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Posts posted by Excraft

  1. 40 minutes ago, arcane said:

    You are also able to adjust your graphics settings, so no, that's factually not "the only recourse".


    I've specifically said that using the graphics sliders and trying to use Suppress VFX when close doesn't work.  I also said the game looks like total shit when turning the graphics down.  So yes, avoiding teams with anyone using Seismic Blast is my only recourse.  If you want to play a game that looks like shit, more power to you.  My preference is to have some adjustments made to this at some point so it either doesn't obscure the field of view or have the suppress vfx when close actually work.   Feel free to disagree.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Troo said:

    @Excraft noted.


    Also, I promise feedback is read, not just by other players. 


    We just need a smidge of patience while accepting that things take time and folks have the best intentions. (goal: make better not worse)


    I'm totally fine with waiting for updates to it.  I'm not at all demanding anything or that changes be made this instant.   No idea where people are getting that from.  I can avoid teaming with anyone using it for now.  Unfortunately that's the only recourse until there are changes made.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Troo said:


    Is there a particular power or effect? Things can get tweaked over time, just not likely this week.


    I'm sure folks will agree that is is great we are getting new content and powersets. With that will come some wrinkles to be ironed out and differences of opinion. 


    I did play the Seismic Blast set to about level 30 so far. Seems pretty great and the large animations seemed to be very brief. I can see on a large target with a league some annoyance.. but I've been dealing with that in leagues for some time (auras, area powers, etc), so kinda par for the course. Definitely something to consider though.



    Encase or Entomb or whatever power it is that's enclosing the target in a giant rock that obscures the entire field of view.  This is a real problem on teams with more than one blaster using the set.  The animations are brief yes, but you have multiple people on the team firing them off in succession.  It's real easy to lose track of what's going on and on Master of runs this is a huge problem.  It's a big problem in caves and as @Tuft posted, large sized mobs.  


    I totally agree it's great we are getting new stuff.  It just seems to me how these couple of powers work could use some more thought and like you say ironing out.  It's ok if there's only 1 person doing it.  When you have more than 1, it gets annoying real fast.  I'd really love a Null option to disable all buff VFX.  Would totally solve the problem and doesn't change anything for people who like things as they are.   

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  4. People should have expected this.  The only way to make "support more useful" was to totally nerf everyone else or add stupid levels of mez, damage or -resists/-def to that you need outside buffs.  Whether or not that's a good design decision is debatable.  Personally, I'll be running this for the new badges and then never bother with it again.  Don't get me wrong, it's a solid TF and definitely something different.  The new environments and such are top notch and the team here did a great job with all of it.  It's just that running it on higher difficulty settings is too long a slog for me.  I just don't have a couple of hours to devote to running it when I can farm other TFs/iTrials faster.

    • Thumbs Down 1
  5. 20 hours ago, Tuft said:

    Agreed, especially with really large opponents. (Looking at e.g. Sentinel of Mot in Dilemma Diabolique)


    Those too.  Sadly, I think this feedback is going to get completely ignored as usual.  SB is a fine addition to the game, it just needs some additional thought put into a couple of the powers or even better, have a way to disable the VFX via Suppress When Close.  Would totally love an option to disable all incoming buff VFX as well.  We can already Null how speed boosts, group fly, tarot cards etc. affect us.   A couple of the powers in this new set are super annoying and badly designed. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. There needs to be a way to turn off or disable the visuals for Entomb (and other Earth powers) that are totally burying our characters under a layer of rock.  We are already getting buried under layers of colored VFX, this new power really takes it to another level.


    It's fine that it only lasts a second if it's only 1 player with it on the team, however with the amount of people leveling new Earth blast characters and firing these off in succession, your vision is totally obscured by this and can't see what's happening.  This is a big problem on Master Of runs where seconds can count and totally exacerbated to the nth degree in cave maps. 


    I tried using the graphics sliders and suppress VFX option when close, but no dice and the game looks like shit at lower graphics settings.  


    Not at all looking to take away anything from anyone who are enjoying the set, I'd just love an option to disable those - and many others come to think of it - graphics for me.  If the suppress VFX when close slider worked better, this wouldn't be so much of an issue.


    Appreciate the effort that went into it, however this new Earth blast set needs another pass IMO with consideration of how it obscures the action, especially on melee characters.

  7. On 11/25/2021 at 5:45 PM, Icy Mike said:

    It's the leader's fault almost every time.


    This is an observation of every single trial, task force or raid team I have ever been a part of... but other than Master Of runs, it usually doesn't matter as you're still going to finish even though leaders are making this pretty significant mistake.


    The end game content is almost ALL new to me. Sometimes when I'm on these, it's the very first time I've done the trial, let alone tried to do it in a specific way. The leaders of these are typically so well versed in the trial that they take for granted how little people know about it. In fact, many of the people joining your trials might not even know what "master of..." means or why anyone wants it. They may not even know that things they do keep the entire team from getting the badge. This is hard for people who are very competent and knowledgeable to wrap their brain around but it is common in nearly every field. The more advanced you are in a skill or subject, the further your perspective shifts away from the beginner's... until you become an experienced teacher of that discipline.


    People like to be told WHY they are doing something. If we are not supposed to kill a certain person, or if we are supposed to stay in a certain area... it helps to be told why. "If anyone leaves this spot, we won't get credit for X." is a pretty simple way to cover things like this. If you're confused by this because "Duh... everyone knows why we're doing this" then you need to go back to the previous paragraph. People still might run ahead or lag behind or do the wrong thing, but I bet you would see a significant increase in compliance if you were just more thorough in your explanations instead of just assuming everyone already knows the play.


    Not that I think you're entirely wrong, however it's your responsibility to speak up and let people know that you're a beginner/novice at these Master of runs and have a lot of questions.  Speaking up and letting others know where you're coming from doesn't hurt either. 

  8. Absolutely need a way to turn off or disable the visuals for entomb or whatever power is totally burying our characters under a layer of rock.  It's fine that it only lasts a second, however with the amount of people leveling new characters and firing these off in succession, your vision is totally obscured by this and can't see what's happening.  This is a big problem on Master Of runs where seconds can count and totally exacerbated in cave maps.  I tried using the graphics sliders and suppress VFX when close, but no dice and the game looks like shit at lower graphics settings.   Not to take anything away from anyone who's enjoying the set, I'd just love an option to disable those - and many others come to think of it - graphics for me.  This set needs another pass IMO.

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  9. 4 hours ago, Shadeknight said:

    I don't think it's really heavily scripted.

    Let's look at the fights with scripts/mechanics;


    • One mini-boss after another
    • Boss has two times where you probably want to switch off of him - turrets & additional mobs

    Nothing too heavy there. Teams just need to switch. Burning the AV down won't end well.


    • She calls Brickers to her side, especially ones left on the map
    • 3 times, a group of adds spawn in. Two sets of Brickers, one set of harmless dudes. She goes immune during this.

    Again, a little add control and some thought of stealthing vs clearing. Not meant to be a speedy fight.

    Roller, Ripples

    • Roller calls for aid on engagement, nothing like the bad bosses but still some additional mobs
    • 3 times, he sends you into a Ripple
    • These ripples have optional fights for a badge.
    • #1: Fight four AVs with new abilities, take them out, and fight a fifth with the main ability from each AV. That's pretty cool. Also ambushes, but can burn him down to get yoinked to Roller
    • #2; Fight four monsters or dogpile the creature in the middle to fight everything in the room. You can try to burn the middle creature to get yoinked back
    • #3; 2 AVs, one with a telegraphed Nova-like ability. The other a beefy dude who also hits like a truck.

    Nothing out of the ordinary here, but now a dangerous ability has telegraphing.


    Rodney, Round 1

    • Nothing special here, he teleports away



    • He summons two adds. Kill them or he heals & spawns puddles

    This should not be difficult once you get used to the puddles.

    Rodney, Zoe Part II

    • Surrounded by mobs, but otherwise they just use abilities with no real mechanics. BEat em up, ez pz

    The King

    • Blue beams. Like Battle Maiden. Nothing new.
    • 3 phases - Dopplegangers, Real Midas, and Zeon
    • Oh and he deletes the thing you need to be able to damage him.

    The final thing is an advanced version of Reichsman, the second thing is a little different but with some inspiration from elsewhere (Dopplegangers)

    None of this is WoW-like, given the vast differences between the two games. None of these mechanics are astoundingly difficult after you see them a couple of times. A few things are new or re-hashed from other areas in the game. Nothing that we've not seen before, but with additional things tied into it.

    It should be noted that BAF, Lambda, and various other things have announced incoming attacks but only partly telegraphed some. Some TFs/Trials have had stuff like immune-unless-this-happens, etc. It just so happens that the mechanics hit you in the face with a crowbar if you think its just another ITF.


    This is great.  You didn't read or understand what I wrote, but it's great.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Shadeknight said:

    Well, that's the thing - Relentless isn't meant to be a super quick easy thing. The three hour marks are because people are still kicking old habits, getting used to the challenge, and so on. It's meant to be a challenge, and it's meant to be for Incarnates / fully IOed characters. The base ASF (without all the added powers, for example) has been getting around regular 45 minute runs from what I hear. That can easily be cut down once more people get out of the 'ooh new lore/new shinies/new maps' phase and more used to what it offers.

    From my experience, you should not go into Relentless unless you can commit to most of it. The Midas fight is tedious but manageable, for example, without a tank. It's the other fights that you will have a hellish time with depending. I do think the 3 hour timer will start to drop as people figure out effective skips, figure how to focus bosses, and get used to having to play as a team again. It will still be a lengthy TF, but that's okay. Not every TF needs to be done in 10-15 minutes like the TinPex easy-farm. This isn't TinPex or the ITF or PennyYin - not with all the additional powers and mechanics.

    The additional thing is that this is all optional. I have run Relentless three times so far, and I can tell that the adjustment period will last a little while and some people may swear it off. I personally find it to be fun to try and see how each team composition handles it. How certain power sets can make things go from bad to good - I've seen insane recoveries from deaths. I've also seen pulls go from "We're good." to "oh god the pain."

    Which is what's been lacking. A real challenge that doesn't get easy-moded by a team of 7 blasters and a corruptor.


    Speak for yourself.  Teams I've been on haven't been trying to zerg rush it and have been "playing as a team", whatever that's supposed to mean.  There's a fine line here between encouraging a specific team makeup/style of play and turning the game into yet another WoW clone with heavily scripted dungeon encounters.  I'd hate to see this game become that. 

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  11. 7 hours ago, shaggy said:

    How about fun? Personally, I hate watching the fully IO'd Blaster nuke every mob while I'm sitting in the back on my arse waiting to clean up the one minion he missed. I think there will be folks who would run this content not because of the rewards, but just for the fact that they get to actually feel useful and have a sense of challenge. Granted, I'd like there to be meaningful rewards too, but it sounds like the devs are looking into that already.


    I don't disagree with you at all.  The AD settings are going to be more about this than increased in game rewards is what I was getting at.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Cobalt Arachne said:

    Easier? Definitely.

    Faster? Not so sure...
    A single AV defeat in Relentless gives 3 Astral merits, which is the total of all three main objectives of the whole BAF, and the ASF has... nearly twenty possible if you do the optional ones. Also a couple of the big AVs give Empyreans instead.

    You'd have to run the BAF ~20 times within the duration of one ASF on Relentless difficulty for equal merit payout.


    I understand this is purely subjective and my personal opinion so take it with a grain of salt, but I'll take those 20 BAF runs over 1 ASF at relentless difficulty any day of the week.  The pace is much quicker, the action faster and it's 24 incarnates running through the content vs 8 potential non-incarnates under heavy debuff fighting buffed enemies.  That's not to say the ASF isn't fun because it definitely is so don't take it that way.  You all did a great job with it.  I personally am more into the faster pace of BAF/LAMBDA/Tinpex.  Running a trio of those wouldn't feel as long to me as an ASF on max difficulty. 

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  13. Have to say this was a lot of fun.  I want to give props to whomever designed the new maps.  Beautifully done.  This runs a little too long for my taste on higher difficulty though.  The Council AV fight can be very overwhelming.  Hero 1 seems buggy to me as well.  Beyond those things, I liked it.  Nice work.  Definitely something different.


    2 hours ago, Cobalt Arachne said:

    Also, the bulk of the challenge mode reward comes from the Astral/Empyrean merits that come from fighting the AVs. Check your salvage, if you fought everything you should walk away with a mountain of merits.


    Still going to be significantly easier/faster to farm these in BAF/Lambda than running ASF on higher difficulty.

  14. 11 hours ago, shaggy said:

    This will breathe so much life into the support classes that have been left behind by the usual damage steamroll.


    This assumes there will be a large group of people who want to run higher difficulty settings.  If it's going to add significant time to ordinary TFs/SFs without the reward table being increased significantly, personally I see this being more for bragging rights than anything else.

    • Like 1
  15. Ran it this evening.  Overall I enjoyed it.  We had a pretty well balanced team with regard to melee/damage/control.  Whomever designed the new maps needs commending.  Very beautiful work. 


    As far as the difficulty settings go, I do like that it's encouraging a more mixed team without being overly punitive about it.  The higher stats on bosses and AVs is nice.  Not sure I would say that they are tougher, just last longer/more tedious.  Overall nice job on it.


    6 hours ago, ShardWarrior said:

    Referring to the below linked post and this sentence in specific... "Hard mode enemies will have higher baselines stats, but nothing unfair and no absolutes. Nothing like big special damage types or auto-hits."


    Having just run the new Aeon SF at Vicious level difficulty, this statement is not at all accurate.  There were plenty of special auto-hit un-resistable damage 1 shot kill you powers being used.  Are these part of the new difficulty or just native to the new SF at normal difficulty?


    Definitely seems like a rather large fib to me as well.


    6 hours ago, AerialAssault said:

    As far as I can tell, the hard mode enemies don't have auto-hit powers, but what they have is stacking +To-Hit, +Acc and +Dam powers as auras, and the base damage of their powers is increased. So they can, and will, hit very hard. Coupled with the heaps of debuff they get, anyone who isn't an active tank will probably be destroyed in a single salvo. That's why you need support to bring in debuffs & buffs to make sure your team doesn't immediately get stopped. 


    There are definitely some 1 hit wonder auto kill you powers in there either as part of the higher difficulty or baked into the NPC design.

  16. 6 hours ago, Voltak said:

    That is irrelevant 


    Sorry to be blunt, but this is utter horse shit. 


    6 hours ago, Voltak said:

    Also, the team attacking the same mobs will kill the mobs faster.  


    This ignores what several people have already pointed out - depending on the content, it is far faster to complete the mission objectives by splitting up.  See the Shadow Shard TFs that were brought up as an example.  Maybe you have 4 or 5 hours to waste on a play session, but not everyone does.  Splitting off into separate groups to complete objectives faster is helping the team, no matter how much you want to deny it.  The same lie can be repeated over and over again as many times as you want, it will never make it true.


    This statement is also purposefully disingenuous in that it doesn't take into consideration any number of possibilities with team makeup with regard to level, slots, enhancements, AT makeup etc.  If I'm on a team of lowbies with minimal slots and enhancements (if any at all) running a Positron TF and I'm on my fully decked out level 50, believe me, I'm doing more damage than they are at a faster rate than they are.  This can happen all the way through the game.


    6 hours ago, Voltak said:

    Also the team will get to the mob, since it is attacking a group of mob already, the best thing to do for you is to help kill the mob the team is already engaging.  


    And what happens when that mob is defeated so fast I didn't even get a chance to fire a shot or apply a mez?  How is that me helping the team?  Because we're arm and arm?  It's not helping at that point, it's leeching and isn't fun.


    6 hours ago, Voltak said:

    If it's your team and you are the leader do what you want, and please have the courtesy to explain to the rest of the team what you are doing, and why you are doing it. 

    you can enjoy the game and not be inconsiderate with others. 


    I'm guessing you missed the last part of my post?  If you did, please go back and re-read it.  And being considerate of others goes both ways.  So long as someone isn't running off and doing stuff to intentionally grief others, there's nothing wrong with what they are doing.  This thread and others like it are very superficial, thinly veiled attempts to define the "right way to play."  They're getting old to be honest.  


    • Like 3
  17. 11 hours ago, Rishidian said:

    Not saying they have to conform (or not conform) to anything.  And I don't believe I said, or inferred, anything about conforming.

    Just stating that using a written story to illustrate live interactions doesn't work.  It's a bad example that seems to be used regularly in the forums.


    Your argument doesn't work either.  Many if not all of those written examples follow real life behavior.  People work collectively without needing to be attached at the hip.   Where I work everyone has their own phone, laptop and other office equipment at their desks.  We work collaboratively with people in other offices all over the country every day.  Projects are broken down into various tasks and people will go off and work on their piece.  If we were to be expected to be huddled together in a room all day working side by side, we'd never get anything done.


    11 hours ago, Rishidian said:

    I have a question: Why would Superman join the Justice League?


    To sell more comic books.

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  18. 12 hours ago, Voltak said:

    EVen if I am not team leader and I see some team member doing this stuff like going on their own to solo groups of mobs , split away from the team, I tell them straight up that whatever they think they can do solo, they will do it faster if they do it with the team.  Taking on a mob will be faster with the team, not solo.  
    It's also screaming for the question -- why did you join the team?  

    Also, if the game is too easy for you, come talk to me:  I got stuff in game that if I put you through it, it will  adjust your attitude a bit. 


    Depending on the makeup of the team, their builds, mission settings etc it may very well be faster to solo a mob than it is to wait for the team.  Threads like these never once can explain what exactly is the benefit of huddling together to go from mob to mob.  They also neglect that sometimes if groups are wiping out enemies before an individual can get a single attack or hold in, that isn't fun either.  No matter what anyone tries to say, dividing and conquering is a perfectly reasonable and viable tactic and it is helping the team to complete objectives.  People don't need to be arm in arm skipping from mob to mob.  If you want to play a game where you need a complete team to cross the street, there are plenty other MMOs on the market for you.  City of Heroes never was like that and never should be in my opinion.


    As others have said here, communication is key.  If you want everyone to huddle together and jump from mob to mob, make that perfectly clear when forming.  Otherwise let people play as they like and enjoy themselves while contributing to the team.

    • Thanks 1
  19. 3 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    In order for "gatekeeping" to be a thing he'd have to actually be physically preventing you from entering a gate or door, or preventing someone from taking an action. That's what that means. Gatekeeping is not a synonym for disagree.


    He wasn't doing that.


    All he was doing was disagreeing with someone. And the forum rules specifically say that you're allowed to disagree with people. Right here GM Tahquitz said "If others disagree, that's fine, too."


    Ok? Did you get that? A GM specifically said that people are allowed to disagree with you! And changing the word from disagree to gatekeeping does not change that.


    TL;DR: It doesn't matter if someone "gatekeeping" triggers you, it's still not against the rules.


    Well buddy you're more than welcome to go back and read whatever you want.  You're certainly entitled to your own spin on things and to be wrong.  Sorry, I can see you're sensitive and got triggered.  Feel free to read things however you like. 

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  20. 47 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    In order for "gatekeeping" to be a thing he'd have to actually be physically preventing you from entering a gate or door, or preventing someone from taking an action. That's what that means. Gatekeeping is not a synonym for disagree.


    He wasn't doing that.


    All he was doing was disagreeing with someone. And the forum rules specifically say that you're allowed to disagree with people. Right here GM Tahquitz said "If others disagree, that's fine, too."


    Ok? Did you get that? A GM specifically said that people are allowed to disagree with you! And changing the word from disagree to gatekeeping does not change that.


    TL;DR: It doesn't matter if someone "gatekeeping" triggers you, it's still not against the rules.


    There's a difference between disagreeing and pretending to speak for what the development staff can and cannot do and should or shouldn't be doing.  They're adults and can do that themselves.  I understand you want to be anal retentive about definitions of words and that's fine, I'm just pointing out this is a common thing on forums for various communities.  Sorry if that triggers you. 

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  21. On 10/26/2021 at 12:53 PM, PeregrineFalcon said:

    A person cannot be a gatekeeper unless they are actually able to prevent an action, in this case prevent the developers from implementing your suggestion. Can he do that? Can he fire the developers if they attempt to implement your suggestion? No? Then he's not "gatekeeping" or whatever word you want to misuse to describe his actions. He's "disagreeing with you."


    People don't need to be developers to be gatekeepers.  There's forums and communities for various IPs all over the internet that have rules against this and don't allow members to gatekeep.  You see this a lot in the Trek, Star Wars and Tolkien community forums.  STO has gatekeeping built into their forum rules.  See item 22 here


    The forums here could use a similar rule in my opinion.

    • Thumbs Down 1
  22. 5 hours ago, MoonSheep said:

    i’m not sure i’ve worded my post too well, the new ‘trinity’ TFs would be completely optional to play and would be added to the existing pool of TFs/trials rather than taking away or changing any content


    anyone would be able to play them too, it would just have certain benefits to mixing up the team structure and playstyle a bit - inspired slightly by the challenges on L4D2


    You can already create your perfect trinity team for any existing content in the game with the extra benefit of playing on a well balanced group. 

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