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  1. Former Mr. Uganda on Triumph, now on Torch. If you would like to find some people you might know, get in contact with @Emerald Fusion in the game. He runs Fusion Force, one of our coalition SGs. A lot of old crew from the coalition have found their way to us, come check it out!
  2. Y'all gotta check it out... the base is amazing!
  3. Please come out and celebrate with our SG!
  4. Anybody else think it would be cool to be able to toggle each power between fist and blade animations? I have characters that don't look right with the mix of both that they give you.
  5. I did not. I had two level 50's back in the day, and I am letting them rest. I might make new toons with the same powersets someday, but not yet. I did remake a handful of toons that I didn't get to play with enough, though.
  6. In case you guys haven't heard it enough, you are seriously appreciated. And coming back to this game a couple of weeks ago after being gone for years, it's great to see that the community is still the best!
  7. Well, I just checked back into the game a couple of weeks ago, and I miss my Triumph players! I was: Mr. Uganda - Global Heroics Mu'shroom - Fusion Force Polar Fury - Wildcards Thermablaze Chalk and more! If you know me, feel free to message me here in the forums, or hit me up in game @NakDaddy. I play mostly on Everlasting.
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