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Posts posted by MsSmart

  1. I look at the Interrupt power set as a Corruptor/Defender power set.


    The concept of the power is to "Interrupt Powers" as in get them to stop working, but can be re-activated by the victim next turn, not a permanent interrupt.


    1) Resistance, it turns off a random resistance power of the victim

    2) Defense, it turns off a random defensive power

    3) Status, it turns off a status effect protection power

    4) Protection, it turns off MoG, and other similar abilities like forcefields, etc.

    5) Resistance Area, same as 1 but treated as a Target AOE and multiple enemies affected

    6) Defense Area, same as 2 but treated as a Targeted AOE and multiple enemies affected

    7) Status Area, same as 3 but treated as a Targeted AOE and multiple enemies affected

    8) Protection Area, same as 4 but treated as a Targeted AOE and multiple enemies affected

    9) master Interrupt, poor victim gets the first 4 interrupts all at the same time


    Only a thought, might make the game a bit more sporting...



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  2. On 5/13/2024 at 6:24 PM, KaizenSoze said:

    Then hold the PP before it pops. Or pop some yellows and hit it with Psi damage. There are existing counters.

    Its always a boss, good luck getting a hold on them, and they seem to get MoG off despite of holds and being bounced all over the place

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  3. On 5/13/2024 at 5:40 PM, PeregrineFalcon said:

    I agree very much with this part of your post. I don't agree with removing MoG from enemies though. Instead I'll make the same recommendation that I made years ago when this subject last came up. MoG for enemies should be reduced in duration to 30 seconds, and during that time the enemy should also have a +300% damage boost.


    With this it goes from being a time waster to a serious danger that you can't ignore but that also isn't going to make the team sit around and wait for 5 minutes until it drops.

    I would not support the 300% damage boost, because it, affects classes differently, as tanker, sure do 300%, as a controller, are you kidding me?


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  4. On 5/26/2024 at 2:09 PM, Rudra said:

    You can't compare what a pen and paper table top game does to a video game. Table top games have a game master that runs the game and tailors everything to the players. Video games do not. So they must be designed to be playable regardless of whether a player chooses to play solo or run with a team and regardless of what AT that player chooses and what powers from what power sets in whatever AT the player goes with. Which is a massive range of possibilities from the best to the worst, and the game has to be designed to run itself against that in a manner that doesn't drive players away. So let's say players can take any tier 1 pool power to unlock any tier 2 pool power to unlock any tier 3 pool power. What do we get?


    Well, let's assume the player is making a Scrapper. You only need 4 powers to build an attack chain with, but we'll go with 5. Some armors you can skip multiple powers from, but we'll say the player takes 8 of them. So that is 13 of their 24 powers chosen for their build. That leaves 11 powers from pools. So we start with Hasten for the Holy Quad. That unlocks Tough. That unlocks literally everything else. So now we also grab Weave, Maneuvers, Combat Jumping, and Unrelenting. So now we only have 5 more powers to choose. Our END cost is pretty high and we still lack ranged attacks, so lets dip into the APPs. Let's grab Conserve Power from Energy Mastery. That unlocks Physical Perfection. Now all APP powers are unlocked. So we grab Targeting Drone and Moonbeam. Now we still have 1 more power we can choose. So we take Mace Beam for our 2nd snipe attack or we can take our choice of Summon Widow, Psionic Nexus, Summon Guardian, or Ice Elemental. Maybe we don't care about having a sniper though, so instead we take two pet summon powers. Because of course no one is ever going to do that and throw what little game balance we have left out the window.


    (Edit: And before anyone says "But what about travel powers?", I didn't forget them. They buy those at the START vendor.)

    Actually you can, because you talking about design philosophy. This game with a synthetic game master, does exactly what you described, look at the scenarios or missions built, they are custom made to the various character concepts, sure some of these concepts can be quite cookie cutter, but still valid concepts.


    I actually like your concept of the scrapper build, actually becoming well rounded. Now you made a very bold statement about sending the game out of balance, I would dare believe you are being a bit over dramatic about it. Because the game is about choices, you give up something to get something, and the value of that new something, is truly in the eye of the beholder. You can't just judge the new power while ignoring what you gave up for it. For example lets talk IOs, if  you decide to only use 5 out of the set of 6, so you can add, say a chance for DPS, you very definitely gave up some of the strongest buffs of the IO set to gain a percent chance of additional damage, is that like wow game balance going to the toilet?

  5. I know what I am asking for is a major undertaking...


    I have argued against rooting for the longest time, because I want a more dynamic game as a whole as opposes to a "turn and move game"


    At this time because of the animations, I can start my "dance" as I ready the shot, then I do the I am about to shoot dance, followed by I shot dance, then I have the see the attack trace dance, then I see the hit dance, and finally I see the target dance then after all that I can finally move.


    An argument, and rightfully so, is that there would be a need to change all those graphics to allow for a dynamic game, which is what I am asking for.


    On the other hand, I have seen the game bug out, and I move despite of the expected root, and as I move the many dance steps are done as I am moving. Maybe and interim fix, is to allow the bug to be more common.


    Now for balance sakes, if you attack and move immediately, a 20% acc penalty is assigned to you, if yo stay put till the shot leaves you and move there is no penalty assessed against you.


    Any thoughts, constructive advice?





  6. Mmm, I like the idea....


    But what really matters, is what is the purpose of a power pool?


    If it is to round your character so it fits a character concept better, or simply provides powers that the primary and secondary power pools did not provide, once more based on the players perception, then it stands to reason that there should be no pick order in a power pool, a player frankly should be able to pick from a list of powers to get their ideal build together.


    The concept of a finishing power pool list, is not unheard of, in fact the old paper and dice game "Superworld" by Chaosium games, does exactly this, since its your character and your fit into the story.


    In a way, it surprises me that City of Heroes with an aim for character immersion did not do this.


    In the other side of the argument, having a huge list of powers to chose from, may result with players solely choosing "rounding" powers instead of main power abilities. So the idea of choosing from up to 4 pools and an an elite pool makes sense from this perspective. 


    Perhaps a fair compromise, is for the powers in a pool to be treated as a list and not a progression.



  7. MSR needs to be instanced only so it does not conflict with LGTF and TINPEX, other activities that have the same conflicting effect as MSR should be made to be instanced only as well.


    I do not think Hami needs it, because hami is the only thing that happens at the Hive or abysss.



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  8. On 5/11/2024 at 5:46 PM, Rudra said:

    To the best of my knowledge, that can't work. You have to be in the same zone to teleport anything. (Edit: Especially from inside an instance. It's the same problem of trying to access the AH from in an instance. You aren't even on the same server.)

    That is why, I am asking for the Major TT, which could do it...

  9. Please take away from mobs Moment of Glory or alike abilities (personal forcefield that no one can hit them, but unlike players they can hit)


    Now why am I asking for this?


    Giving mobs MOG and Forcefields that prevents them from getting killed are no challenge to players, it is only a time sink and a really bad annoyance to the players, take Manticore, kill all mission, and OMG is this planet of the Paragon Protectors? What really makes me mad, its a kill all, so when the PP goes nah nah you can't hit me, we can't go, screw you, we moving on in the mission, but we can't because its a kill all, so 8 of us just sits there doing nothing, totally bored, until the PP is actually engageable!


    Please start removing the time sinks from the game, they are not needed.



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  10. Hi:


        When I play my granite tank, it turns me in to a rock boy reminiscent to Optimus Prime, it really aggravates me there are no female optimus prime look.


        But then when I read comics, say Superman, his skin is just super tough, and he does not look like the Thing.


        So why not give us, at the tailor, a flag we can chose to have super skin and look human instead fruity pebbles or look like we been stoned?



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  11. Hi, simple QoL:


         All of us go out of our way to load Vidiotmaps every time there is a map change, and I wondered, why have to do this at all? why not just have the data of vidiotmaps be standard of the game maps?


         Takes care of the hazzle and its much more player friendly.



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  12. On 5/8/2024 at 4:50 PM, Eiko-chan said:

    Where am I supposed to discuss this topic? Why the hell is the Council hard now? Who's fucking idea was this and why is it just allowed to happen!? 

    Sadly there is a group of players from a particular server, that reserves the right to tell others how to play and enjoy the game, their continuous complaining and demanding the game is to only be played in their way and no other way, because you see they know everything and the rest of us are just stupid.


    So because of those, really sweet people, who thinks way too much of themselves, they have devastated AE, and PI missions with the objective that you MUST play the game as THEY see fit, what you think and want is totally irrelevant to these people



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  13. On 4/23/2024 at 11:43 AM, tidge said:


    Imagine if the final power in the Flight pool was a toggle that made you fly faster.. oh wait...


    Excuse, back to the Medicine pool. TL;DR: I think it is fine. Re-read the post by @Glacier Peak above.


    I don't see the role of the Medicine pool to be to turn characters without healing powers into healers, I see the pool as a way to give a limited number of healing/support powers to characters that want them... plus (as mentioned in the referenced post) a pretty good %damage melee attack option.


    I'm not categorically opposed to making some updates to the Medicine pool, for reasons:


    #1 The Medicine pool occupies a peculiar, particular part of design space from my PoV... there isn't often much need for healing (+status) that can't be addressed by the use of Inspirations... or just running away and allowing Regeneration to do its thing. Since Inspirations are essentially just 'click powers', I don't know why a character who invests an actual power pick needs to have those early powers be interruptible.


    #2 In a lot of team play (in my experience), preemptively applying the Absorb from Spirit Ward (Sorcery pool) to someone on the team who is likely to be taking damage is probably superior to retroactively applying Aid Other to someone that has taken damage. This doesn't sit right with me.

    I agree with you, I do not consider pool powers to have to be inferior to regular line powers, but instead are powers to help round your character, something that lets you in your mind and play style feel your build is whole. So no, power pools do not make tank blasters, or melee to be healers, but it would give a tank a range attack, and a scrapper a means to self heal, just like fighting gives many support some semblance of a chance for defense and resistance; and thus the objective of a pool power. There is no logical reason for the power pool abilities to be superior or inferior to regular powers in nature. Frankly, I would just assume and be happy if the heal pool had no interrupt handicaps...



  14. 8 hours ago, Shin Magmus said:

         TFs are mostly fine the way they are.  Because of QoL feature creep: there are so many "cheater" ways to fast travel in this game now that a lot of players reflexively use Ouro/TT/Long-Range-Teleporter/SG Bases and literally do not know how to manually travel to their destination.  In addition, all actual travel powers are roughly 35% faster (when enhanced) than they were in the past with the exception of Teleport.  I think Teleport's range was not buffed, but it's by far the fastest travel in a straight line regardless.


        You can get from Point A to Point B so quickly that the idea that you actually "travelled" is hard to believe IMO.  I just don't see the issue I guess.  TFs that *actually* involve a lot of travel (such as Dr. Quarterfield) routinely take 1/4th the time on Homecoming that they took on Live when they were first added.  What are you suggesting exactly, moving all the doors for such a TF to be the same rock in The Shadow Shard?

    It does not change the fact that inter map trave is a time sink, the additional travel powers does not fix it, just make it less stupid

  15. In the old days, I get it, the need to go all over the zones was a must for developers in order to make TFs to take longer, that is it required lots of unsolicited travel, and thus the basis for what it is known as time sinks.


    Today, the game is free, players play for the fun of it, so as a result one must question the need for time sinks.


    The simple answer is, there is no need, time sinks and irrelevant travel are now boring and irritating.


    So why not redo the TFs where they are executed in the zone they are initiated at, for example Manticore would have all missions done at Bricks.


    Citadel would have them all in Talos, Synapse would be sky only, etc.





  16. It happens that the team trying to find its way to the mission area gets stuck in multiple zones (TIN most notable), it would be nice, if a player made it to the area inside the mission is needed and then MTT the team to her regardless if they are in the zone or not with her.





  17. On 4/22/2024 at 5:58 PM, Rudra said:

    That's the thing though, support ATs are all about support. It is their identity. Players dipping into the Medicine pool aren't support characters. The Medicine pool isn't supposed to make your character a support character, it just gives you the ability to throw some supplemental heals. (And I just checked Aid Self during combat in the game. I'm not seeing any interrupt time. So the OP isn't correct.)


    Hate to tell you, but support types use this, because they can't heal themselves, at least not all the support types, and yes some melee like scrappers needs because their secondary are not strong enough and need the self heal to supplement their defenses. Think of shied for example, you do take damage and wear out, the self heal is glorious for this secondary


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  18. I really don't understand why the medicine power is to an extent so lame, or to be more precise so handicapped.


    Why heal other or self are interruptible at all, it seems like quite a cruel thing to do to a player who is trying to heal another or one self, no other heal in any power set are as horribly handicapped.


    Then why is heal other has a practically insignificant range, is the intent to get the medic killed by getting next to the meat grinder to help the tank in distress? This simply makes no sense.


    I get, that somebody thought it was being colorful to consider this pool set as a field medic as in real life, but for a super type game, this concept is simply not right.


    So I am asking to remove the interrupts from heal other and self, and give heal other a range of 50' or better, so it can be much more useful.


    Obviously field medic, would become irrelevant if this is done, would suggest to make it regen and recharge buff, similar to what emps can do





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  19. Hugs


        I  was thinking the other night as I played my MM and being accosted by AOE Holds and what not, it came to me, if my mind is split among my pets, would it not be more difficult to use a status effect on me?


     As I thought of it, I recollected that if  my pets are in defensive mode, any damage I take, would be shared with them. So if damage can be shared, why not the Status Effect?


         Thus my proposal:


         1) When pets are in defensive mode

         2) The MM gets 1 point of Status Effect Protection per living pet (Since you can only spawn 6 pets, the limit would be 6)


         It would be obvious that the status effect protection would vary as you have pets dying and re-spawned


         A thought occurred to me, if despite the protection the MM falls pray to the status effect, so does all the pets as well simultaneously.


    Any htoughts?



  20. On 3/12/2024 at 1:07 PM, megaericzero said:

    Right. If someone can keep track of when their table is rolling over and knows whether they've gotten more desirable or undesirable numbers since the last rollover, they can extrapolate the probability of the upcoming rolls. You could also potentially poke at it with things like Secondary Mutation - you'd know when you got the low roll because you turned into a monkey.


    Again, not that it would be easy. I suppose the biggest counterargument is that the sheer number of evasion checks happening in TF/trial content would continually roll your table over, making tracking it moot. At that point there's also so many people, though, that tables are also probably moot since you would average as a group anyway from the sheer number of people doing things that need rolls.


    I never took statistics in school, though. Probably should've. 😛

    I did, it was part of my master degree. But I picked up the tables, when studying cyber courses, in where they clearly teach the superiority of the use of tables





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  21. 21 hours ago, American Decoy said:

    "These tables have randomly generated values, but each table ensures that no number is repeated, and thus all values can be found on the table.


    If the system were to use tables instead of RNG, it would get rid of that pesky "I have a 95% chance to hit" but I am missing 20% of the time...."


    So, if the table system will not allow repeated values. the result for a hit-or-miss check would be "I have a 95% chance to hit" but I am missing 50% of the time."


    RNGs are not perfectly random, but if they were we would still get repeated numbers.  And we would still get 95% chance items that are not 95% results in our limited sampling.

    I am not sure, I understand you. Your third statement would be erroneous in its assumption, if you have a 95% chance to hit, using a table, you will get 95% of the time hits.

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