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Posts posted by High_Beam

  1. I retired from the Navy (Chief) and on live I made a pretty good Chief in khakis, though you have a hard cover vice a garrison cap.  Chief and Officers are fairly easy to make though you get epaulets on the khakis and you cant quite get Navy Blue (Black-ish).  I could pull dungarees, utilities and even the wretched blueberries with the existing costume pieces.  The old bucket covers for females are gone, standardized now. and the Mobile Riverine Forces during the Vietnam War wore Black berets (before the Army co-opted them for general use).


    What you cant pull off is the Choker Whites (second sexiest uniform in the armed services), no Canvas White Hats (aka Dixie Cups, squid lid or dog bowl), no old style Blue Cloth cap.  No garrison cap and of course the obvious E-6 and below service dress blue and white jumpers for the deck plate sailor/popeye/cracker jack look .  Obviously a collar device would be nice.


    Unless you really wanted more Sailor Scout options for real.  You can pretty much make a strong Sailor Scout (at least if you are using long boots).  Granted I could definitely go for some ankle bootie options like Jupiter rocks.



  2. Invention tutorial doesn't "pop" anymore but is available at level 10.  Go to University in Steel Canyon (South) and talk to Admissions Officer Lenk (to the left when you enter) and then do the simple missions ans tutorial.  It's quick.  I think Villains is Dean Yu (or something like that).  You get a badge too.

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  3. On 6/9/2024 at 2:24 PM, Ceejer said:
    • I get and idea, inspiration, muse for a name, bio, costume or AT/power set.
    • Research anything I can find for build on the forum/wiki that fit. Confirm that there are no plans to limit the concept or primary game mechanics.
    • Craft a final build with accolades, incarnate,  IOs in mids. If it's to good to be true, it's off to the test server to see if it really works. 
    • Create the new character with origin, AT, power sets, costumes, power customization and cut and paste then format the bio. 
    • Head to Pocket D, to setup the costumes, start vendor and Null the Gull.
    • Invite new toon to SG.
    • Level up/respec the character placing IO uniques and sets as it's available by level. 
    • Slot common IOs at 22.
    • Export build and respec at 27 for level 30 common IOs
    • Export build and respec at 32 for level 35 common IOs.
    • Export build and respec at 37 for level 40 common IOs.
    • Export build and respec at 42 for level 45 common IOs, invite to 42+ level SG.
    • Export build and respec at 47 for level 50 common IOs. 
    • Export build and respec at 50 for level purple IOs.

    Wow!  That is a real macro level process but as long as it works, Bravo!

    • Like 1
  4. 49 minutes ago, tidge said:

    delay picking up patrol XP from exploration badges, and to start thinking about doing TFs/SF until your character gets to these doldrum periods. In combination, those two can increase the flow of XP even without 2XP.

    This.  Also, save the "Experienced" freebie XP boots until this time.  You get to 30 in the blink of an aye really, even with part-time play.

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  5. 1. I come up with an idea - powers and such.  I don't frame them up in Mids yet.


    2. I go to the Test Server and bump the character to 20, selecting and slotting how I feel based on general experience.  Then I play to see how the play goes.  This is the fun zone.  The majority of your baseline bread and butter powers are in this zone and you will know right there and then if its worth the run.


    3.  If it passes the basic fun check, I frame a build in Mids as a leveling build to level 30.  Because the majority of Set IOs for a 50 start at 30 I use SO's paired with applicable and usable Set IOs during this leveling build.  Keeping in mind that these Set IOs that are slotted during this leveling run are still to be used.


    4.  At level 30 I do a new Mids build targeting the design for the level 50 run.  Sometimes this may include a respec sometimes I am good.


    5.  Finally at level 50 I can say that I rarely have to do any real tweaking, its gone as I have wanted it to.  What I often do is fine tune and more specifically, tweak the elvels at which certain things get slotted to optimize the character for Flashbacks.


    6.  I am a happy Beam because of my process.  Of course I don't have hundreds of alts, which is why I do the flashback build considerations because I play them a lot after they hit 50 (all 25 of them).  I have no farmed toons.



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  6. 22 hours ago, Arcanum said:

    Quote from Castle

    Thing I wish never landed in CoH/V - PvP. The game was not designed for it and trying to shoehorn it in created more dissatisfaction than it provided enjoyment in general.




    22 hours ago, Arcanum said:

    With the benefit of hindsight, what is one thing that you wish you had done differently? Whether expanding upon something for the release, changing the implementation, outright not adding in something, whatever the case may be.

    • I'd have not put the time and resources into the PvP Revamp in I13


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  7. 24 minutes ago, Abraxus said:

    Of course, after the period closed to get questions in, I thought of one.  I had wondered if there were secret entrances, rooms, locations, or easter eggs that they left behind, which nobody has ever found?

    I think it did get asked and a couple responded.

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  8. Yeah man, the last update, after I uninstalled and reinstalled works fine.


    v3.7.4 rev 9 using Homecoming DBVersion 2024.5.759

    Windows 10 22H2


    I know it can be a little frustrating sometimes, but seriously its the best tool we have for the job and until something better comes along, I will support it.  They do listen to bug reports and do actively work to fix them.

  9. Okay so just ran a variation of the previous run.  This time a Vigilante selected a Hero alignment mission and My Rogue was helping.  Mission completed and Tested the Water dropped and notified it dropped.  Wierd.

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  10. Wierd that is exactly what I did.  Alt account did Vigilante Alignment and I (a Rogue) helped, no badge.  I will be twsting it again on off-peak hours, with the morality mission.  But thank you for the feedback.

  11. I know this is an old post but there was never a definitive answer and I ran into the issue today.  I was a Rogue, partner was a Vigilante.  Ran an Alignment mission, no badge, ran the Morality mission afterwards; no badge.  Can anyone weigh in on this?  Does it need to be polar opposite (i.e. Hero and Villain).

  12. Do you feel like enough isn't being done to recycle scrap metal in Paragon City?


    Do you want to create new jobs for contractors who repair small engines, HVAC and other mechanical equipment


    Do you feel art based on arc welding is the greatest form of art ever.


    Are you comfortable around random electrical discharges.


    Then the Clockwork Wants You!



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  13. What I liked about this event was that it wasn't too much of a grind to get the three badges for every one of my alts that matter (sorry Raging Mame).  The rest of the things didn't matter since they either expired (costumes and such) or bought essentially nothing (Tokens).  A well-balanced evolution that I hope will only occur every ten years (to make it more special).  Imagine a Golden Anniversary . . . I would be like . . . dead most likely in 30 years.  I will have to have my will changed to stipulate my son must log all my alts if he wants to see his inheritance.

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