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  1. Shard: Everlasting Base Code: WAYPOINT-21771 Builder or Owner: @Aalya Special Considerations: Individual rp spaces behind each door. Shard: Everlasting Base Code: TEATIME-17990 Builder or Owner: @Aalya Special Considerations: Won second place in 2022's Everlasting base contest. (I think it was 2022. Drawing a blank. Apologies.) Shard: Everlasting Base Code: VACATION-28259 Builder or Owner: @Aalya Special Considerations: none Shard: Everlasting Base Code: VANRRR-33112 Builder or Owner: @Aalya Special Considerations: WIP, only open for showcase
  2. Server/Shard: Everlasting Base Name: Dryad's Tree Code: DRYAD-20249 Builder Global In Game (Or the global you'd like comments sent to): @Aalya Other players, either partner builders or owners: N/A Special considerations: Recommended that you do NOT fly in the entrance tunnel. You will get stuck. There is only one path forward. If you get lost, open your map and go west. Base is LARGE with 3 interior spaces/portals. One is especially hidden in the back of the pond. This base is not normally open to the public. Enjoy while you can!
  3. Server/Shard: Everlasting Base Name: Tyrnan and Tanwen's Trinkets and Treasures Code: MAGICSHOP-20527 Builder Global In Game (Or the global you'd like comments sent to): @Aalya Other players, either partner builders or owners: @VoidKnight - Co-owner/Builder Special considerations: First floor is a MAZE! Find the magic shop! You can do it! Basement is WIP This base is not normally open to the public. Enjoy while you can!
  4. I could have sworn I turned this in as part of a bug report over a year ago, but apparently not!! Whoops! It's been a known issue for a while. When you change the base code, it doesn't change immediately or properly. Inconsistent solution: rezone. This doesn't work for everyone or from every portal. Pocket D seems to be the portal that works the least often. Consistent solution: go into any other random base and use the /enterbasefrompasscode command with the new code and it lets you in. Eventually, the new code will kick in from all portals. I haven't tested the exact amount is unknown. I THINK it's about 30ish minutes, but I'm not entirely sure.
  5. It is clearly VERY important to you that this old wiki is maintained and accurate. It is not important to me. I am just giving you the information that you can use to fix and maintain what is so important to you. You're welcome for the information. I hope it helps you with the upkeep of your project! 🙂
  6. Thank you for all that you have done so far with this wiki. I can tell that you have put a lot of time and effort into it. I quickly skimmed through and some major errors immediately jumped out at me with just a cursory glance: Oasis's builder is listed as (unknown) but the box next to it has the name of the builder. Joker's Wild has been closed for close to a year now if my memory of the timeline is correct. This is a clear and obvious error. The first listing is the correct one for that code.
  7. Hey there! I think what @Easter Bunnyis referring to is the Everlasting Yellow Pages. As far as anyone can tell, no specific person or group is maintaining it. If you follow the link right now, you will see a notification from Google itself that the file has been corrupted and contains links that may be harmful to your computer. This notification has been up and a problem for months. Someone also shuffled up all the categories, search terms, etc on the yellow pages to the point that it is basically unusable. Statistically, the majority of base builders who want to list their bases publicly are on Everlasting. Therefore this is a huge problem. In addition, lots of people have been victims of malicious deletion and editing of listings. I personally have had all of my bases specifically deleted from the Yellow Pages more than once in a targeted attack. The yellow pages are so vulnerable that anyone could go in there right now and delete the entire document.
  8. OH HELL YEAH! MORE BASE ITEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😁
  10. SG Leader's Global: @AalyaDiscord handle (if applicable): aalyasenaiBase or SG Name: Fae CavernsShard: EverlastingPasscode: FAECAVE-31825Other associated contributors; up to 4 more people: n/a
  11. I'm hoping someone else has run into this and has figured out a solution. My client is no longer connecting to my notes feature for people's globals. The local file is still intact. But in game the stars I have assigned to people's accounts are gone, along with their various toon names and whatever notes I had assigned to them. On the low end of the spectrum, this makes for awkward social interactions as I try to figure out who I am talking to. More importantly, this is a safety issue as the people who I have flagged for myself to avoid due to harassment are no longer marked. This makes them extremely hard to avoid since all they have to do is change their global name and I suddenly have no idea who they are. Can anyone help? I know of at least one other person who has run into this issue. Thanks.
  12. Coordinates that we found the timer: [-6191.2 397.5 -848.1]
  13. SG Leader's Global: @AalyaDiscord handle (if applicable): aalyasenaiBase or SG Name: Night SkyShard: EverlastingPasscode: SKY-29730Other associated contributors; up to 4 more people: None
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