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Everything posted by 00Troy00

  1. 00Troy00


    I've got him to 50, but unsure as to how to build him outany advice?
  2. 00Troy00


    Anyone have a killer build for this combo?
  3. I appreciate you taking the time!
  4. 00Troy00


    Anyone have a topnotch build for me?
  5. Thanks for that.
  6. Does one prove more survivable over the other?
  7. Why do you say so?
  8. I was thinking fire blast for my primary, but I'm open to suggestions. For my secondary, I want something that requires minimal involvement. I was thinking Inv? Again, open to ideas.
  9. I haven't yet, but have enjoyed my Claws/SR
  10. Also interested in opinions re synergy with thse above named primaries.
  11. How well does it play?
  12. Why do you say that?
  13. Stone on a stalker seems so odd concept-wise.
  14. 00Troy00

    Regen Brute

    How would this do with Dual Blades or Savage Melee?
  15. 00Troy00

    Regen Brute

    What were your results?
  16. 00Troy00

    Regen Brute

    It's really refreshing to see a response like this instead of so many others I've seen on thr forums where someone feels compelled to launch into a disrespectful tirade. A shame more people don't have such class.
  17. How well do you solo with this?
  18. 00Troy00

    Regen Tank

    I have to admit that sounds pretty badass. Have you played one at high level?
  19. I have a concept in my head for a highly durable toon that can dive into melee and cut things to ribbons. My question is can a tank made feom the choices above be constructed in such a way as to still pump out good damage?
  20. Don't suppose you ha e a good build strategy for this by chance? I don't mean to come off lazy. I've n3ver been good at builds (even with Mids)
  21. Which would you say makes for the most durable toon between Inv and Willpower. I tend to lean toward Inv because I like the idea of resistance and defense mixed with perma Dull Pain (although I'm not sure how easy that is to pull off). If it matters, I was thinking of pairing it with Dual Blades or Katana (I'd take energy, but I hate the damned pom poms!)
  22. Some have said to me that Imv is a bad choice for a scrapper. I take it you disagree?
  23. 00Troy00

    Regen Brute

    Care to explain how endgame regen brute can be amazing? (Not trying to sound like a smart***. I genuinely want to know. Lol)
  24. 00Troy00

    Regen Brute

    I'm assuming Savage Melee reduces global cooldowns through the set bonuses it can take? What other primaries are good for this?
  25. I'll check out your build for sure, but just for quick reference, I'm assuming it's practically impossible to make Instant Healing perma without sacrificing too much?
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