Omen1121 on a discord I'm in helped make this.
Shotgun Power Pool: SlugBuckshotBean Bag
Frag Grenade (Not thrown think shot from the shotgun like 5th Column/Council or Arachnos)Swap Ammo (Flechette, Incendiary, Cryo. Kinda like the pistol but instead of Chemical its Flechette)Flechette rounds: More Lethal Damage, But a more narrow AOE cone, Forgot to add a bit more range as well..Slam Fire (Cone AoE): Damage (Moderate) Recharge (Slow) Note: The secondary ammo will have certain effects. Flechette will deal more damage and inflict a bleed, Incendiary will apply an DoT, Cryo will slow movement and Knockback.Armor shred: usable with flechette rounds: blast the target and nearby enemies in a small cone with an armor shredding round, causing def down on top of bleeding. If used within 5 feet of the target primary target has a chance to be stunned.Cyro jet round: (Targeted aoe) (Moderate) load and fire a Cyro jet round, causing damage to the target and any enemies near them. Ammo changes: flechette will fire a fragmentation round, causing less damage to the target but applying bleed and affecting a wider area. Incendiary will cause a fire patch at the targets location, applying minor dots to any inside or entering the area. Cryo will freeze the target with a chance to freeze nearby enemies. Enemies caught in the blast of the cryo round who aren’t frozen will be slowed.Variable Shot: Use currently loaded ammo for a variable shot. This ability changes based on currently loaded ammo. Cannot be used immediately after swap ammo or variable shot. Becomes Dragon Shot when loaded with incendiary ammo, causing a cone aoe blast of fire causing high damage and moderate dot to all within its cone. Becomes Blast shot with flechette ammo, causing the target and those near it moderate damage and moderate dot, with a chance to disorient. Becomes Nitrogen Shot with cryo ammo, causing the target and those nearby to have drastically slower attack and movement speed, those already affected by a cryo slow also have a chance to be frozen, but deals lower damage than other variable shots.Speed loader: your experience fighting with shotguns has sped up your ability to load and fire thanks to muscle memory. Passively increases recharge and attack speed, can be activated to forgo this increase for the moderate cooldown but reloads all currently spent rounds.
Feel Free to add any other ideas to this!