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Everything posted by Ravenplume

  1. Also, I have noticed that PDP now has 2 Steel Canyon entrances, and when you exit PDP, it is random which one you would come out through. The second one is not too far from, and a bit behind Icon.
  2. And just FYI, now when you have visited Club 55, Pocket D, and the Paragon Dance Party, you get awarded the Party Animal badge. PDP is also the quickest way out to Power Island as well, unless there is a TV beacon now, which I am guessing there likely is...
  3. I'm still hoping to one of these days, when I have a new character to start from square zero again, to find a regular group to actually experience at least the full 1-20 Resistance story line in Praetoria, yes, with everyone actually running the arcs themselves as well. Also have a Praetorian gal that managed to do SOME of that, but now has never been able to find a similar group to fully experience the First Ward/Night Ward arcs (which I have still never done other than on teams that just want to blast through it all as quickly as possible, not even time to train up or anything, no communications at all and when one does pause to try to type out anything, the team is already in the next mission, likely mostly through it before you can even get to the door, etc. How does one get a team for that sort of thing? Even when I do advertise specifically what I am looking for, it always ends up otherwise anyway. I am also hoping to one of these days actually experience all the different TFs and SFs, instead of no communications or waiting up for anyone speed runs.
  4. I would love to see the invention tutorial expanded to be playable at any of the universities, with a different group of bad guys raiding the supplies based on the zone (perhaps witches for Croatoa, Rikti or Crey or Thornies for Founders (though we already get Thornies in the supply room in the Wizard's Weakness mission, so something other than them). There is also a contact in Imperial City for the tutorial as well, at the IPECAC place...
  5. There is an issue no one ever seems to touch on with the "never expires" thing. Never upgrading your low level IOs leaves your enhancement values STUCK at that level. Those Level 10 Accuracy and Damage IOs slotted in your fireball enhances those values a whopping 11.7% each, which will remain those values if you never upgrade (19.2% for a 15, up to 42.4% for a level 50). Heck, this is why when I am putting PVP sets into a build (I don't PVP but I like the PvE bonuses and they can be slotted as young as Level 7), I will actually buy them attuned, since again, those enhancement values will be stuck at the enhancer's level. And on that note, with equivalent level SOs being 33.3% enhancement values and 38.3% if they are kept up to date at +3 (just talking ACC and DMG as examples), and inf really being pretty easy to generate with little effort, and SOs easy to upgrade with that big UPGRADE button in the enhancement screen (I only noticed that in recent months myself), generic IOs are largely pointless until at least perhaps 35 or 40, but it you are keeping your SOs at +3, then no need for generics until 50, in powers that can only take generics.
  6. You can also /ah between missions to grab inspirations from your auction inventory (unless the TF or Trial is instanced, like the Summer Blockbuster.)
  7. And really, soloing the Frostfire mission is about the equivalent of soloing most any other generic Defeat Boss and Guards mission.
  8. All attacks get as their standard, 1 accuracy, 3 damage, an endurance reduction and a recharge. Can't really get them slotted any more than that. Those +4 TFs still feel like chopping down a tree with a butter knife.
  9. I'm mostly on Everlasting nowadays.
  10. I have found that on teams set at a high level, mentioning that it would be nice to be able to hit and actually do damage, the leader will actually drop it down a notch or two. Has a failed Marketcrash last night that I was on. For some reason, we could barely make a dent in that Crimson Prototype thing...especially with nonstop adds that we needed to clear as well. Leader finally gave up, and sadly, there was no redo. So that character needs to try again to get her free purple... I do have to say, it was only in the past couple months I learned the glowies in the reactor spawn ambushes. Then again, I think I have only done that TF on groups that speed run it and never give time to ask questions, train up as needed, or even communicate with each other. I'm reluctant to attempt any of the incarnate trials now. I can imagine what a cluster those would be...
  11. Pondering trying to come up with something awesome for a Lex Lutheran, but nah. Don't need any new characters at this time.
  12. Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads...
  13. Nowadays, I typically don't even bother and just use SOs to 50, unless I have Winters, ATOs, PVPs, or Overwhelming Forces available (or I remember that I have them in base) I also, when I build now, try to do it without a respec, just working with what I already have I see what sets are available for that type of power, and if there are any set bonuses that may be useful to me, then that power gets however many pieces of that set it can hold, at least up to where the target bonus comes into play. Heck, got several that are well into incarnates now and STILL are on mostly SOs.
  14. And yesterday, he got to drop the hyphen. The one who did grab the name yoinked it to save it just in case I decided to make him after all. :)
  15. How about propagating the Demon MM's "whip assault" to some of the other controllery ATs...and possibly Sentinel as well?
  16. Newest of mine now is a fellow that works as a dishwasher and bus boy at the Giza for his spending $$... Succubus-Boy (Because Succubus Boy got snapped up not long after I suggested it a couple days ago when I wasn't planning on making him. I am not going to do the other one I came up with earlier today (would be joining the RATS SG on Everlasting otherwise)... Speedo Gonzales
  17. Not a new power, but I would like to see implemented a Pratfall emote which makes you do the knockdown animation. It could even be called /em bazookajoe if not /em pratfall.
  18. Nice little grumble moment for me a couple days ago. My Human Only Peacebringer dinged 50 near the beginning of the second to last mission of an ITF, so ported to base to train. Then after the final mission, I was unable to select the Ancient Nictus Fragment as my reward. Why? Alpha was still not unlocked...It was at 94%. I thought all this time that as long as I was a 50, I would be able to claim it. So now, have to do it all over.
  19. Sadly, after so many years, I still hardly know anyone in game, and no one well enough to make a nomination.
  20. I thought the game had gone free to play, with no more subscriptions some time before the incarnate system came out, and then that was an additional purchase. Or did that come out as part of Going Rogue? Can't recall.
  21. Ah. I have a couple little Pixieish types that are both TW Tankers myself: Guardian Bellatrix and her mate, I. Ron Butterfly (I think I have in their bios that they have made their home in Eden as well...
  22. Guessing your Tinkerbrawl is a little Pixie?
  23. Train up to 50 then beat on things until Alpha unlocks. Then you can spend shards to get your T1 for that. They will drop like any other loot. Nothing special that needs done to otherwise unlock incarnates.
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