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Everything posted by Elltenia

  1. A lot of suggestions here that I would love to see implemented. I have no clue how many of them are possible, but I can hope, right? Customizable NPCs would be a huge plus for me. Along with more NPC models from different factions in game. Larger base plots would always be a plus, too. Some items I would love to see added to the base editor would be more weapons. We have some nice ones already, including some that don't appear anywhere else in game (as far as I know, anyway) but we have a ton of weapons in the character creator that I would also really like to see in the base editor. (Titan Weapons in particular come to mind...)
  2. Can one of the fine folks that held this contest contact me? I'm afraid I made an embarrassing error when I entered...
  3. Holy... I won 3rd place?! o.o I just want to echo what @ScarredSilencer said above and thank you all for running this contest. Everyone who entered showed an incredible level of creativity and I certainly didn't envy the folks doing the judging. I'm sorry I didn't make the ceremony, but I am very grateful! Congrats to everyone that won and to all those that participated!
  4. The fortress cathedral of the Church of Eternal Mercy. A mix of old world and seemingly Victorian architecture, and more modern technology that recently (and mysteriously) appeared on a small trio of islands off the east coast of the United States. Aside from the large cathedral, there is also a lighthouse and an old fort that houses a small Vanguard presence (which Vanguard themselves have dubbed 'Fort Redemption,'.) There are also tunnels and catacombs that connect Fort Redemption and the cathedral.
  5. SG: The Church of Eternal Mercy Passcode: MERCY-7529 Global: @Eldershinjo Description: The fortress cathedral of the Church of Eternal Mercy. A mix of old world and seemingly Victorian architecture, and more modern technology that recently (and mysteriously) appeared on a small trio of islands off the east coast of the United States. Aside from the massive cathedral, there is also a lighthouse and an old fort that houses a small Vanguard presence. (OOC note: Please do be careful in the catacombs under the cathedral. Due to the unfortunate happenstance of my computer breaking down and no longer working (literally happened/today/! 😥) the Vanguard teleporter section is unfinished. Do be careful to not fall off into the abyss. Otherwise, enjoy the base.) (Edit: Thanks to being able to fix my computer quicker then I thought I could, I managed to finish the teleporter room enough that it's not just open to the emptiness! Enjoy looking around!)
  6. How about some new trophy weapons in the weapons tab? We already have a pretty good sized selection of weapons, but there are a lot more that could be put in there. I'd love to be able to place some of the Titan Weapons on a wall in my armory.
  7. First time posting since the game came back. I have looked at some of the amazing work that's been done and shown off on these forums, and I'm blown away. It helps me strive to improve my own! I've been working on it for a while, with the theme being 'Island Fortress Cathedral' and hopefully I'll be able to show something more substantial Soon â„¢ In the mean time, I'm just going to say this... Putting wings on statues is danged tricky!
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