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Everything posted by DZKFire

  1. I was leveling a grav/ice for a bit but I stopped because I had massive endurance issues. I'm not sure if it was due to chilling embrace, or because some of my ice powers lacked damage so I had to spam more attacks. He was geared out on enhancements too. I was barely able to handle +1/x3 or +2/x2, no bosses. Didn't have permadom yet but I already had singularity
  2. Hopefully psi can make in too. I'm fan of the fire swords, but I dislike the psi swords. I'd love to be able to just spectral punch people with psi melee all day.
  3. I'd love an attract mechanic on telekinesis, but as everyone already said, the game is kind of limited on how to perform it. As "unique" as telekinesis is, I would not miss it at all if it were scrapped. I've probably used it 3 times to it's potential: PvP many many years ago, one time during the Yin TF ambush and we got overwhelmed by the ambush at last mission, Terra Volta trials. I would just replace it with a targeted AoE knockdown power that deals "moderate" to "low" damage at a debatable cool down. That way we have another mass fire-and-forget CC skill, which Mind/ tends to really focus on. It would also be an alternative to opening with terrify (which, imo, isn't a good CC opener like what other primaries have) or cycling total domination/mass confusion (which is not viable due to the absurd CDs even at perma dom level recharge). Unfortunately it won't solve the "no way to reliably get containment" problem, but at least it would be a pretty equal power to both controllers and dominators since KDs are not buffed by domination. I'd also change the name to something like Induce Clumsiness or something because I'm of the mindset that Mind Control is *Mind* control, not psychic powers with a bit of telekinetic flavor... which just leaves levitate lol...
  4. Low to mid level, team wise, little to no IOs: Both are similar, although it might depend on the controller's secondary. At this level, most people see both ATs as CC functioning classes. High level, no permadom but decent IOs: This is really team dependent. If you team with a bunch of IO'd people, then the CC from either archetype makes little difference. If you choose to team with not-so-max'd out people, then both ATs still function pretty similarly in terms of CC, dominators focusing more on damage and controllers focusing more on support (obviously) High level, max'd out, dominators with permadom: Dominators become the ultimate CC archetype. Once again, team dependent because the amount of CC actually needed will vary on whether enemy groups burst like a bubble (control powers take a backseat). A single permadom can usually cover an entire team's need for crowd control, possibly making controllers' and other dominators' primary powers redundant. Controllers either become team carriers or (unfortunately) situationally useful. Note that illusion is kind of an exception. Although perma-PA is a bit slow to keep up for an every-mob control skill, it is the only reliable way to solo "control" most AVs permanently if we don't count Mind or Dark permadoms spamming their single target confuse skill. This becomes really useful when you're in a TF and no one is able to tank an AV, which has happened to me on my illusion controller in Ms. Liberty TF (tanking Lord Recluse) and Imperious TF (tanking Romulus)
  5. I'm not sure if you know this, but the reason that you need a defender (or MM) in Barracuda SF is because they get a temporary power that disables the phase shifting Reichsman has. It is basically impossible without a defender/MM since he'll just phase and regen
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