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Everything posted by LKN-351

  1. I use Wiktionary and thesaurus.com pretty often
  2. I messed with this for quite a while today again, I fixed a few things like the Nanites that showed up on enhancements still and Stagger's horrible alignment but everything I've tried with the resists ends up with the same result. I figured out that the icons don't show up when I convert them because the file is empty... whoever originally made this just put the candy coated image into the pog file. That's what I did to fix the Nanite issue. It's a simple design but still for some reason resists have something different about them, and I can't seem to figure out what it is. I'm not even sure how to figure out what makes them different. I'm thinking about putting the icon I want to show up as a substitute for the icons they use on SO/DO enhancements. That may be the only solution.
  3. I may take some of these suggestions and try translating them to Japanese till I get something that sounds interesting/ominous and then translates back to something amusing lol Is there a better site to use for that idea other than Google translate that maybe someone has used? I tried a few different word combinations on there with less than stellar results.
  4. I did actually think about that cause I have made and do from time to time make variants of my old main character. The reason I decided against that is because I'd have to change the costume. LKN-351 is a model number for cybernetics systems. Yeah I could find ways to justify it but those where ideas I came up with years ago and I still like the generalized idea. Although I could possibly use the way my old team mates used to phenetically pronounce my global... which was Lincoln/Linkin/Linkoln but it doesn't have the pizazz or pop that I feel like my other names have. I really like LichKiNg but it'd have to be a totally different character and I'd be quite a bit concerned about being generic'd lol
  5. I've been digging on name generators, deitys, demons, folklore, mythical creatures for about an hour. No luck. The ones I have liked that where suggested where taken. Dietys, demons and mythical creatures are generally females. I didn't like the available search options on the name generators, there used to be one or two I liked using but I don't remember the sites any more.
  6. Doomsicle might be a good name for an ice tanker/brute I wanna make lol but its taken. Fred, Piteraq, Inimicus, and Whiteout are already taken
  7. I like that idea, but something about that seems... long? Like it's not too long but it seems long to say? I tried tons of thesaurus entry's to keep the shear part of the name but I just couldn't get into any of them. Herbie sounds very much like it would be an ice hero name, but Whiteout I really dig... sadly I suspect its probably taken. I like that a lot. It's got history, it's got back story, and it's a cool looking word but it sort of sounds heroic for some reason... Piteraq I like a lot, it means "That which attacks you" and that highly amuses me given the context lol What about like ice gods or cold gods or otherworldly cold related beings? I'm going to literally plug that into google and see if I come up with anything. Great suggestions though, keep'em coming.
  8. I know that's a crack in a glacier but I think most would just think its a generic gaping hole. I like uncommon words used as names though That wouldn't be bad if he was still using psi powers. I hadn't used any of those in a long time, but I'll see if I can pull some up tomorrow. I didn't think of that off hand though.
  9. This cool dude needs a name. I want to re-roll a dom from back in the day that was a mind/ice dom rogue with the name Mindshear... I wasn't the biggest fan of mind but I've got quite a bit of interest in ice/ice and I really liked the costume powerset colours... but I can't come up with a new name. Still going to be a rogue but I'd love some name suggestions to get the creative juices flowing.
  10. Yep, I checked on my vigilante and it shows Steel Canyon like it should.
  11. The character is a rogue and I forgot I was actually going to check that exact thing. I'm bout to head out for work though so no time at the moment.
  12. Removing Vidotmaps it still has the same result.
  13. I've messed with mods while the game was running and it usually freezes up lol No worries man, I've spent my time fiddling with the files in this game but I will test it out due to the issues you've mentioned.
  14. I had a feeling someone would mention the fact I was using Vidiotmaps so I thought I'd put a pin in that right out the gate LOL
  15. So I was badge hunting last night and headed down to the Sewer Network to get that plaque in the Abandoned Sewer. I didn't want to take the time to walk through the whole thing so I headed down there to see where all the gates lead to. Cap Au Diable was what the map said was the closest to the plaque. Headed to Cap to enter through that gate... wait, where's it at? Check my map view settings, nope they're all fine. Ok fine lets head back to Atlas and go in through that gate to double check the map to make sure I read it right. Naw, still says that gate goes to Cap. Lets go back to Cap and make sure it's not hiding under another gate. Nope, still nada. I'll ask in Help channel... No response. I'll ask again... still no response. Alright fine, I'll check the wiki. Steel Canyon? Ok, lets see what's really going on here. Enter through the tunnel in Steel Canyon, look at the map... yup, I'm where I wanted to be. Let's check that map again. It says Cap?! Ok, fine I'll go back out the door I just came in and see if I end up in Steel or Cap.... Nope, I'm still in Steel Canyon. Hmmmm. ^^ I'm still in the Sewers and just came through the door in Steel Canyon and it still says I'm going to Cap Au Diable. I don't think it has anything to do with the Vidiotmap pack cause that doesn't effect the labels of the gates it just changes the image that goes underneath of them.
  16. I was mistaken, I don't have any inspiration mods. Could've sworn I did.
  17. Cool, interesting about the jump icons. I wonder what the original usage was but I'd bet they where gunna do height and distance separately and just left the resources in there. lol I'm glad they didn't do it that way. I do remember they where trying to mimic Vandens power stuff and I'd say it worked lol cause everything looks like hard candy and I love it. Yeah I'm definitely going to download those and fiddle with them in the future. I think in the morning I'll stick the files I've got up on dropbox or google drive and I'll post up the link. Speaking of inspires, I know i have some sort of mod with those but I've used it so long I don't remember what they're actually supposed to look like in game. I think it's just a bit of a sheen compared to the OG basic looking inspires.
  18. Now that I'm REALLY looking... all of the IOs are a pixel up and to the left O.O Pics you requested and I think my inspirations are all modified too Here's two shots of the rest of the IOs and SOs. Those resist ones stick out and it just dawned on me that they don't have the candy coated dome effect to them either. I wonder if there's some sort of issue with how the game translates the icon that goes over the background. I'm gunna fiddle with that tomorrow and see if I can just plug the OG icon over top of that pink background image. When I originally posted this I actually contemplated making all the SO and IO images consistent. It'll be a job but I may just end up doing it lol
  19. I'll grab some shots of all of those sets and post it up in a bit. I took out all of the modded enhancements a couple of days ago when I was trying to figure out what I could do to fix the def/resist problem... LOL Wow, it'd been a long time since I'd seen the actual normal images used *cringe* I can't go back Your last few posts explain to me where that blank image came from on the resist SO but it still makes no sense how it came out that way and I'm not sure I'm the one to figure out what's going on. Here's an odd thing though... there's files for E_ICON_GEN_JUMP_DISTANCE_01.texture and E_ICON_GEN_JUMP_HEIGHT_01.texture That blows my mind lol I don't remember ever seeing both of those in game and unfortunately I couldn't view the contents of either of those files.
  20. I did get all the defense buff IOs and SOs working the same. Then I found that the resist SOs where out of alignment and I hadn't even messed with those... it doesn't help that GIMP seems to like to change the image size when I do adjust things. Argh. Hey, just FYI I'm not trying to argue with you even in the slightest. I'm sure uou know way more about this than I do, I'm just making comments about things I see. For some reason, whether it be GIMP or the file converter, I converted all the E_ICON_GENERIC_*** files. The only ones I could see in GIMP where the def buff, resist, and end reduction. The End reduction one looked like you said it would but the other two looked like the images I posted. I've no idea how it works but I got the intended results from what I've done. I replaced the def buf pog with the def buf icon.... lol and despite GIMPs best effort the one that I put in myself is aligned in-game... and I just realized that the two IOs in my OP where already slightly up and to the left. OY VEY I'm gunna have to spend a few hours to fix it cause I'll never unsee it now LOL
  21. Well I fixed the SO def issue but it still seems like the resist SO has some other thing going on with it. I don't even know where it got the blank with the pink background image from in the first place cause that's the only place that I've see it. I'm not even sure how to figure out where that image comes from. Just in case someone else messes with enhancement icons in the future, E_POG is IOs and E_ICON is any TO/DO/SO enhancement. @AboveTheChemist I know you said E_POG is the background colour but that doesn't seem to be how the files are set up. ^^ E_ICON_GEN_RESIST_DAMAGE.texture ^^ E_POG_DAMAGE_RESIST.texture ^^ E_ICON_GEN_DEFENSE_BUFF_01.texture ^^ E_POG_BUFF_DEFENSE.texture
  22. Yeah that was exactly what I was looking for. I figure if no one else has messed with it the best plan would be to do it myself. I did forget about the image headers though so that's why the simple file rename didn't work. I thought it was at least worth a shot though without no other direction to go. Now I should be able to make some progress. It's bugged me since before sunset lol I wish I had any idea where I even came across these enh subs in the first place, but either way I love them aside from this little thing with the def and resist differences. I should be able to get it all working now.
  23. No luck at all. It's been forever since I messed with costume files but I think there was some sort of tag or header file that went along with them to place them into the game and that's likely what's causing my roadblock. Unfortunately the old programs I used to use seem like they don't work on the current version of Windows, which makes sense cause I had issues with them back then too. The other person that was going back and fourth with Vanden about the power icons was @Felis Noctu maybe he/she knows something. I already messaged Vanden but he didn't do the enhancements so he couldn't tell me anything.
  24. I'm honestly surprised no one has weighed in here. I know there's at least two people that might know the answer, one of them being @AboveTheChemist and the other one I can't think of the name off hand but he or she was going back and fourth with Vanden in his thread about the power icons. I've already fiddled with E_POG_BUFF_DEFENSE.texture, E_POG_DAMAGE_RESIST.texture, E_ICON_GEN_RESIST_DAMAGE_01.texture to get the desired result but no luck. I have the modded designs I want but the SO and the IO don't pull from the same file. So I thought I posted this post and then I had an epiphany and I came back to find I didn't actually post it yet lol. I think E_POG is the SO's and E_ICON is the IO's. So I copied the E_ICON file and renamed it with the name of the E_POG file. Loaded the game, the resist SO image was still the same but the def buff SO is a tiny white square with a black background. I'm gunna try that test again to see what my outcome is.... lol this time actually posting this
  25. Yeah right I understood the -regen part of it but I didn't realize it was an available temp power. The main thing that comes to mind when I hear(see) dos is turbo flutter, followed by DOS commands lol
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