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Everything posted by JAMMan0000

  1. I copied and pasted your bind lines in above and they seemed to work as you expect. I wonder if your bindloadfile command actually worked. Did you type a '/' in front of the command? Like '/bindloadfile....'. Its required if you just type directly in to the chat, but not if you load the command from a file. If it did load properly, then you should have gotten a confirmation in the chat dialogue. Something like Keybinds file loaded: D:\Gaming\cohbinds\costumes.txt
  2. Megajoules comment regarding the beauty of Paragon City sparked a thought. A few months back, I rolled a new toon and was so excited to try its new powers I kept skipping the regular travel powers. I was just using sprint, ninja run, and the P2W jump booster. As I leveled, I was expecting to reach a point were I regretted not taking the regular travel powers. But.... it never happened. I went all the way to 50 with none of the regular travel powers. What I thought was a potential mistake, turned out to be a new experience. I found it much more immersive as I leveled and ran around through the zones at ground level. I never realized how much detail you miss when you super speed/jump/fly/teleport around. I mean the amount of detail and creativity in these zones is just amazing. Now I'm not throwing stones. Most of the time I still take travel powers and yes I use the various teleport options. And the truth all of this feedback suggests is that we all like different things and even the things we like change can change too. So to think there is one perfect solution for everybody isn't practical. What is practical is recognizing different people like different things and providing a reasonably balanced approach to offering options for all of us to get what we each individually want. Talk about a tough nut to crack... wow... almost a no win situation. But, as I have read through all of the feedback during beta and live, it is clear to me that the Homecoming team is sincerely trying to find that balance, provide those options.... crack that nut. They have invested a huge amount of effort and demonstrated an enormous amount of patience and consideration. I don't necessarily agree with all the changes, but I respect their effort and trust that they really are trying to serve the CoX community.
  3. Try this: 1 "emote none$$cc 0$$pow_exec_slot 1$$bind_load_file_silent "D:\Gaming\City of Heroes\Binds and Macros\costume1.txt"" It actually has 2 sets of quotes - 1 to consolidate the file path in to a single argument and 1 to consolidate the entire line into a single bind for the '1' key. I had a similar issue and this worked for me, so hoping it fixes you up too.
  4. I really like this. Nice work guys! Is this version of the mnu file available somewhere, or coming with page 2? Also, for the summon portal powers would it be possible to incorporate the option to automatically check for and use an existing base portal if within range rather than unnecessarily wasting your own power to summon a redundant portal. Basically do a /efbp for any other portal in the vicinity before executing your own power. Similar to what I did in my custom FastTravel.mnu above, but 'bake that in' to the powers themselves. Or maybe add that to standard FastTravel.mnu for page 2. That would pretty much eliminate any cooldown/charge limit concern for teams. One person drops a portal and everyone automatically shares it for free rather than accidently creating a redundant portal and wasting their own cooldown/charge. A team of 8 sharing 1 or 2 portal summons each would provide more portals than they could ever realistically use. Even each person having just the P2W portal summon power would effectively reduce the cool down to 10 min / 8 = 1.2 min for a full team. Or if you think in terms of the Day Job portal summons, it would effectively increases the number of charges available by x8. And that doesn't even consider each individuals LRTP or Base Transporter powers. I don't think a team could realistically use them that fast and the whole cooldown/charge limit concern becomes mute. The key is making it happen automatically so there is less focus on each individuals limited cooldowns/charges, and more focus on the benefit of effectively unlimited cooldown/charges available to the team. Doesn't do anything for soloing, but then soloing is typically slower and the individuals cooldowns/charges are already adequate. Anyway, just a suggestion. 🙂
  5. FYI - Here is a customized version of the FastTravel popmenu that you can modify to use any SG Base you want as your travel hub just setting your $Battlecry (menu shortcut \D) to the SG Bases passcode. To boot it will also use any existing portals in the area first to eliminate unnecessary cooldown and charge usage of your own powers. Just drop it in data\texts\English\menus, restart CoX and it will replace the default FastTravel popmenu. FastTravel.mnu
  6. Thanks Bopper. That looks like historical info. Is that still mostly accurate today? If not, do you know if there is a similar current reference?
  7. FYI - Couple Tips/Tricks from Beta Testing to Help with Transition to New Base Portal/Teleport Powers. Basics for getting LRTP locations on a new toon: Advanced Custom Keybinds and Fast Travel Menu to Help Avoid Unnecessary Cooldowns & Charge Usage on the New Base Portal/Teleport Powers:
  8. Ok I've spent quite a bit of time working with the new teleport powers and have developed a set of custom binds and modifications to the new Fast Travel menu that automatically optimizes power/charge usage. Its not for the faint of heart, or new players. But, I love CoHs key bind macro language and thought you might find it interesting too. At the very least it demonstrates the flexibility CoHs macro language can provide. Oh and I have actually implemented and tested all of these. They do work as described. Im not just hypothesizing. 🙂 So here you go... Example of Custom Key Binds and FastTravel Popmenu to Promote Portal Sharing and Optimize Teleport Powers Custom Key Bind Description: Creates 3 key binds F10 - Auction House (AH), F11 - Long Range Teleport, F12 - Base Teleport that will automatically promote sharing of portals and optimize use of teleport powers and charges. F10 eliminates need to travel to the Auction House by bring up the Auction House window in your current location without teleporting. F11 and F12 will automatically first try to teleport to your favorite base if an existing base portal is already available rather than use one of your teleport powers or its charges. If there is not an existing portal available, F11 will execute your LRTP power as usual and allow you to teleport to any destination you have unlocked. If there is not an existing portal available, F12 will cycle through P2W Supergroup Portal, P2W Base Transporter, DJ Rapid Response Portal, and DJ Monitor Duty Teleporter powers. It automatically cycles through with first preference to use P2W and portal creating powers, and second preference for Day Job and portal producing powers. By using this order of preference, it automatically promotes the use and creation of portals for you and everyone elses use while at the same time using DJ powers with limited charges only when other portals or portal powers aren't available. Basically if everyone in an area was using these binds, everyone would be taking turns with only one person at a time creating a portal with their P2W power, and everyone else would be using it for free without even thinking about it. Just press F12 and either you create a portal that you and everyone else who presses F12 after can use for free without using their own teleport powers or charges. Or if someone else presses F12 before you, you get free use of their portal without using your own teleport powers or charges. So with out any thought at all, just pressing F12 gets you and everybody in the area to their base in the most power/charge effective manner. Custom FastTravel Popmenu Description: Adds a new 'Use Existing Portal' option to use any existing base portal, and it modifies the existing LRTP, Base Teleport and Base Portal options to automatically first try to use an existing base portal rather than use your teleport powers and charges. If there isn't an existing base portal available, the regular Base Teleport or Base Portal power executes as usual. Again adding the option and automatic priority to to use existing base portals will help optimize use of your powers and charges. Special Note: These customizations as written redefine the F10 key and use the players $Battlecry text to identify the SG Passcode to use when teleporting to a base. Therefore the F10 key and $Battlecry variable will not be available for other purposes. This was done to make defining the SG Passcode easier for users. If you use the $Battlecry variable for other purposes and still want to use these customizations, you can replace the $Battlecry variable in the examples below with your desired SG Passcode. Setup Details:
  9. The Fast Travel menu seems pretty popular. Similar to the rotating binds I suggested previously, one way to help reduce concern about transport power cooldowns and limited charges would be to modify the FastTravel.mnu to append "$$enterbasefrompasscode [your fav base code]" to the end of the Command line for Base Transport, Super Group Portal, Monitor Duty Teleporter, and Rapid Response Portal (see example below). You could also do this with Long Range Teleporter if you wish. If you do, it will make use of any existing portal before using your own. It will completely preclude the use of your power and avoid unnecessary cooldowns and charge usage. Should work great on teams or in crowded areas. If any one person in the area creates a portal, everybody else can get a free ride to their favorite base. LockedOption { DisplayName "&Base Transporter" Command "powexecname Base Transporter$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95" Icon "Veteran_TeleportBase" PowerReady "Prestige.Prestige_Travel.prestige_Base_Teleport" } LockedOption { DisplayName "&Supergroup Portal" Command "powexeclocation forward:7 Supergroup Portal$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95" Icon "Prestige_BasePortal" PowerReady "Prestige.Prestige_Travel.prestige_Base_Portal" } LockedOption { DisplayName "Monitor &Duty Teleporter" Command "powexecname Monitor Duty Teleporter$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95" Icon "DayJob_Teleport" PowerReady "Temporary_Powers.Day_Job_Powers.Rapid_Response_Member_Teleport" } LockedOption { DisplayName "&Rapid Response Portal" Command "powexeclocation forward:7 Rapid Response Portal$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95" Icon "DayJob_BasePortal" PowerReady "Temporary_Powers.Day_Job_Powers.Rapid_Response_Member_Portal" }
  10. Ok just some fun info - Just managed to get all LRTP destinations on a level 1 toon. Took about an hour and a half. Not that I was really trying to set a speed record. More just curios how hard it would be. Very reminiscent of Hollows runs to missions in the early years of live. Got ganked a few times. Dark Astoria and Shadow Shards were particularly risky. One agro and pfft - quick trip to hospital. On the other hand it taught me dieing can be kind of a convenient option to get to your base if your other TP powers are on cooldown. Kind of machoistic. But hey it works 🙂. Might raise the demand for the P2W self-destruct powers lol. I will also bet there is going to be a demand for 'Badge Tours' where a higher level toon sidekicks a team up to 50 and then just leads a tour to various zones for lowbies to get exploration badges with little to no risk. Anyway, it was kind of a fun challenge. Yes would not look forward to doing that on every brand new toon. But, if it can be done at level 1 fairly easily, it can only be easier as you level. What seems to be working pretty well for me on new toons is; 1. Turn on Sprint, Go to P2W vendor and get/turn on the free Athletic Run. Get a Jump Pack for the couple badges at higher elevations. 2. Get Atlas exploration badges for Fast Travel, and LRTP 3. Use Atlas Tunnel to go to Nightward. Go to scary house to get Midnighters Club and exploration badges. 4. Go back to Nightward Tunnel, Go to Founders Falls. Jump in canal and use water path for safe trip to Midnighters Club there. (While you are there also pick up the exploration badge right in that same plaza area.) 5. Enter Midnighters Club and go to Cimerora to get O-port. 6. Use O-port to go to Talos. The O-port practically drops you on top of an exploration badge on top of the hill. (Now your LRTP has Atlas, Nightward, Founders Falls, and Talos. And you have Oport as an alternative if LRTP is on cooldown.) 7. Then just start working out of Talos Tram and Tunnel systems to get desired exploration badges. The Tram/Tunnels wont get you all of the LRTP destinations. There are a few in Praetoria and Hazard Zones that you will need to travel to or use base beacons to reach. And... as far as I can tell, it looks like only way to get the Pocket D destination is just to logout there to get the Day Job badge (Ummm actually, if you got Atlas exploration badges in step 2, I think all you have to do is get 1 PD exploration badge to unlock it. So don't need to logout in PD for an hour to get DJ badge.). As for the loss of the Wentworths port, I was a little concerned. That is usually where I parked my toons. However, I just made a /macro AH "ah" and now I don't have to go to WW at all. WW comes to me... kind of like Amazon took over management or something 🙂 .
  11. Interesting. So technically it tries to execute left to right, but as you stated, effectively executes right to left. And its this effective execution order that prevents charges from being wasted. I can live with that 🙂
  12. No charges are wasted. Macros are executed right to left, so pressing F12 first attempts to use the /enterbasefrompasscode command in order to take advantage of any existing portal. If there is an existing portal, you immediately go to you base and the rest of the command is aborted with out executing the /powexec command. If there isn't an existing portal, it 'skips' the /enterbasefrompasscode command, and executes the /powexec command. When the/powexec command is executed, it enables the use of the /enterbasefrompasscode command. Then the next press of F12 executes the /enterbasefrompasscode. If you are next to an existing portal (regular zone base portal, a portal you created, or a portal someone else created), you can TP back and forth to your base all day without using a single charge. Only time you use a charge is when there isn't an existing portal available from any other source.
  13. FYI - I updated the bind files to use new Monitor Duty Teleporter and add a 5th option to get to your base via Long Range Teleporter. -Beta BaseTP Binds /bind F12 "powexecname Base Transporter$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95$$bindloadfilesilent ".\binds\BaseTP2.txt"" BaseTP1.txt: F12 "powexecname Base Transporter$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95$$bindloadfilesilent ".\binds\BaseTP2.txt"" BaseTP2.txt: F12 "powexeclocation me Supergroup Portal$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95$$bindloadfilesilent ".\binds\BaseTP3.txt"" BaseTP3.txt: F12 "powexecname Monitor Duty Teleporter$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95$$bindloadfilesilent ".\binds\BaseTP4.txt"" BaseTP4.txt: F12 "powexeclocation me Rapid Response Portal$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95$$bindloadfilesilent ".\binds\BaseTP5.txt"" BaseTP5.txt: F12 "powexecname Long Range Teleporter$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95$$bindloadfilesilent ".\binds\BaseTP1.txt""
  14. For consideration: Bellow is an example of a single key (F12) rotating bind that will; 1. Use the enterbasefrompasscode command to use a local portal if available, and if not available 2. Cycle through the various Base teleport powers, using the first one available to create a portal and then use the enterbasefrompasscode command So basically, you press F12 and if you are near an existing portal you immediately go your base. If you are not near a portal, pressing F12 creates one, and pressing F12 again takes you to your base. Also, if you are teaming and one person creates a portal, you can just press F12 to use that persons portal rather than using your power/charges to create another one. Not as quite as nice as the prior unlimited enterbasefrompasscode, but it helps reduce tray icon clutter and conserve Day Job portal charges by using/sharing any existing 'free' portals and P2W portals if available. Note: You will need to change the example below for bind key (F12), sg passcode (HEAVEN-95), and CoH bind folder path to match your setup. Example: BaseTP Bind: /bind F12 "powexecname Base Transporter$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95$$bindloadfilesilent "c:\games\City of Heroes\binds\BaseTP2.txt"" BaseTP Bind Files: BaseTP1.txt: F12 "powexecname Base Transporter$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95$$bindloadfilesilent "c:\games\City of Heroes\binds\BaseTP2.txt"" BaseTP2.txt: F12 "powexeclocation me Supergroup Portal$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95$$bindloadfilesilent "c:\games\City of Heroes\binds\BaseTP3.txt"" BaseTP3.txt: F12 "powexecname Base Teleporter$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95$$bindloadfilesilent "c:\games\City of Heroes\binds\BaseTP4.txt"" BaseTP4.txt: F12 "powexeclocation me Rapid Response Portal$$enterbasefrompasscode HEAVEN-95$$bindloadfilesilent "c:\games\City of Heroes\binds\BaseTP1.txt""
  15. I have used the Badge Grant commands below and received both badges, but am still not getting awarded the Rapid Response Portal. I tried logging out and back in, but still no Rapid Repsonse Portal in my Day Job power listing. The original Base Teleporter is there, but no RRP. Is there some other requirement? /badgegrant Dj_Monitor_Duty /badgegrant Dj_Rapid_Response_Member
  16. Ok. There are just no words for this. Win or not, if you don't go see this you are missing out on an incredible experience. Oh and try to get a tour. there is absolutely no way you will be able to see and appreciate everything without a guide.
  17. It wasn't too long ago that I heard CoH was back. As many others here have expressed, your efforts are very meaningful and much apprpeciated. When CoH went down, it ripped the heart out of a thriving supportive community. Never have I found anything like it before or since. Not to overstate things, but having CoH back is a blessing. You will have my support to ensure it remains this time. Sincerely, Jam.
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