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Everything posted by Mystic_Cross

  1. This sounds like a great idea. The only possible problem I can see is that... with current toggle suppression, the toggles still actively drain end AFAIK. If it could be done, and the devs were willing to do it, a similar change could also apply to the temp travel powers as well, like the flying carpet, hoverboard or the shapeshifting ones. Would be fantastic if we could also choose to keep the visual effects or not during suppression, like an options menu "allow visual effects during suppression: on/off" or something, but that may be asking too much.
  2. If only you had a purple (eye)patch, it wouldn’t be hitting you so hard...
  3. I see. Thanks for laying that out. I had a feeling it might be something with /Em given that the primary "bruise" power was always better than the second pick. So Tanks are more or less unchanged damage-wise aside from having higher max (buffed) damage capability in a team setting, and better AoE in those sets that are heavy with it. Now, Is there an intent of these changes posted anywhere by the devs? I've been looking around a little bit but haven't come across anything yet... I'm curious because, when looking at many of the changes to Tanks and Brutes, they seem to be driven (at least somewhat) by "popular" agenda, and I'm not convinced this will be good for all ATs involved, specifically Tankers, in the long run. Not that my opinion holds more weight than anyone else, but I'd still like to know what direction the development plan is taking, and what the reasons are. If anyone would be so kind... I'm all ears
  4. Ok, so with these tanker changes... is there supposed to be a noticeable increase in damage/kill speed or something? Because running my level 23 /Em tanker on live through a few missions in Stephanie Peebles arc, followed by running an exact duplicate of the same tank on Pineapple, in the same arc, didn't feel noticeably different... at all. Not even sure if whirling hands was hitting in a wider radius, it really felt about the same as live. Granted, this was just a quick "feel" test, with no data/numbers noted or compared. The only noticeable difference was not using quite as much Endurance on Pineapple, which I attribute to all the accolades being insta-unlocked upon character creation (alt on live has no accolades). Used mainly level 25 common IO's on both, with a few uniques (performance shifter +end, etc.). Pineapple build was all put together before I started so I could hop on live and run a few missions, then immediately go to pineapple and do the same, back to back. Seems like Bruising was removed only to modify base damage to be equal to what it was with Bruising? I was under the impression that we'd be getting a bit more "oomph!" out of it... am I wrong? I'll have some time tomorrow afternoon to compare numbers and what not, but if it's just about keeping the same numbers without needing bruise, well... that would still kinda feel like an overall nerf. At least bruise had the potential to increase team damage on a target to some degree. Not that I had any love for the mechanic, but If we're doing the same damage as before, and also benefitting the team less... well, there's already 101 reasons to take a brute instead of a tank on a team, don't really need another. Disclaimer: I really need sleep, 42 hours and counting... so pardon me if I'm all wrong right now XD
  5. Vote cast. I almost forgot about this. Too busy playing the game, lol.
  6. Oh ok, Thank you for that info! I'll wait until the next update then. Happy Holidays!
  7. So, I just found out about the beta server. Got it all set up/files downloaded... and when I try to log in, it tells me that my username or password are incorrect. Is there some alternate registration to access the server? What am I missing? Using same login/pass as live.
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