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kelika2 last won the day on October 9 2023

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  1. What about Floppy or fluffy rabbit ears? even something like one floppy other strait
  2. well shit, i did say bitter ice blast didnt i.
  3. Call Hawks animation Out of Combat: increased damage, mag2 or 3 hold. longer animation forms an ice spike In combat: high damage, mag1 hold. shorter animation that just throws a shotguns worth of ice slivers --- Got the power names mixed up.
  4. Just a reminder that procs in pets only fire off on abilities that have said ailment
  5. i never have the extra slots to make either useful bonfire needs acc these days, and its self defeating without kb2kd. fantasy world i would 5/6 bombardment set and 1 kb2kd but char can do decently with 1 acc/mez hami in it and thats what i been doing on most blasters nowadays i mostly want fire shield and RoTP
  6. I seen E-Honda beat up stationary cars all the time
  7. I dont know how Black Hole works but thats something else to think about
  8. Staff/Nin scrapper, female body Having my stick out and turning on Danger Sense activates the Assassination Strike animation. no damage, just animation.
  9. that.. wont help against phasing out the players part if hami is immune that means the players can still get phased as someone who kicks people on sight who use dimension shift i vote to completely get rid of the power
  10. god damn i never even considered fire/marine controller all that marine +end and stuff and slotting fire control for damage sounds insane.
  11. i always wondered how nophase people can stay on earth since its always moving. like theres no way kitty pryde didnt have a nightmare or something when she was developing her powers and boom suddenly in space. what is the speed we are moving at? 18 miles a second?
  12. Sometimes you just gatta make do. 1.)Sharp Scrap - minor damage, uses random stuff like knives, throwing stars, im sure theres some other little textures out there like darts or syringes 2.)Blunt Object - medium damage, uses random stuff like bricks/concrete/rocks, pipes 3.)Molotov - fire/lethal with fire dot. medium initials, medium dot 4.)Overcharged Tazer - lethal/energy primary target with 6-10 jumps that are energy damage, damage can scale down per jump 5.)More Nails - 20-30 seconds of +tohit and added lethal damage to all attacks 6.)Barbed IED/sticky grenade - high damage smash/fire with a small radius aoe, like 5ft or less 7.)I honestly have no idea how to do the snipe. there is a Frisbee throwing animation in game and maybe use the trip mines texture or something and make a bladed disk or something 8.)what else is there? stolen cryogenics to be used as a cold dot with a mag1 hold/immobilize? modified leaf blower that shoots baseballs/whatever? theres no animation that i know of that would fire/throw barbed bolas. throw mini chainsaw? i ran outta ideas before and it didnt stop me from finishing the post 9.)Napalm - massive fire damage that spreads quick. i dont know if Chain Burn Patches are a thing but thats pretty much the idea. hit one target and another pseudo pet gets created at another target, etc I dont have any dominator assault ideas outside of using some NPC animations or that one Baton dayjob powers animation for a barbed/nailed bat or using those hands forward alt animations(sonic, psi, etc) for a "touch" electric glove attack or a makeshift shotgun/blunderbuss type deal, think fallout4 or those hammeraction sliding pipe-within-a-pipe trumpets from hell type deal. i guess also a spring loaded skewer using follow-ups animation. or modded brass knuckles. guess i did have dom assault ideas. I guess also give alt textures to gun drone, acid mortar, caltrops and so on to make them makeshifty or something post-apocy
  13. so it knocksdown by default now? your telling me i have like 50 characters with the epic version of bonfire slotted for KB2KD? thats like 100m just farting around my characters wtf nows a good time of this post to invest in unslotters
  14. that mentality is thankfully long gone in most current day MMOs and city of heroes tanks nowadays can deal decent damage, and amazing damage if they are geared for it. having khelds do less damage is a step back, even in tank form.
  15. Old-ish thread but im bored try fire/rad. Choking Cloud is insane on a controller. it can and will replace Cinders Holding bosses instantly-enough because of Char and Choking then all the little dot damage all over the place from rings, char, bonfire and so on adds up. slot for tohit debuff at first and when you get to 47 slap 3 enzyme hamis in it and just be awesome after that
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