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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. I am running an MA/WB Defender right now at 20 but ran a WB/TIME Blaster so I know what the WB attack chain gives me.  Definitely don't take Water Jet, it always succeeded in disappointing me so I respec'd out of it.  With MA there is a whole lot of fun stuff to mesh in so you kind of have to lose a few things.  I am enjoying her play and target macros smooth out the attack chain.  I tested an MA/SB on Test but decided I wanted maximum SCOURGE fun and rolled a SB/MA Corruptor instead.

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  2. All kidding aside, there are wonderful thematics you can do with it.  Storm Blast, Storm Summoning make natural sense, cold to a lesser extent as well as Earth anything to play out rocky coastlines and stormy seas.  Also sonic or Symphonic for that siren of the shores bit.  And because it is a solid set, it plays well.

  3. On 7/10/2024 at 12:16 PM, Snarky said:

    More like this


    That is a supremely overlooked gem of a movie.  I mean its got Hudson, Vasquez and Bishop in it and Kathryn Bigelow directed so bonus.

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  4. I generally have a 1 mile rule.  Exceptions are effing Boomtown (in the top back, really Synapse), I also get angry with Far north IP in Citadel and of course the token, click the call box that for some reason is on the far north end of Ithaca Island; a berdillion miles from the train station in Talos.


    And for some strange reason, I hate the Perez Park entrance in Atlas, never use it, always use alternate transport.

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