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  1. @r0yThank you for the Time/DP I saw your post and a charakter concept junped at me.
  2. I love this game. I loved it back in the days, I love it now. But what I never enjoyed was toying with Builds. So I want to say thank you to all of you who creates builds and publish them. Thanks to your efforts, I can focus on the parts of the game I enjoy most.
  3. Banni

    Rad or Invuln

    I just want to say thank you for this thread. I donβ€˜t enjoy theory crafting and the number crunch you are doing here. Nevertheless Im impressed. What I have learned: It does not really matter what armor set you are playing. Ras or Invul, both are great.
  4. Banni

    Rad or Invuln

    @Xanatos Could you post your build? I am curious πŸ™‚
  5. The only thing that comes to my mind is Gauntlet. Make it affect more targets with single attacks.
  6. I have mixed feelings about the power leveling and Influence farming. I would love to play through the levels like in the old days. But I find myself more than often doing missions alone. Being a high level as fast as possible opens more opportunities to play.
  7. I like that idea!
  8. Yes. i agree. It might be difficult to develop it. But maybe the devs sees an easy way to solve that πŸ™‚
  9. My very first CoH Character is not longer a good playable option. I donβ€˜t think an Empathie Defender would be very much fun to level and play in the endgame. But my other mains are back. A Thug/Dark MM called MaBaker and a Fire/Kin Controller called Pyro Storm (original name Pyroklast) are back. A troll tanker (Invul/SS) with the name of Rufus the Troll is also back. I never got far with this one back in the days. The Servers were shutting down sadly. Beside that, I have the usual Spine/Fire Brute. I had a scrapper in early years with the same concept, but I switched to brute on Homecoming - someone has to pay the bills after all πŸ˜‰
  10. Banni

    MM Dark/Thug

    This in an expensive, but great build. I enjoy playing it. Thank you for sharing!
  11. It would be so badass, if we could run over water with super speed instead of swimming fast. Would that be possible? I know, it is just cosmetics, but it would look so much better πŸ™‚
  12. Yes. It effects the logins as well at the moment.
  13. Treason and plot! The Riktis are taking over! Hero 1 where are you?
  14. I am so glad, that I found homecoming. I would be willing to pay as well.
  15. RAGE!!!!!11111oneoneoneleveneleven πŸ˜‰
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