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Galaxy Brain

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Posts posted by Galaxy Brain

  1. Tossing this out there: Do we know the values of buffs you get for each opportunity? Would it be broken if both were combined to one opportunity buff?


    I ask as it often seems like people get hung up on that part when trying out the AT, and it "feels" like you need both the T1 and T2 in order to function properly. On top of that, if you say miss with one while trying to proc Offense or Defense, you have a dilemma where you either wait to try again or "settle" for the other buff. Making it just 1 buff lets players pick either tier freely, and gives them 2 chances to proc the buff if they take both to mitigate misses.

  2. 1) Nerfs hurt twice as much as buffs. In various studies, using a coin flip where Tails = Lose 10$, the consensus was that Heads would need to earn you 20$ in order to be seen as "Fair" to most people, even if all things equal it should be -/+ 10$. This showcases our general reaction to anything seen as negative/taking away when it comes to something that impacts us directly. 


    We can see the HC devs taking this to heart already with the changes to Brutes during the Tanker updates. Brutes got a slap on the wrist in terms of damage caps and people lost their minds, when in reality they received a big net BUFF with how much easier it is to generate and maintain fury. The highlight was still the wrist slap and it took a big other buff to divert some of the ire.  Pretty much any change, even positive ones will be met with vitriol if there is a shred of something being changed for somebody.



    2) Going back to that 10$ vs 20$ idea, sometimes it is more economic to go for a nerf depsite what backlash it may bring. Like others posted here, it may make sense to treat buffs and nerfs like a budget. Taking away can save more room in the budget to add later such as with ED making room for Inventions (despite the end results, imagine what it'd be like with no Diminished Returns on enhancement today?), or making sure content can be handled at a certain pace/difficulty without being ridiculous. If everything were to only be buffed you have to in turn buff other parts of the game to catch up and invariably still leave things in the dust... taking a ton of time and effort constantly chasing your tail and increasing the "cost" more and more. Likewise, only nerfing leads to frustration and homogenization which is not fun and feels shallow or "cheap". There must be a balance, which includes nerfs alongside your buffs in order to maintain equilibrium. If something is not in balance, a nerf may be in order to stabilize other parts of the game in ways that buffs would not be able to.



    3) Despite being a PvE experience, balance does matter for Fun, in the general sense. Yes, it can be fun to thrash through mobs non stop and likewise it can be fun to have a difficult encounter with self-imposed limits, but what is tricky is when players are given the options for both freely. If you're on a team where your particular skills are being overshadowed it can ruin the experience if you're just trying to play catch up at best or not even able to contribute at worst, likewise if you are just steamrolling everything with no challenge it can get old fast. Bringing under performers up is incredibly important, but there needs to be a point to where they are brought to.  If over-performers are kept as is, the line of which to buff everything goes up and you lean towards the steamroll / ironically losing steam side, and depending on how things are buffed you can actually shoehorn certain tactics into the meta to further isolate certain playstyles by proxy. (For example, if under performing sets just get boosted damage to compete with high-octane sets, then as a whole there is more damage flung around and mobs die faster, which leads to issues with say Control sets or the like where they dont have as much time or presence to contribute).


    In this regard, it becomes more sensible to nerf in order to shift power around and make multiple things more viable rather than making everything viable in one way. However just straight-up nerfs are still usually bad, and anything that is taken away should have a bit of compensation in a different direction unless there is something egregiously broken.

  3. 1 hour ago, Menelruin said:

    You know, I know this is probably smashing the cottage rule to bits, but.....what if we just made it so that when the Gun Drone dies, it self-destruct for huge damage to every enemy near it?

    That is not cottage rule since otherwise it's the same power. 


    Adding something is not the cottage rule. Cottage rule would be replacing what the gun drone does so it only is there to be hit and blow up and not shoot.

    • Like 1
  4. Has anyone actually.... you know, run the numbers on this? It should be as simple as looking at the tanker values, apply scrapper numbers and see what the attack chain is.


    Then we already have data on other scrapper primaries to compare.

    • Like 3
  5. @Naraka, the tests put the primaries in as much of a vacuum as possible to weigh against each other since adding in pool powers or tertiary sets just adds way more layers. We could try it again, but the sets would need the same variables: they all use gloom, they all use Fireball, etc. I doubt it would realistically change that much.


    @marcussmythe, the tests referenced were done with conditions to mimic a standard mission as well as what would be considered "average" / "Default" slotting to compare set's baselines. At that level compared to other sets, emulating a sort of normal player, Fire Melee ends up not as hot.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, marcussmythe said:

    right under TW lies the likes of Fire Melee and Warmace, both powerhouse sets that perform quite well if you simply hit the keyboard with your face, repeatedly.

    Wanna touch on this cus its half right.


    In my testing, Fire Melee was actually detrimental compared to the other fire sets due to the lack of secondary effects and having a poo version of Fire Breath.  Conversely, War Mace is one of the better weapon sets due to mixing stuns and knockdowns, and having amazing AoE coverage with generous arcs (see shatter and crowd control) that make it much more forgiving to position, layered on top of good damage and secondaries to provide a layered mesh of offense and defense.


    Imho, the sets directly below TW at least on a baseline level are actually Katana and Staff. Both offer great damage, aoe, and safety but also rely on the player being cognizant of when to use certain powers as opposed to simply face-rolling. Conversely, sets like Kinetic and Dark (pre change) were at the bottom as they paid too heavily for what you have to manage and end up losing output to many sets which can just jump into the fray and swing or sets like the upper echelon which can both just jump in + reward players for mastery.

  7. 4 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:

    tl;dr - Its got it all in the defense/resist side.  Can play toggles or granite; which ever you prefer.  Bring a Kinetic friend, they are great at parties and fix everything; a rolling good time .

    *dead horse* this is ironically a problem nowadays though, as other sets can reach that unstoppable-level of defenses without needing drawbacks thanks to IO's, and without needing a Kin... or if they have a Kin they get much more benefit from them as they aren't starting from "behind".

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. (Have not finished reading, but replying to an early idea on page 1)


    @Ironscarlet had the idea to turn the Opportunity mark into a Proc rather than a strictly controlled application, and then the opportunity bar still gives you a self buff when full.


    I rather like the idea of Sentinels "critting" opportunity and applying Mark's far more often, it makes it feel not as urgent to use or as wasteful when it is tied directly to X amount of meter and only certain powers.


    A good change IMO would be to have all the (ST?) attacks have a base 5% chance to proc Opportunity Mark's. As you gain meter however, this chance increases up to say >25% (thinking like 35% if not more tbh). This still allows your T1 and T2 to be better suited for proccing Opportunities given they cycle so quickly.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Darkneblade said:

    Just generally I mean. 1 minute summons usually have high cost endurance. Not sure what 10-20 second summons to do endurance management tbh. But still click hungry.

    That is not the cottage rule though.


    Cottage rule applies to powers suddenly changing, the example being that a power becomes a summon for a cottage instead of like, a ST blast. Making something from essentially scratch can have most any rules you want.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Darkneblade said:

    Hmm, if we break cottage rule that could be fun. But if we obey cottage rule, since it is click heavy and no recovery power in any of powers, and since summon powers usually take too much endurance it will be endurance hungry powerset.

    That has nothing to do with Cottage rule?

  11. Ok, merc time


    Summary DPS %
    Mastermind 53.76 28.06%
    Soldiers 27.13 14.16%
    Spec Ops 31 16.18%
    Commando 32.01 16.71%
    Total 143.9  


    Hey look at that, they outdo Bots a bit! 😛 


    What is surprising here is that the simple chain of  Burst -->  Slug -->  Burst -->  Burst outdoes every Pet Tier by a significant margin....


    Lets apply our fixes:



    NEW DPS %
    Mastermind 61.82 31.12%
    Soldiers 44.13 22.21%
    Spec Ops 38.90 19.58%
    Commando 50.50 25.42%
    Field Specialist 3.30  
    Total 198.65 = 38% boost



    +Vengeance DPS %
    Mastermind 53.76 27.06%
    Soldiers 49.54 24.94%
    Spec Ops 43.85 22.07%
    Commando 56.32 28.35%
    Field Specialist 3.30  
    Total 206.77 = 44% boost




    With added damage to each tier, and some DPS boosters in the form of a Shred Grenade from the Commando, and Serum from the Field Specialist (averaged) we see a decent bump in DPS overall. However the bigger thing to note is that our changes to the attack cycles of the Spec Ops and Commando will improve AoE coverage drastically:


    Tear Gas goes from 1 per cycle to 2 

    Flash Bang goes from 2 per cycle to 3 

    Full Auto goes from 3 per cycle to 6

    LRM Rocket goes from 1 per cycle to 3


    More AoE damage and Control more often is a huge boon, on top of the new Field Specialist boosting their resistances and defenses even further would make Mercs have a solid niche as the set that can debilitate enemies both with control and debuffs, mow down trash, and snowball their own defenses to be a very versatile and tanky choice... if not the most damaging. Their unique debuffs and control will help them tremendously in a team setting, as will the Field Specialist's buffs. 




  12. 16 hours ago, SuperPlyx said:

    What is this? I mean besides a figurine of Recluse,it appears to have some numbers that change in the base...curious.

    It's an Amiibo, put it on your switch and you can use Lord Recluse in Mario Maker

    • Haha 5
  13. 1 hour ago, Snowdaze said:

    I stand corrected after refreshing my knowledge, all Melee checks melee def, that includes melee cones and pbaoe. Only range single targets check Ranged. And all others are AoE, assuming not auto-hit, including patches, ranged cones, etc, use AoE.

    Now, does AoE defense help vs melee AoEs? Or does only melee defense help?

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