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  1. No new goodies. Look elsewhere for that, apparently.
  2. I'm inconsistently seeing a ToolTip bug. Attached is a screenshot: This sometimes resolves itself, only to become a problem again. Anyone else seeing this?
  3. Anyone else notice Tool Tips are bugged? Eventually the code goes back to the percentage slider.
  4. Have had a couple people not able to get this to work. One user for instance had no spaces in his path like: C:\Users\David\AppData\Roaming\ParagonChat\data\texts\English\menus But was unable to get it to work. Anyone else having issues with this?
  5. So I made a macro with this command: /macro BADGELIST popmenu badgelist Is there a better way to do this? Thanks again for what you do!
  6. No one else notice this? Not bothering anyone else that a Defensive power Like Scorpion's Shield (Smash/Lethal/Energy) has a damage RESISTANCE icon similar to Dark Armor? It was an icon similar to the icon for Poisonous Ray that shows it's a Defensive shield. Scorpion Shield Edit Black Scorpion's technologies are impressive indeed. This energy shield grants you Defense to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks, as well as improves your Damage Resistance to Toxic damage. Recharge Fast Minimum Level 41 (Corruptor) 41 (Dominator) 41 (Mastermind) Effects Toggle: Self +Defense (Smashing, Lethal, Energy), +Resistance (Toxic) Enhancements Enhance Defense Buff Reduce Endurance Cost Increase Attack Rate Set Categories Defense
  7. Not a big fan of the icon change to Scorpion Shield. It now looks like a resistance based shield. The clear minding of Increase Density is ok, I guess, but it does more than remove mez effects... Why were these changed again? Don't remember the patch notes saying anything about icon changes.
  8. Loaded 64 bit client fine. Didn't seem to be using more than about 1.5 gb of memory, though. Is this to be expected or should the client start utilizing the "More than 4 gbs of memory" that 64 bit clients usually are capable of using. Running: Intel i5 7600k 32 gbs Ram Nvidia 1080 Windows 10 LTSC
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