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Galaxy Brain

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Posts posted by Galaxy Brain

  1. 3 hours ago, Zepp said:

    If you read my proposal on the first page, I actually suggested making Hasten an auto inherent.

    My point was that you can't reduce the number below 70% (or count IO bonuses) without it hitting Control and Support disproportionately. Hasten is not necessary or even optimal in most builds. However, in many control sets and most support sets it is crucial. As such, any reduction below 70% would require changes to dozens or hundreds of individual powers. And changes require time, testing, more time, more testing, even more time, balance testing, again, more time, and finally implementation.

    I do not think that anything needs to be done to Hasten unless you make it an inherent auto power to free up a slot in Speed to bring it in line with the other movement sets.

    When I broke down what powers cannot be "perma'd" naturally, a solid 60% of all the powers were control powers. It may be worth eyeballing the powers themselves alongside any hasten changes if considered.



    As for other ideas, I like the thought of adding a Stealth Strike to concealment, or other such buffs. Using pool powers to "mimic" other AT's inherent (doubling up on a like AT or adding another X factor to your own) could be really fun!

    • Like 1
  2. 20 hours ago, Monos King said:

    When Galaxy and I were discussing merc changes, swap ammo came up. I had a really ridiculous idea for it involving temporarily unlocking new abilities in a way akin to equip and upgrades, which probably couldn't happen, but I'd love to see mercs get different ammunition types in any form. A direct DP port would definitely be cool, but it'd have to get some tweaks so it actually improves performance and isn't just pure fun factor.


    5 minutes ago, shrikefire said:

    Is this really ridiculous? I would actually hope for that kind of functionality - a kind of third upgrade with the same aoe application on a moderate recharge. You can even use the equip mercenary animation, since it's just throwing the merc a clip.

    It would involve giving them a bunch of (Temp?) powers which gets very complex.


    As we mentioned, the issue with Mercs isn't so much the damage types as just the way they apply damage. They have very very slow animations and/or very slow recharges which leads to poor performance. It would still be poor even if they shot Negative Energy damage which is the least resisted throughout the game.

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  3. 58 minutes ago, Seigmoraig said:

    Choosing not to use your pets on a MM is a textbook definition of making yourself bad on purpose

    Right, but then so is like.... 6 slotting brawl and only using that. I believe the spirit of the thread is looking for what combos are "Naturally" bad, and not ones that you force into badness.



  4. 1 hour ago, Seigmoraig said:

    There is nothing in CoH that is more purposefully bad than a petless MM. I mean there is literally no reason to do it other an give yourself a hard time.
    I mean it's not even something that most people would think of doing unless they saw it on the forums it's so bad and weird of a concept and even then you need to find guides and brainstorm how to even make it function...

    Right, which is why I'm not even sure it counts as you are *making yourself bad on purpose*

  5. Was thinking today about Jaunt and Burst of Speed with how they have a kind of "ammo" for instant use before they need to recharge, and how that would have been a really cool attribute for other powers. For example on Ranged Weapon sets literally having ammo allowing you to spend that instead of following the normal recharge rules, for the cost of having to reload if you run dry.


    What things that you find fun/interesting  would you like to see more of in the game?

    • Like 2
  6. To chime in with @Redlynne, my Masteemind thread in the suggestion forums recently revealed that in practice with the pets, taking the mastermind attacks provides anywhere between 20-35% more DPS depending on the set. 


    This is huge honestly and I really think MMs should at least take 2 of their primary attacks to toss into the mix.



    As for ATs that havent clicked, I cant bring myself to make a defender. I'd like to, but then eyeballing the other sets with support I just think about how they have more damage or unique perks while still providing good team support.

    • Like 1
  7. 43 minutes ago, Redlynne said:

    That's Kinetic Melee.

    Then so is any set that gives +def or hp on a melee attack

    43 minutes ago, Redlynne said:

    Baking Force Feedback into attacks?  That's power creep right there.

    Cross Punch

    43 minutes ago, Redlynne said:

    Staff Melee?

    Savage also has this, so it's not unique

    43 minutes ago, Redlynne said:

    Martial Arts already does Stuns, Immobilize and Knock effects.

    Was more emphasizing this point

    43 minutes ago, Redlynne said:

    More power creep.

    And even more power creep.

    I'm going to have to decline to support what you're advocating for.

    Both things quoted aside from the 3 target cone are present in versions of MA already. The added damage buff on Eagles Claw aims to make up for the dropped damage on Focus Chi.


    Not everything there needs to be done. Focus Chi having +Special alone could be fun enough to stand out as it meshes with armor sets, but making MA stand out a bit more mechanically from StJ I think would be nice alongside the aesthetic. 

    • Like 1
  8. As others have mentioned, MA is a middle of the road set and its unfortunate that it gets kind of outshined by newer sets in terms of damage and utility. It essentially occupies the same space as Super Strength and Street Justice where you are an "unarmed combatant", and while those other ones don't has as much finesse they do similar tasks arguably better.


    On top of this, other "Martial" sets have been adapted that do even more with the concept in terms of adding more tropes like Reaction Time, or just better versions of powers like the Spinning Kick.


    Those sets also have more diverse powers in general. MA as-is has a chunk of powers that have basically the same Damage/Activation time / recharges but have a different secondary effect. In theory that is cool, but as you build your character you end up only really using some if not one of those powers in a rotation since the secondary effects are well... secondary and they just become interchangeable attacks. That said, it is also what sorta makes the set stand out from the other "unarmed" sets given it has a slew of control-ish powers that also deal respectable damage, I just think this could be tweaked.


    Super Strength is just raw power, it shouldn't have any finesse and instead focus on raw stats (Rage, etc).


    Street Justice is a mix of fighting styles that let you scrap and open up opponents for big hits.


    Martial Arts should be on the opposite side of Super Strength with the middle being StJ. It should have a variety of skillful powers that alter both you and your opponent's stance (stats) much like how in Martial Arts media you see the combatants constantly shifting and attacking in clever ways. 


    The Brute/Tanker versions have a power that gives +Def, several powers inflict minor control or debuffs, and Eagle's Claw gives a hidden Critical or Damage boost. Lets expand on that and have MA powers all have both a minor +Self/-Enemy component. Add in a  Self +Rech on hit for 5 sec, a Self +End Discount for 5 sec, etc, while also having each power do something to the enemy besides damage (usually stun, knockdown, -Def, etc). Make all versions of Storm Kick a 3-target narrow cone that gives +Defense, and make all versions of Eagle's Claw give self +Damage with maybe a large boost immediately and a smaller boost that lasts a bit longer, stuff like that.


    Then, alter Focus Chi to gives 80% damage boost (Down from 100% [Scrapper values]), and add in a 20-25% Power Boost effect. 


    Melee characters do not generally get access to +Special and adding that in not only boosts the self buffs and debuffs that MA could do within the set, but also boost your Armor Powers while active, carving out a niche for MA that other sets cannot as easily compete with. 



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  9. Just now, oldskool said:

    I'm of two minds on that.  Yes, it is a bit disheartening, but also it supports arrays of other builds.  I'd hate for the Epics to suddenly be less useful, but I'm also not super fond of their disproportionate strength.  That may sound like double think, but I am genuinely conflicted in how I feel about as I get other people's point of view. 

    I'm in the boat that 1 epic shouldn't dominate the others in terms of effectiveness. The other epics need some love thrown their way.... and the Psy epic could probably be shaved down a scootch.


    Combine that with more streamlined Opportunity that buffs all Sentinels a bit both mechanically and from QoL and a pass at their sets for offense and it should be gucci.

    • Like 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, Wavicle said:

    Isn't that true for many toons?

    *Kinda*, but rarely if ever does it involve the inherent that is present in every power combo. 




    Like, you don't see dominators hold off on domination for more effect or stalkers NOT using assassin's focus. Sentinels have the Offensive and Defensive opportunities at their disposal, dropping one of them seems "wrong".

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    I am not in agreement. I ignore it just as I do critical hits. Or fury. Or defiance. I click buttons and stuff falls down.

    Sure, but unlike those inherents there are multiple visual queues and 2 different options to pick from that offer distinct benefits to you as you fight. This makes it much more active and "distracting" to many players I reckon, something more like Stalker Assassination than Scrapper crits. 


    Sure you could ignore both and just throw attacks out but that is also ignoring a chunk of their intended gameplay.


    3 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    As for this, sure! Go run 5 repeatables at max diff in DA with your best scrapper and your best sent, 100% clear all. Notate the time. Whichever has the best time wins.

    It'd be better to use an AE map to control variables that could affect the time like the map layout.

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