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  1. while that may be 100% true, it does not change the fact that his missions are far too difficult for a level 1 solo petless mastermind to beat and he should feel bad okay, shitposting done, i like this thread and want to see more arcs so i will contribute a few of my own. a majority of my work is done specifically for the Black Hand Society (on Everlasting, that's the Black Hand Society! check it out for your villainous role-playing needs!) and if you play them you might see the occasional dialogue or reference to the group, but i do still try to build my missions with the possibility that they might be played by non-members in mind. i'll leave out a few that are really group-specific, but they're easy to find under my global if you're so inclined because i still put a ton of effort into them. ArcID: 48829 - A Simple, Uncomplicated Supply Run Somebody is calling in a favor you owe. Funny, you don't remember owing any favors. Rogue or Villain. My first work in the AE, it's only a single mission and shows it. Venture into a hospital that was recently the site of a magical catastrophe, in search of supplies for a shady underground doctor. While this does involve group-specific context, you could easily ignore the contact dialogue and reskin it as a supply/drug raid where everything will be perfectly fine and not weird at all. ArcID: 49590 - Without A Hitch With the Black Hand Society making their play into St. Martial, Boltergeist (that's me) claims he's got a great idea to help move things along. You know he's full of shit, but it could be worth a laugh. Rogue, Villain, or anybody who wants to watch a moron get his comeuppance. This is an arc where one of Etoile's worst villains tries to recruit help from a local Freakshow gang, and in the process manages to piss off almost every faction in town. If you've run with the Society, or been to the HenchCo recruitment faire there's a possibility you've played this because i've brought it out a few times for non-members and it's maybe the highlight of my arcs. The whole seed of it was wanting to make what is essentially one long chase scene, and I think it came out okay! ArcID: 50342 - Bolter's Trick Boltergeist is contacting you again, even though you clearly remember blocking his number. Says he's got a great idea to mess with some heroes, and get a little revenge in the process. Rogue, Villain, Vengeance Fans. Created for a BHS contest where each entry had to be inspired by an existing Tip mission, in my case this was 'Krazy Mark's Krazy Deals.' It also serves as a pseudo-sequel to the above Without A Hitch mission, as it involves getting revenge on an antagonist from that arc. It also involves tricking a bunch of stupid heroes into the sewer, a fun and worthwhile passtime for any villain! Just try not to let things go too far, because you never know which heroes might by listening in... ArcID: 56142 - Cola Wars The Tastylife Beverage Corp wants to know who sabotaged one of their subcontracted bottling facilities, and they're willing to pay to have this situation resolved. Should be easy, since you're the ones who did it. Rogue, Villain, Ice Cold Beverage Enjoyers. This was actually made as a follow up to a mission arc by another BHS member, Cryptocurrent. That arc is 55907 - The Gang Saves Crey Cola. You are called in to the scene of a brutal crime in order to find and punish the perpetrators, but the twist is that those perpetrators were you. So just go destroy the evidence, deal with any witnesses, and frame some other bunch of morons for it, then get paid! ArcID: 58488 - The Phantom Menace (what? i thought itd be funny and im bad at names) Being a criminal is pretty easy. Being a successful criminal is a little harder. And being a Super criminal? Not everybody's cut out for it, and some people need a little help getting there. Sounds like a whole lot of Not Your Problem, yeah? But then a job offer on your CRIME app catches your eye... Rogue, Villain, Friends of Hardworking Underdog Criminals. A mysterious employer contacts you through S.C.U.M.B.A.G., the premiere app connecting villains and those hoping to hire them, looking for help; he wants to become a big bad super crook, but he just needs a few things to help him get there. What's wrong with a little bit of competition? It's not like things could end in any way that is not immediately expected! You won't get the full effect of this one if you don't know my in game character, Boltergeist, but I did try to design it so it stands perfectly fine on it's own. ArcID: 50685 - Let's Rob A Casino! A guy who claims to know another guy, who says they're the buddy of a girl who thinks she worked with you once has a pitch for a quick little heist. One of the smaller, unaffiliated pop-up casinos in St. Martial. Could be worth a few minutes of your time, and some easy cash. Fun for all ages and alignments! This is it, my crowning glory, the one i'll never top. While it may only be a single mission, while it may be stupid, not really challenging, and once again only pays off fully if you're familiar with Boltergeist, it's still my favorite. Go rob a casino run by a bunch of stupid gross snakes. Or pretend that you're shutting it down because it's illegal if you're a dumb hero or whatever, i'm not your boss. well, that's it. bye.
  2. if you absolutely can't square it with a simple "i'm not actually an elite leader of crack supercommandos YET, but I will be SOME DAY", which is what I would generally recommend, there's probably a couple narrative hooks for this specific instance you could try: -you were a leader, but fell out of favor with somebody higher up and got busted down to a lower rank. now you're saddled with a bunch of rookies! you don't have to take this sitting down, you'll work your way back up from nothing and show that bastard/bitch/indeterminately gendered expletive. cue the level 1-20 sewer training montage. -a recent mission saw you betrayed by your old team and left for dead. now you're gathering a new team of mavericks on the edge with nothing to lose, laying low until you're in just the right position to execute your revenge. -yeah, okay, you've got an elite squad. best you could find! you've built up quite a reputation, among standard human soldiers. but that elite squad of normal human grunts still ain't much in the face of, for example, ancient societies of ghost wizards. apocalyptic death-god worshipping cults. psionically powered robots. SNAKES THAT CAN PUNCH YOU. don't think of your level 2 soldiers as being pathetic weaklings, think of it as them being the top of their game, but now it's time to stop playing checkers and move on to, like, quantum death chess. forge those guys into a kill team capable of machine gunning a god into incorporeality. -the good old "yeah I COULD destroy you any time I like, but I choose not to / I want to give you a fighting chance." even better if this is played up as being a complete self delusion, imo.
  3. Not an option here, sorry. The best you could do would be to have two SGs, one spelled correctly and one not. Have an alt or a dedicated builder character in the old, improperly spelled SG, then create a new SG with the proper spelling for your real characters to have under their name. You can still go into the base with the passcode, or maybe if you form a coalition between the two groups? I've never looked at how those work.
  4. "Yeah, it's okay, I guess, but where's the dance floor?" "It....It tastes like malted...death..! *gurgle*" "No. Stop. Where am I? Where are you dragging me??! Help! Somebody, help!" "Not the slime again! Please, not the slime! No! NNNNOOOOOooooooooooooooo" Visitors, tour members and lucky winners of the Tastylifetm soda sampling contest are RAVING!* *our research team assures us that this temporary madness is simply a temporary flaw in the current formula for Oranbega Blast, and will be iterated out in two-to-three months
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