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Everything posted by olio

  1. Looks like the old mac client needs some tinkering with the Wineskin, as there wasn't Island Rum application in that package. At the moment I unfortunately don't have time or energy for that, so I was hoping for an elegant solution like the "modern" Island Rum.
  2. Thanks for the offer.!I do have Sierra and High Sierra installers saved, so maybe at some point I'll do the upgrade. At the moment my work-related stuff works with my current OS X, and that is - unfortunately - more important than getting CoH to work :)
  3. Heyah! I haven't run the game in Safe Mode, only in 32-bit. The newest version of Island Rum isn't compatible with OS X 10.10.5 - which, like you said is quite old - so I can't run the patcher anymore. Huge thanks for your professional answer in any case!
  4. Hey, thanks for the answer. Unfortunately my issue is that I can't launch the patcher anymore because of the recent update to it, which made it uncompatible with my OS X.
  5. I ran Island Rum earlier today and it updated itself, loading islandrum-mac.zip. I launched the game and played a bit. When I tried to run Island Rum later today, I got an error message "You have OS X 10.10.5. The application requires OS X 10.11 or later." I could enter the game once more when I launched the CoH app directly, but when I tried to log in just a moment ago, I couldn't connect to server. The client was an old version and now it seems that I don't have means to update it. Is there anything I can do to keep on playing in OS X 10.10.5?
  6. I ran Island Rum and it did download a new version. I launched the game and played a bit. I closed the game and noticed that Island Rum had white mark over it. When trying to launch it, it says I have to have OS X 10.11 or later. I have OS X 10.10.5. Is this intentional? I can run the game when I just launch COH application, though. Edit: Can't connect to the game anymore 😕 Wrong client version.
  7. /monitorattribute influence Shows your influence in a small pop up, which you can drag in your ui wherever you want.
  8. For some reason loading it with Chrome still gave me the same error message, but using Firefox I was able to launch it. Maybe some cookies or cache or something else was messing my download. Cheers!
  9. Did you use the same link as in my previous post?
  10. Thanks for the reply! I downloaded Island Rum through the link in this post: I still got the same error message.
  11. I downloaded the islandrum-mac.zip, but upon unpacking and running Island Rum, I get following error message: You can’t use this version of the application “Island Rum” with this version of OS X. You have OS X 10.10.5. The application requires OS X 10.11 or later. Am I'm out of luck or can I somehow run CoH Homecoming under OS X 10.10.5?
  12. Is it possible to make CoH work in OS X Yosemite (10.10.5)? Answering myself: Yes, it is, in 32-bit mode.
  13. Greetings! Does the Island Rum work in OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite) and how big is the full install? Cheers! Answering myself: Yes, it works in 32-bit mode and full install is around 5,3 Gigs.
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