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  1. Ice/Fire set. Looks like crystals.
  2. Sounds like a pool of whales. If not, I don't see the server lasting longer than a few months without a donation button.
  3. Some hosts allow users to donate directly to paying for server costs, which would circumvent any sort of legal issues. Regardless, they're being very paranoid. Unless you aren't charging players to play the game, donations are a legal gray area. (As shown by the countless Blizzard servers.)
  4. I knew you guys were reading my sexy RP private messages.
  5. Yea, it's very weird they didn't drop an announcement or something. Do not bother connecting to a server until all 4 are up. That means they fixed it.
  6. Just save your character every 5 minutes.
  7. Nah, people will transition over to get the shorter queue - even if it means rerolling. Better to add that as a donation option.
  8. There was only lag in the first city. Lag and crashing haven't stopped.
  9. Donations are fully legal to accept, just don't start charging people to play and they won't bat an eye.
  10. The team did a great job on the server, but this ain't it chief. I would gladly go back to lag, (still crashes.)
  11. Just wait til you crash after 5 minutes and start the queue over.
  12. "Daddy, why are we back in the 3 hour queue? I want to play!" "Sorry son, server crashed again. For some reason they didn't ask for donations."
  13. Vanilla WoW was also a professional business server set up, in which keeping the customers happy was paramount to remaining fiscally solvent with a brand new game. This is a volunteer/fan effort to revive a game 6+ years gone. I meant Vanilla WoW Private server. Paid for out of pocket by a decade old community. They had a system setup so that if you get disconnected, you had 10 minutes to get back ingame and skip queue. Without it, consider this server dead if people keep crashing.
  14. Won't need to, I'm sure people will figure out ways of staying online 24/7.
  15. Staying quiet won't fix anything. They need to ask for donations and fix the population issue. That'd be fine, if the server didn't crash as well. At least in Vanilla WoW, they had a queue protection system in place.
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