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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. On 4/22/2024 at 8:24 AM, huang3721 said:


    Nevermind. I found it.


    Once more, the Oranbegans lost control of a monster/god they trapped.  I so cant believe they fooled the Romans into putting down Carthage just to use this minor god as a battery.

  2. Some of my Pets/Henchpeople are not funny like all of my Mercs are Colonial Marines from Aliens while my Necros are Pharaohs and my Demons are Demons from AD&D.  Volt and Amp for my Electric Dom, you get the idea.


    But a few are Punny


    Blue Aria - Symphonic Control Controller - Reverberant is Rock-A-Pella from the Carmen San Diego TV show


    Hard Melody - Sonic Blaster - Seers Lore Pets are Paula and Janet (Abdul and Janet Jackson) and Wisp Pet is Synergy from JEM.


    Flattery (Illusion) - PA are High Beam, Wind Wench and Tara Jewel my alt and my two SG mates from the Babes of War.  Spectral Terror is named Spooky Ted and phantasm is Mister Sparkle.


    Terra Furious (Plant Dom) has Hungry Hugo

    But my Thugs/Rad MM - Boy Toy, Mister Abs, The Hottie, Teaser, Pleaser and Big Sexy . . . you know.

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  3. Seeing some of those OG Devs brings back some memories and made me think of some of the "habits" I have in game, mostly just me saying something in Local or Broadcast like whenever take out Column-Council trash near Wentworths in Steel I say "Stupid Nazi's"  No I now they technically aren't Nazis but they are to me.


    Anyway.  The devs and other OGs are the source of many of these.  Whenever I am in Pocket D, Training or not, I stop at War Witch and say "Hi Melissa" then "Bye Melissa".


    Any time I am on top of the Atlas globe I say "Thanks CuppaJo" which was from when the Babes of War won Hero's Choice Awards Best Supergroup on Freedom server at the 1 Year  Anniversary.  When we all got E-Mailed the certificate we made her an Honorary Babe on top of the globe.


    Of course every time I see Positron (no matter where), I say "Sorry I killed you" from when I was on the test server beta testing something relating to the 5th Column and we got Mat "Positron" Miller killed right after the mission TF completed.



    We Killed Positron.jpg

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  4. 35 minutes ago, Scarlet Shocker said:

    to be serious for a moment, in my experience, the usual reason for failure is lack of communication/coordination.


    Even small, underpowered groups can mash almost all the content in this game, provided they actually <talk> to each other and know their roles.

    Concur.  I actually selected the not watching chat because I was answering based on Okie asking the question and knowing how they and others from the Oklahoman School of Trial/Raid Leadership roll (i.e. lots of guidance in League Chat reasonable tolerance for dumb and consistent application thereof).

    • Like 1
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  5. I have tried some Search Fu but found nothing that specifically answers so I am going to ask.  Perhaps I am Ninja-ing wrong.


    Other than the Set IO bonuses that can be gained, is there any value to adding additional slots to Train Ninja's or Kuji In Zen, I see no increases in Defense with any slotting of defense in Train or healing in Kuji.


    I just messes with them again on test and I was Ninja-ing wrong.  Sorry.

  6. 8 hours ago, Frostbiter said:

    All the office buildings were designed by Nemesis so that he could replace the workers with automatons. Hard to notice strange behavior when just working there drives a person crazy.

    Good Sir, the Second floor is for ladies unmentionables while the third floor is for general houswares and linen.  Good day.

  7. I have a psi Blaster.


    I took Mental Manipulation


    It was a theme thing


    She sucks.  Not as much as she used to but I don't play her any more because slow suck - no fun.  She is going to be stripped of her Set IO's and either moved to Everlasting or deleted.

  8. What I did to beat her was re-calibrate the Rogue Isles Med-Com Teleport system to trigger a transport attempt but to only transport the metal in her body.  So when it activated she was turned to a puddle of goo.  All the copper in her blood; gone.  I didn't even realize calcium was a metal.  The smell of Chlorine was overpowering afterwards.

    • Haha 1
  9. I just edited the source citation to remove the "allegedly" part.  Regardless of alleged or not, the cited source DID NOT say alleged, that was the wiki editors interpretation.  However I will not edit the actual statement at the top due to the fact that we do in fact only have Homecoming's word that there is a license agreement (which I believe that word to be true), I wont get into a edit war without a second source.

    • Like 1
  10. Malibu pulls up and I step out.


    Sometimes you have to be honest with people.  You don't tell a person who cant sing that they sound great because they try out for American Idol and make themselves and everyone around them look like fools.  Dont laugh at jokes that are not funny and dont say they are funny because getting hit by a bottle or three at an open mike night hurts more than the truth.  Just because a persons parents said to their child that they had talent doesn't mean you do; parents are supposed to say that until it becomes delusion.


    To the OP here, I am not saying you don't have talent, nor am I saying the person who made the music doesn't have talent.  Many people in this post have tried their best to put a positive spin on things; be impressed by powershell skills and such.  Or giving you tips on how to improve the work.


    But the bottom line is that the video isn't good and the music is mediocre at best.  To say otherwise is feeding delusion instead of improvement; mediocrity shouldn't be rewarded.  To many people take silence to be acceptance or approval because too many people chose not to speak for whatever reason.  Constructive and even negative commentary does not equate to mean spirited.


    Gets back in the Malibu and drives away

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