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Doctor Thunder

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Everything posted by Doctor Thunder

  1. I read this as "Deliver the Tabula Scrotum...." and, you know, I don't typically refuse missions, but....
  2. I am very new to Linux, so it's almost certainly user error. Just can't get it to run. However, I did find the link to all the mids CityMod installs, and manually downloaded the crucial ones for me--Vidiotmaps and the Teleport Beacon Labels. That's absolutely good enough for me. If I want to fiddle with other mods, I know how to do it now. And thanks!
  3. Anyone running Homecoming on Linux had any success with add-ons/mods? I got Vidiotmsps working, but am having no luck finding the mods I want -- especially the Teleport Beacon labels one
  4. I just recently started using Linux Mint. Enjoy it so far. Are you still working on this launcher?
  5. Is there a big important reason that images of bases aren't shared when contest results are posted? I get that sharing the base entry code means you can go explore them your own dang self. I just would enjoy seeing a glimpse of them when I'm not able to be on the game.
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