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  1. Wondering if other people could use a file you saved to clear their FoW. Then you could upload that file to the modder and it could be used for any toon.
  2. I just wanted to say "abreast" too 😉
  3. "Ahhhhhhahhhhhhh! You know what this is? It's a haiku! You know what its going to be a thousand years from now? A haikiu!" Oh wait.....That's Sam Kinison...
  4. I feel bad every time I "defeat" Sally. I'm just glad there isnt a global message "JerkyNerio" KILLED Sally y'all!"
  5. Gotta roll the Rs when you say it tho 😉
  6. I would try to close down the game and launcher from Task Manager and then restart the launcher and verify files before you restart.
  7. Halfway down on Page 34 you did 😉 (You can search within a thread)
  8. Posted this in the costume thread but works here also! IceFlo
  9. Theres a lot of info on the wiki: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Category:Sets_for_improving_Ranged_Damage
  10. Yeah I almost always take RTB. I have taken ROL for purely thematic reasons.
  11. I think it might be on a separate timer but I'm not 100% sure on that. But I've bought some just to have the badge title before. They do also have separate effects when they are activated.
  12. Miraculous badge can be purchased at the Candy Keeper and awards Renewal of Light (temp power) also.
  13. What group content? Do you mean joining them story wise or actual content? Because you don't have to have a team for any of the Midnighter content, it is very soloable.
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