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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. On 1/6/2024 at 10:33 AM, Zhym said:

    You’re looking in the Abandoned Sewers, not the Sewers, right?  I’ve made that mistake more than once.

    Totally.  I did it like on 7 different characters, once after I literally found the information on the new location, got the badge, swapped toons and then went right to the old location and was like . . . wait a minute.

    • Haha 2
  2. Yeah mate.  Masterminds are very attention hungry, even bad play is a lot of activity and traps is all about maneuver and placement; super clicky.  Building proper kill boxes are . . . are what they are; lay mines, lay poison trap, drop acid mortar, drop triage beacon.  Attack and pull to KB, throw caltrops and web grenade.  All while commanding minions to target and maneuver.  Crazy fun and glorious when its working but frustrating when it isn't.


    Controllers also require a lot of keyboard and command variation.  Very strategic and you cant just cycle keys because you have to be judicial with some of your long recharge powers, nothing sucks more that dropping your AoE hold on two guys then needing it against a bigger pile.   Add to that the buffing/debuffing and you can gat overwhelmed easy.  Dominators are even more aggressive on the button mashing between a lot of attacks and a lot of others.


    I play a lot of Blasters and while they aren't easy or simple, their mechanic is more akin to repetitions of key bashing Snipe, 1, 2, 3, 4, repeat.  Your secondaries are often hands off or melee (unless devices or trick arrow).  You can have a reasonably good experience as a blaster with the limitations you have described but might get frustrated with survivability as constant movement and techniques like kiting and jousting are expected tools in the survival toolbox (along with hover blasting and of course killing them first).  Corruptors are harder because your are a blaster for the shooty shoot part but are also clickity click with the buff or debuff, especially on busy powers like Kin or emp.  Defenders too just in reverse.


    Tanks and Brutes may be the key for you.  Some armors (willpower was mentioned and I will add Invulnerability) allow you a good deal of hands off on the survivability side and some attack sets are honestly slow as balls, I mean I nave an INV/EM tank so slow attacks for sure.  Like @Luminara, I have a SJ/Will (though a Brute) and yeah, its a pretty good one that will give you most of what you are asking for (solo friendly, survivable, fun and not super clicky).  Please keep in mind that doesn't mean they are easy win characters to play, you still need to play.  Plenty of tanks and brutes die (sometimes for baffling and humorous reasons), sometimes due to bad build but more often than not due to bad play.


    My 2 cents at least.



  3. On 1/4/2024 at 6:00 PM, Gallo1980 said:

    Ps also I see builds put when I click on them I can see nothing what am I doing wrong? 


    Thanks again

    The builds thing not coming up is likely due to you not having Mids Hero Planner installed on your PC.


    Start Here in the forums for information:




    Get from here:


    You can grab the most recent installer from our website -> https://midsreborn.com

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  4. Yeah I like al of my characters, but if a gun was to my head I'd say 


    Di Di Guns.  DP/MC Blaster.


    Fast fun gunfighter, my first 50 on HC.  Very survivable but still surprises me at times.  Plus . . . so secksi.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. First off, welcome, these forums and the Wiki (referenced above) will be your bestest friends with regards to getting acclimated.


    Be aware that a lot of team content, especially Task Force/Strike Force/Trial are run very fast, often so fast that you will not know whats going on.  Even veteran players often get frustrated with this.  Watch the Team advertising in LFG chat and if it says speed, fast, just objectives, you may well just be tagging along going "wha?"


    KM (Kill Most) tends to slow it down to where you can sort of follow along.  Read the Homecoming Wiki (and get an idea of what awaits you (except it will spoil so your choice).


    Have fun.  This amazing little dated game is still more fun than you will get form the modern stuff.


    Except Laser Jai Ali, I mean how can you compete with Laser Jai Ali . . . Its Jai Ali . . . with a reflective ball and lasers that are reflected off the ball.  Very high powered lasers.  Like 10 TJ powered.  I mean the average lifespan of one of those players is like seven minutes . . . Glorious!

  6. Here's the thing I have been thinking about after the initial news glow.


    Will it bring new players and thus higher volume to HC.  I have seen scores (as opposed to SCoRE 🙂 ) of web sites announcing this and talking the talk about coming back.  Thus the natural flow of that question would be can the servers handle it.  I have to assume that there will be some more powerful whatever's procured if the number bear a surge in player base (if it happens) and the statements made throughout this seem to corroborate that.


    But I think what should be most prescient to THE PLAYERS already on HC is to continue to be a welcoming group.  Sure there may be old players coming back but there will be new players, ones who never played the game on live and those are the ones we need to be extra friendly with.  But there are players in the game and in these forums who often, even if its unintentional come off as being elitist (myself included at times) and while they may well be elite (in play experience or simple time on earth), that means zero to a new player or one that was casual on live.


    They are going to come in and they will have demands and expectations, a lot of which may have been expressed time and again but to them are new.  I started on HC in Jan of 2020, I know players who have been on longer.  hen there are the OGs of HC before it was HC.  But Now its public for real and there will be at least an initial rush.  CoH players and the fanbase is constantly getting its balls massaged over how welcoming they are but listen to chat and you start to realize that there are a lot of J-O's as well as nice ones.  You cannot dismiss that because it is what is seen at that moment.  These forums . . . time allows for some to think before they speak so there is less bad chatter, but it does show up as well.


    We will also have to be extra vigilant on IP infringement and reporting it because with legitimacy often comes litigation.  We could very well still lose our server if a C&D gets dropped on HC by Disney or Warner Brothers because some clown makes "The Bulk" with Green skin and purple pants (wretched color for pants btw).  I hazard to guess donations aren't going to pay for a capable legal defense staff.


    I'm excited not just for myself but for the possibility of new blood and perhaps new ideas coming in.

    • Like 3
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  7. Carnival of Light Boots.  I love them.  Kind of crave them in RL 🙂 Every one of my female characters has at least one costume slot with them.  So Secksi and I always imagine them being suede or perhaps Velour Kif.  Dual holster belts for every DP toon (all 6 of them).  Galactic Googles.  Vanguard back thingie I use for a catch all jump/jet pack explanation for SJ/fly.  Keyhole top appears on a lot of my toons.

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  8. 1.  If the costume isn't working, I generally stop and think.  Same goes for name.  I can only compromise so far.


    2.  I go 20 levels.  That will give you the best idea of what its going to be like.  Exceptions of course.


    3.  Generally its strip and delete.  Rarely will I save one that isn't pleasing me.


    4.  Dead is dead (unless you are @Snarky).  If you got a reprieve you are on Everlasting.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 3 hours ago, GM Crumpet said:

    Efficiency Expert Pither is not on Ouroboros, so it's a fail once tough noogies situation. It was changed so you could get it doing someone elses arc though.

    But a level 50 should still be able to get the missions from Pither (normal not ouroboros) themself if they haven't done them yet, right?

  10. So you are saying you cannot get Efficiency Expert via Flashback?


    Well at least you can get it as a 50 it seems.

  11. 42 minutes ago, lemming said:

    I live in a tiny house.  Last year, my laptop finally died and I decided I wanted a desktop system again and at the same time we were getting a fifth cat, so needed to redo the desk/couch arrangement to put another litter box in.  (We really should have one more litter box than cats, but ours are incredibly good so fewer needed, and it's got a fan to vent it outside)


    So after the rebuild with mostly scavenged lumber from other projects of mine and a friend, new couch and desk, and a spot to put the desktop that I totally miscalculated, so it's on top of the desk.  (I think the size of medium cases are what used to be large..., but it all works well)   I have a couple arms for the two monitors so they can swing out of the way when needed.   And the system is great for editing photos.


    Pure Linux again which is nice.  (Unix user since the early 80s...)


    My wife is often crafting upstairs in the loft and watching documentaries.  One of my cats, Chloe is almost always on my lap, but sometimes CathyCat will take over a different portion.   Sometimes, I'll be logged in and working on updating some cat statistics for the shelter, or scheduling some vet stuff.  Or answering some medical question, so my concentration on the game is sometimes lacking.

    Litter Robot is phenomenal.  Not an advertisement, we own one and at peak cat we had had 3 who all used it, and saves us so much time, effort, space and litter.

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  12. Slotting Recharge in click to activate Mez Defense powers makes a huge difference.  Some armor sets use the click vice toggle mechanism in them; Super Reflexes (Practiced Brawler) and Shield (Focused Fighting).  Obviously when slotting Set IO's you often cant avoid having to use a XXXX/RECH or combination enhancement like that.  Funny thing is that with auto powers and set IOs its better to do the XXXX/RECH vice some other and often can be gotten a little cheaper than the rest because "no need for RECH in def powers"


    As for the +RECH of LoTG even by its lonesome helps bring down recharge time on all powers nut just the slotted one.  Super important for Doms and those who are Recharge strapped.  And you can totally have 5 of them which is why people take certain fundamentally useless powers that can take Defense enhancements to "Mule" the RECH Proc".  These are not miniscule my any measure.  On some builds its almost mandatory.  But they are freakin expensive so save your Merits for those.


    Set bonuses is a vastly larger conversation.  Sometimes its going to be defined by your AT other times its your build.  Are you trying to increase defense?  Resist?  Sets will help but may hinder.  It's a balance.  Same goes for adding regen or recovery via sets.  You need to do a little planning there because again . . . expense.  It adds a whole new vector to how you build and play.


    But please, dont go all spendy on purples until you know what you want and need for your character.  that is where you get in to 100 MIL for 1% gain stuff.


    Have fun and enjoy the ride.

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