Hi there,
The Roy Cooling arc is no longer giving out the Helping Hand badge. I petitioned and was told nothing can be done so I can only assume this is an active bug.
I mentioned this during the 5p Hami Raid but I want to say it here.
Thank you for being the example for us. All of us Hamiraiders are your legacy. Enjoy your next gaming destination, that game will be so lucky to have you.
/e salute
Major Britain/Dommi Mommi
I checked again and no change, I can select choose a title and it doesnt actually let me change anything it just tells me about it. I'll try again when I level to see if it opens up. The only thing I can think of is that I used my level 15 and 25 title options already and now I am stuck. 😞
Hey there, when I hit 40 I finally went and changed my title (the one you can add "The" to) but forgot to change the color. Now it seems I can not change it again. Can this be done somehow or at least hidden?
Thank you!
Major Britain of The Dawn Patrol is here!
We've got the supergroup (lasting from Week One to The END on Virtue) up and running too. :)
Alts- Dark Master, Miss Britain, Tasmanian Flea, Ocean Archer, Twinblayde, too any others to name!