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Everything posted by Nitekilla

  1. I am speaking of Attuned enhancements. For example, all of the Numinas (except the proc one) were 1-2 million and now they are all 5-6 million. Same with the defence attuned enhancements.
  2. All I know is that IO's that used to cost 1 million now cost 5 million. I guess inflation is affecting City of Heros now.
  3. Ice Ice Corruptor. You will die ALOT !!!
  4. thanks
  5. Is there a fire farm out there that does not use fire swords.....
  6. Been farming with my fire brute. When I am surrounded by mobs for about 15 seconds, my fire defense goes from 45% to red negative numbers causing death. Anybody know what's going on ??
  7. I am guessing I have met all of the conditions for the badge. I wish they would put in a little note instead of having the option completely disappear as this is confusing.
  8. Why did they take away the Dimensional Warder badge progress from Null the Gull in Pocket D ??
  9. Did they nerf the xp from the fire farms? I did one road tunnel run and my alt only got to lvl 17 where normally they end up lvl 22. Just curious.
  10. Where is the AE building in Atlas?
  11. Does reactive interface from the incarnate powers proc when phantom army does attacks?
  12. This is impressive ! Is this an EM/EA stalker ?
  13. I soloed this SF with my Illusion - Rad Controller. It was not easy and I died a lot...
  14. The blinkies in certain missions used to give massive xp. I would power level my stalker by running around and clicking the blinkies and then reset the mission !
  15. Remember when the respec trials were super hard and you had to have insanely good team to succeed?
  16. Remember when you could make a perma MoG toon ? On teams, the defender would have a heart attack as they furiously tried to heal you. Then you would face a psi slinging enemy and die in one shot....lol
  17. I have never heard of this. What are the advanced villain tailors called. Not seeing anything on Paragon wiki
  18. For some reason I am not able to change my male villain to female with the facemaker person. I am able to do this just fine on hero side. Anybody have any ideas what is going on?
  19. To answer the actual question -- no, it is not, neither with set bonuses nor with any in-game bonus at all. The maximum possible recharge rate is 500%; Elude has a 180s uptime and 1000s recharge, which means that even with maximum recharge bonus at all times there's still a 20s gap. In terms of recharge rates achievable with set bonuses (and Hasten and Alpha slot), you're looking at something like at most 300% anyway, which leaves 153s of gap. Does this include quickness ? Quickness adds 20 % recharge rate to Elude.
  20. It adds run speed and massive endurance recovery
  21. Is Perma Elude possible now with IO set bonuses?
  22. In my household, my son has his own account and we team together. Is this considered multiboxing?
  23. The Mastermind Thugs gang war power will not aggro Heroes (Archvillains). They just stand around. Bosses and other mobs are fine.
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