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  1. Wow! Took my Bot/Storm MM that can usually solo +4/8 for a spin in the fog. Didnt last 2 sec. There seemed to be +10s in about every mob, and boy do they hit hard! Love the idea, almost need reverse difficulty options for this baby 🙂
  2. Yeah full uninstall/reinstall worked for me too.
  3. The second bullet about resizing windows to be interupted also applies to dragging the slider on the right of the map
  4. Hey was just on Release Candidate 3 and noticed i had trouble changing window size and selecting map zoom with the mouse. I would get the double arrow at edge of window, but as soon as I tried to click and drag it would start rotating screen instead of dragging window border. Also when trying to click/drag slider on right of map to change zoom, it did the same thing. Would not let me zoom would instead start rotating view. Tried with 2 different characters and got same effect.
  5. Enjoyed the arc. Excellent story telling. Felt a little lost a times, but figuring out what to do was part of the fun. Thanks HC! Oh and I really like the RWZ base overhaul. Its massive. That must have taken a ton of work. Looks like a great place to build more content around now 🙂
  6. Thank you. CoH and its community have been the most satisfying and rewarding gaming experience I have ever had. I sincerely appreciate all of you that have been involved in keeping it going/growing.
  7. Does use of City Modder disable the use of the old data folder method or does it work in parallel with the data folder? I create personal pop menus for my own use that I don't have any desire to publish publicly. Will I still be able to do that without officially publishing them and packaging them through City Modder?
  8. I dont think the MM Protector Bot is responding to Endurance Reducers. Tried different amounts of end reduction and they still drain themselves dry when attacking
  9. I thought this only affected generally 'offensive' toggles. Currently purely 'defensive' toggles do not drop when mezzed. I know some 'offensive' toggles have defensive components to them. So I understood those were going to get affected by this. But, I didnt think this had any affect on purely 'defensive' or 'survival' toggles. Am I understanding that correctly? If so, I think the overall benefit of having the 'offensive' toggles suspend for 5s tends to outweigh a little extra wait time compared to the ideal response time of manually restoring them. In the heat of battle I am watching a lot of different things and my response time to notice and restore the 'offensive' toggles is probably not ideal. So in a practical scenario the 5s suspension is probably little real loss of restoration time and quite possibly and improvement. But, if suspension is also going to affect all of my 'defensive' toggles that don't currently drop at all, then that seems like a significant net loss that I would not be in favor of. With that said, I did copy a couple of toons over to beta and tried them out on different heavy mezzing group (e.g. Carnies, COT) and yes I like this change. Maybe not perfect, but way more convenient.
  10. There is something odd about the Revs attack range. Many times it would hang back and not attack at all. I would have to run in closer to 'drag it in' to get it to attack. It needs to move up on its own and start attacking soon after I do.
  11. Welcome back. Yes I too remember when I heard about Homecoming. One of those 'too good to be true' and then finding out it really was true feelings. It was a good day indeed 🙂
  12. Probably EM/EA Stalker for single target dps, and for AOE dps, Rad/Fire brute. EM got a rework an issue or so back, and Rad/Fire brute mainly because those two power sets are AOE oriented and brutes get the benefit of fury damage buff and 800% damage cap.
  13. Yep, same for me. Thugs/Time is my sturdiest. Between def cap, time's juncture, and perma Chrono, really really tough. I also have a Demon/Electric which is pretty tanky too. Tons of fun, but not quite up to 4/8.
  14. What is power boost for? Just a short term defense boost, or does enhance Triage Beacon or Poison Trap?
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