.  Maybe have the end cost escalate over time, so a bunch of mind control folks couldn't just mass-TK an AV forever...


    I think I mentioned it some time back, but making Telekinesis have a pull/push/pause toggle option would be neat! Give it some flexibility by letting it keep enemies in place or easily move them around - upping the target cap would be nice too.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Luminara said:

    Something's fucky with damage-dealing powers which Sleep.  Using Chilling Ray and Frozen Aura on my Ice/Willpower sentinel, I'm seeing the Sleep activate, but no damage dealt and no Miss message.  I don't know if I'm missing and the Sleep is auto-hitting, or if I'm hitting but the damage is bugged.  I don't like not knowing what's happening when I'm up to my ears in things trying to feast on my liver.


    Yup, only the sleep component of those powers is autohit, I think. So the damage part still rolls for accuracy.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Faultline said:

    Out of memory:
    - Portal on the boat loses the blue FX and gets sparks as the fight with Zoe progresses.

    - Portal on top of Golden Roller loses the blue FX as the fight progresses.

    - Giant ice wall in front of the Vanguard portal disappears after defeating Glacia and Infernia.

    - Faraway Mount Diable and all security cameras disappear after talking to Professor Echo.

    - WSPR antennas and sign disappear after planting Aeon's scanner there.

    - 22nd National Bank's facade disappears after planting Aeon's scanner there.

    - Planters and the whole back of the Dark Gallery disappears disappears after planting Aeon's scanner there.

    - All trees in the zone disappear when Ripplesurge is at 75%.

    - Gazebo disappears when Ripplesurge is at 50%.

    - All streetlights in the zone disappear when Ripplesurge is at 25%.

    - The blue forcefield around the zone disappears, and the zone is covered in a Doom Dome, when ripplesurge is defeated.

    - Various blue portals appear when completing objectives during the last mission.

    - Trees are uprooted, rocks go up the sky and ceilings go flying as the Wavelenght Ripple Stabilizers are destroyed in the last mission.

    - The cauldron that King Midas is standing on while being fought disappears after each phase of the fight.


    16 minutes ago, Cobalt Arachne said:

    The shortest explanation is that it is what happens to the map in Recluse's Victory when an area's control changes. We improved it and used it in the Dr. Aeon Strike Force to dynamically change the map in certain ways as you progress through it.

    Edit: Faultline beat me to the response. 😛


    Thanks for the clarifications! That's quite neat for sure.

  9. Quote

    Dynamic Geometry 

    • Fixed a number of bugs and improved the geometry transitions used in Recluse's Victory.
      • Restore transition effects that have been broken since Issue 17.
      • Stipple fading effects now work inside water reflections.
      • Stipple fading effects now work with the cel shader.
      • Much smoother transitions (255 levels instead of 16).
      • Fixed an issue that caused some geometry to fade in or briefly show the wrong state when it first became visible after zoning; everything now starts out in the correct state.
    • Added a new alpha transparency fade mode for dynamic geometry, used in the Dr. Aeon SF.
    • Geometry that is hidden no longer casts shadows.
    • Geometry collision can now be dynamically controlled from scripts.
    • The following obsolete commands have been removed: /shadowvol, /nostencilshadows


    Out of curiosity, what is meant by dynamic geometry?

  10. 20 minutes ago, Take One said:

    Those are already very clearly marked as affected by something, by the crystals, so they don't have to drop to the ground while asleep. But maybe they should when released from the crystals, so the benefit of forcing them to stand up is consistent among all sleep powers. That was the effect I was looking for the most really, adding a very brief extra detriment to those who have been affected by Sleep.


    Mmhm - I don't think having enemies get up from that kind of Sleep would fit. Also consider ticking Sleep powers like Static Field; they don't need additional forms of lockdown. So I think it's better to go through them on a case by case basis. For Sleep powers that trap enemies in fragile structures, I'd say having enemies 'break out' of said structures after awakening would be the way to go.

  11. 3 hours ago, Take One said:

    You know what might really help? 

    If 'sleeping' foes fell to the ground and stayed there for as long as they were asleep.

    This would let the whole team know that they are sleeping, more visibly than the 'standing up with bowed head' animation.

    It would also mean that even if they wake up, they have to spend a second or two on standing back up, which makes 'sleep' useful even if the mob is instantly awakened by a fireball from a trigger happy blaster.


    I'd probably only let that work for Sleeps that actually put enemies to sleep flavour wise myself (Mass Hypnosis, Mesmerize). For something like Salt Crystals that traps enemies in a structure, I could see fragile pets forming around each enemy that they'd need to break, similar to Scrapper's Stone Armour T9, Geode, except self targeted.

  12. 6 hours ago, Menelruin said:

    Awesome post overall.  One thought on the T9, maybe make it so that in addition to increased damage, the secondary effects have increased magnitude the more fields it collapses? 


    Thank you! Glad you do like the overall feel of the powerset. I actually did initially have 166592735_T9BarrierImplosion.png.78a6a8802a5757ab44dbae19197815e0.png T9: Barrier Implosion inflict a stronger Stun effect depending on the amount of barriers it destroys. Eventually, I figured that since damage was the main focus of the power, it wouldn't be on theme - plus its energy barriers provide quite the strong way of hindering enemies already. My initial implementation had it at a Mag 3 Stun, with an additional 1 for every additional barrier stacked (making it a maximum of 5).


    These sorts of things do make me wish I could directly test these powersets sometimes, see how over/under-powered such changes might be. Thanks again for reading through this proposal! 😅

    • Like 1
  13. @Replacement, I've gone through the powerset and gotten rid of the chance in 132314791_T2CuttingField.png.c92d27338c7e20e2284d4a0e0b4a9ec6.png T2: Razor Bubble to create an energy barrier. There should be a pretty firm limit on these summons now, and in a way that encourages taking more powers in the set: 2136775348_T1ExplosiveShield.png.a70aa57b7e83c2c059a96b337231dd0e.png T1: Explosive Sphere, 132314791_T2CuttingField.png.c92d27338c7e20e2284d4a0e0b4a9ec6.png T2: Razor Bubble, and 5201158_T3Detain.png.ce894f8ff9859951340fc8a530b49ebb.png T3: Detain will all create an energy barrier on their next use after 1113680919_T7BarrierEmpowerment.png.0e16ab7b37b0c5fa549d8b7059c54b32.png T7: Barrier Empowerment is activated. This gives three 'charges' if all three powers are picked, which should hopefully make them more reliable while also more limited. I think that'd tone it down a bit while also still having some relative upsides!

  14. On 10/20/2021 at 10:16 AM, Replacement said:

    Tuning suggestions version 2:  C-c-combos?


    If you wanted the shields to be much stronger and more persistent and didn't just want everything to have terrible small % chances to generate them, a combo system like Water Blast or even Dual Blades (careful on that road though) could work.  E.g. All the powers you have listed currently as creating an energy barrier all instead build up stacks to become energy barriers.  To make it a little more interesting, I'd have it build on enemies instead of building up points on you.


    I realize this is unlikely except in the event of a near-total rewrite, but wanted to throw out the possibility as a novel way to play it more like a regular Controller while spiking an additional dimension of control on demand.


    Alternate thought that comes to mind: assuming that the T2 would no longer have a chance to generate barriers outright, what if 1113680919_T7BarrierEmpowerment.png.0e16ab7b37b0c5fa549d8b7059c54b32.png T7: Barrier Empowerment granted 2136775348_T1ExplosiveShield.png.a70aa57b7e83c2c059a96b337231dd0e.png T1: Explosive Sphere, 132314791_T2CuttingField.png.c92d27338c7e20e2284d4a0e0b4a9ec6.png T2: Razor Bubble, and 5201158_T3Detain.png.ce894f8ff9859951340fc8a530b49ebb.png T3: Detain a single charge of an Energy Barrier upon use? That'd be a pretty hard limit, while also encouraging the take up of those three powers as well. It'd also make the case for bumping up the health of those barriers.

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