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  1. I have three bases in mind I think would fit for nature. I know its passed the due date, but I wanted to share anyway. I don't keep as well to these events as I would like. STARRYCABIN-16941 Pandora-16260 summer-19339
  2. Have some space station bases here, simple designs, these are some of my earlier builds when I was just starting out. Some are unfinished. But if yall want to visit, go ahead 🙂 Original Lighthouse Station (Everlasting Server) hope-14269 RP/T Hub thats space station theme, contains several levels of interior. A meeting space, observatory, greenhouse garden, power/water station, storage unit space, a rec/coffee room, and a holo room simulating a camp site. New Lighthouse Station (WIP, Everlasting Server) hope-15001 Wanted to improve on the design based on what I learned, its basically a space station largely made up of glass. Still very much a work in progress. Lighthouse II (WIP, Everlasting Server) LIGHT-14474 Got carried away, and intead of building a space station, I made a giant asteriod in a waterfall interior. Entrance is a bit of a mess, to give fair warning. For waterfall interior, choose beth point from teleport shard. HOP Station (Torchbearer Server) hop-9999 -Simple T-Hub, meant to be compact, quick and accessible Astra Sea Port (WIP, Everlasting Server) ASTRAL-16800 -Work in progress rp community/t-hub. Its a port/city in space. Could use some extra help, to design graffiti interiors, and more grit in the city.
  3. Hi Battle Angel posting some bases. Gosh I'm blown away by the bases here, it's awe inspiring ❤️
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