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Everything posted by Mystic_Cross

  1. Looks to me like a new or redefined enemy group... incarnate or higher level Vahzilok with embedded with freak and Rikti tech perhaps? or maybe it's not just one new group at all, but bringing both Vahz and Freakshow up to incarnate level? What makes me think it's factions rather than player costume pieces is in the background.. there's another Vahz boss with some freak groupies way back there, indicating this is their territory rather than just a player costume contest. Then again, if it IS player costume parts... then I soooo want the Asymmetrical arms, legs and shoulders capability. Also, a Vahzilok based powerset, Rikti gun-arms and Freakshow axe-arms would be boss. As for the Sonic, looks like it could either be a Sonic armor Sentinel with sonic blast... or that Sonic buffs will be able to affect the caster for Defender/Corruptor/Controller/MM. Given the changes made already, the latter seems more likely and would be a more widely received change, IMO.
  2. I noticed a bit of this aggro loss thing on my Invul/Em last week, but it was intermittent and I didn't want to jump the gun without testing it more. Unfortunately won't be able to get on again until this weekend, but along with the brute issue, it would seem this has something to do with the global taunt proc changes. Pure speculation but that would account for it affecting both tanks and brutes, no? The fact that I have no kind of damage auras (or even AoE in general) on my tank makes it seem more plausible to me anyway. In any case, many thanks to the devs for all your work and looking into this issue.
  3. Thank you! I really like Detective Dusk as well, really cool Noir concept! The color balance is near perfect. I have one small nitpick on the first costume though... the hand/wrist area looks noticeably shinier than the rest of the skin, are you using the shiny tights for gloves option there? or is that just how the bare skin looks for hands? Might not even be noticeable in-game, but it keeps drawing my eye in the shot lol. Cheers! @Jawbreaker You nailed it with Cybertooth, love the colors and the tech/natural blend is superb. Great balance and concept. Same goes for Comet, she has a real classic look and I love it!
  4. Currently playing these 3 on & off, both PC and PS4 versions Warframe Black Desert Online Anthem
  5. Thanks for that link, it consumed an entire evening following links from that page! 😁 which also inspired me to make a new alt... An alien emissary from the heart of the red star, Alpha Tau… Na'ir Al Dabaran (Rad/Fire Tank)
  6. It does not show in the powers themselves, but it does (should) apply to those powers listed in the patch notes. I noticed last night that it appears to also affect powers like Sands of Mu, since I didn’t see that listed in the patch notes (maybe I missed it?) wondering if this is WAI?
  7. I think a more likely “fix” for the auras to accept taunt sets would be to remove their auto-hit status, which would in turn solve the proc problem. Seeing as I’m pretty sure some of them accept other, non-taunt sets that have procs also. Could be wrong about that though /e shrug
  8. @Oubliette_Red I probably used them entirely too much in the past due to the "newness" factor alone, but they really do mesh well with a lot of the other parts available, and remain one of my "favorite" costume parts to make use of. I also tend to be partial to cloaks, hoods and capes, as you will see in the following 🙂 A new redesigned Praetorian version of my main, a KM/Invul Brute name Praetor Cross: Not entirely happy with how that one has turned out so far, but that's where I'm at currently. Here's another Retail version of one of my alts that I found the other day while browsing, The Magdalena, a DB/Invul Brute:
  9. I agree with this sentiment... but at the same time, it's difficult to admire a painting when you're not allowed to see the canvas. Right now we're all blind to what the end result will look like, and I for one was never particularly good at "having faith".
  10. Love Dr. Dread, fantastic use of the Insectoid top... rarely see that piece in use. Graff is very sleek too, I like the use of greys to balance out the black & white.
  11. Nice Phoenix. This is one I made back when the game was Retail. Looks like we both opted for some similar parts XD
  12. I have! will need to consider Imgur though... thanks for the link 😉 Never heard of gyazo, I’ll check that out too. Thanks for the suggestions!
  13. Sounds like an interesting idea. I haven’t rolled a sentinel yet, but if this were to happen I most definitely would sooner than later.
  14. Not “everyone” hated it. In fact, there used to be several threads in the old forums dedicated to bringing it back... even up until sunset. I loved it myself, but you probably could have guessed that. A low health blaster with defiance 1.0 and SO’s was crazy exciting and fun to play. Its subsequent removal was, IMO, the start of removing all challenge from the game.
  15. This was the last costume of my namesake and main on live, Mystic Cross. I used to refer to this as her "Black Mage" outfit, fairly plain but it was one of my favorites, so thought I'd share it. Here are a few "in combat" shots I took, for flavor 🙂 Fighting Malta Soloing the Nightstar AV Another fighting Nightstar (love the particle effects!) I'll try to post some of my newer ones later, apparently Photobucket wants me to pay to upload now (haven't used it since 2012 LOL) so I need to set up a new photo hosting somewhere. For now, I hope you all enjoyed these! There are some great costumes in this thread, really inspiring!
  16. Claws have always been an outlier, so I'm not sure what exactly the point is... make all lethal sets like Claws, with stupid low animation and recharge times maybe? Sure, sign me up 😉
  17. I said as much at the end of my post: As far as differentiating Puncture from Pierce... never really gave it a lot of thought, lol. Something someone said about bullets and arrows triggered the thought so I guess it would likely be something like that. Bullets, while not always strong enough to just go through armor, can still dent or puncture it, weakening the structure and eventually causing a lot of damage... so I guess something like a default -res effect? Whereas an Arrow would likely pierce straight through, causing immediate, but limited, damage... so maybe a chance to ignore resistance completely, coupled with lower damage then? Eh, something like that, lol.
  18. When did Grav get so popular? back in 2011 it was largely considered to be one of (if not the) the worst controller primary sets... Always loved it myself, Grav was the 2nd alt I ever made so... add me to the list of YES PLEASE !
  19. For the survey, I chose: I feel that only certain parts of the game need to be looked at (IOs, Incarnates, etc) I would play on an advanced difficulty setting only if it were optional (like the current settings, only more!) I would only like to see minor changes to difficulty for question 1, and then for question 2: Change up IO and/or Incarnate bonuses Enemies should get some sort of stat changes to better fight players in general To be clear, I don't agree with the "guided choices" put forth by the survey... but these were ultimately the "closest" to how I feel about the game. IO's specifically have created a power vacuum that everyone is now able to fill, while the rest of the game was left "as is" for the most part. Incarnates only exacerbated the issues that IO's created. That said, I don't necessarily feel that IO's need to be touched in any way to create more of a challenge. I like my "god-mode" as much as anything, it's great fun and IO's were a boon to that type of play. IO's truly make one feel "super" on an individual level, and I'd be remiss to take that away from anyone (including myself), so that leaves a dilemma where you know something is fundamentally wrong in one regard, but absolutely enjoyable in another... what do you do? Nerfing or changing IO's is an easy go-to... moving around set bonuses and the like, or reducing them, seems to be a common call-out that I've seen. I *may* have even been guilty of this on occasion... but that's basically a knee-jerk reaction to something that everyone can (or should be able to) plainly see. It's not a suggestion based on deep thinking or analyzing the issues that were created and never addressed after the introduction of IO's. It's also been so long since their introduction that everyone has gotten used to the game being like this. Heck, I'll be the first to admit that I'm used to it. I don't want to lose my ability to be super, but at the same time... if I'm honest with myself, that's a knee-jerk reaction with no thought behind it either. So, now that we've established, with this long-winded rant, that I'm conflicted... a quick thought on how to balance it all out (or maybe not so quick, we'll see...) The main issue that I see is that the defense soft-cap is just entirely too easy for anyone to achieve, via IO's. I feel like it should still be easy for those with defense-based Primary or Secondary sets (EX: SR or ICE - neither of which I play, btw), while moderately-easy for other mitigation sets, and moderately more difficult (but still entirely possible) for squishies. The only way I can think (with minimal thought, mind you) of doing this, is to raise the defense soft-cap. I feel like changing this one aspect would ultimately give the opportunity for increased difficulty that (some) people seem to want, while not changing how the game plays in practically any other regard. Enemies will hit you more, period... unless you're at the soft-cap. That alone is a moderate difficulty increase. People don't find the game challenging at all because the enemy attacks just aren't landing... they don't need more damage, they don't need "smarter" mob AI... they need to be able to -Hit- the player. (and queue "the uproar" please... ) I don't think It's a drastic suggestion, personally. Right now, we have a soft-cap of 45% defense which will leave enemies whiffing their attacks 95% of the time against you... if that were increased to say, the current incarnate-level of 65%, but in regular content... it could still be reachable, but also a bit more difficult to reach without giving up a little, which would in-turn moderately increase the difficulty in the sub-incarnate world. It -may- even require a slight buff to IO's in order to make sure that level of performance is still attainable (just not quite as easy as it is now, and you'd most likely need to give up something in order to reach that level of survival - a choice). Right now, we can have our cake (+Survivability) and eat it too (+Everything-else) with IO's. We should keep that metric, I think, but it shouldn't really be fully attainable until Incarnate-level. There would be a lot to consider, obviously..., player To-Hit De-buff values come to mind and may need adjustment, on top of many other things. But overall, I think raising the base-game soft-cap to incarnate-level would be an overall positive change. By extension, Incarnate-level would then likely need to be raised, creating an actual need for choice throughout the Incarnate tree, instead of "everyone takes X - almost all the time". I also think Incarnate stuff should do -something- for exemplaring (maybe it does and I just don't remember?)… if you've grasped the power of a "god", it feels inadequate that you lose it all by helping someone at a lower level... maybe something like being able to keep all of your IO set-bonuses regardless of level or something? I dunno, just a random thought. The other thing I'd like to see, is all of the regular enemies/missions in the game get a "praetorian" re-work, maybe even have it as an option... like how we can choose not to fight AVs in missions or something (again, no deep thought involved here). I'd think this would take a lot longer to implement though. Maybe just try it with a single faction or story arc and see how it plays out over on Pineapple... see how it feels. Anyway, I'll stop myself here... because otherwise I'll keep rambling. TL;DR - We can currently have the -best- cake with the -best- frosting, I think we should have to choose between an -ok- cake and the -best- frosting, or vice-versa... prior to incarnate-level play.
  20. Tri-Dark Tank could handle anything. Pretty much any tank, properly slotted and played, could handle anything. Some may need to use insps at times, like in cases where there is no def debuff resist it would be wise to keep a healthy tray of purples to avoid cascading etc. I main Invulnerability myself, and have had no trouble with anything outside of psi heavy mobs, and even then, just popping an orange or purple insp once a minute keeps things smooth sailing. Invuln has been touted plenty already tho... so I’ll put my vote with Dark Armor, which is extremely capable and undervalued the same. The only issue DA has that can’t be mitigated with IO’s is that it can’t reach the HP cap on its own.
  21. That's a pretty good explanation. Simple. Non-offensive. I usually just say extroverts are like idiots... put them in a room with other idiots and they're happy doing idiot things with each other, but leave them alone to do a task that requires thinking and it drains them quickly. Introverts are usually more intelligent... they excel at doing tasks alone and requiring thought, but in a room full of idiots their mental energy wastes away because... idiocy. I think I may use your explanation in the future, as I think it's more likely to be... received well. In regards to a server-merge: No. As an alternative, you should be able to join grouping channels for other servers and monitor them in your chat window regardless of what server you're playing on. If you see something going on somewhere else you could just reply that you want in and transfer over. If it hasn't been said enough, server transfers are free. There are also 1,000 character slots per server... you could make new characters or transfer alts you already have. Lots of workarounds for a problem that not a lot of others seem to have... curious. In any case, are you sure it's not just -you-? Not to self-project, but I rarely get teams either... nobody sends me invites... I also don't actively look to join any though, so there's that. I've only been back in-game for about a month and don't get a lot of playtime, so still reacclimating to the CoH playstyle from games like Warframe and Black Desert that I've become used to. I do see teams advertised all the time though... usually ones that I can't join due to level (most advertised is 50+, my highest is 24) or unwillingness (DFB, AE Farm) but that's irrelevant. There -are- lots of teams out there though. Mission teams not-so-much... but DFB, AE, Radios, TFs, Incarnates... I see lots of those pretty much any time of day (or night), and I'm mainly on Indomitable, one of the "low-pop" servers. The few times I've jumped over to Torchbearer or Excelsior there's been quite a few things going on too. Can't imagine having too much trouble grouping unless you're just sitting around waiting for random tells/invites... or using broadcast instead of LFG channel to recruit.
  22. nerf bats plz... they are OP
  23. This discussion just makes me feel like we just need some entirely new damage types added to the game. Lumping swords, arrows and bullets into the same category of "lethal" always felt weird to me. Perhaps removing lethal entirely and replacing it with Slash, Puncture and Piercing damage? Because really, Lethal damage technically applies to any type of damage that causes death... which could apply to literally any damage type in the game... except "lethal" 🤣 Edit to add: Of course "if" that were to happen, I do realize it would require reworks of pretty much every armor set and enemy group in the game... not to mention IO set bonuses and likely tons of other things that don't come immediately to mind. End result: wishful thinking not likely to ever happen
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