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Everything posted by LKN-351

  1. @Troo I didn't know about the jumping dealio but I know about Brainstorm and exporting builds from MIDs into beta. The export there is a bit clunky but it works. When I first started building this toon I didnt have any idea what to do with it. I figured build it for what its for and see how it goes. I didn't like how it played but it was amusing. The high HP and high regen are left over from that. Regen alone made a noticeable difference on my blasters back on live so I though i'd try it out lol I like where your Def numbers are on your build Errant, but I'd prefer my mez values.... thats a whole other issue though cause they don't match what I'm getting ingame and I'm trying to find out what the situation is there in the MIDs forum. I think the next iteration of this build I'm going to lose some regen so I can hopefully gain some Def numbers. I do wonder why you only five slotted Eradication. I'm guessing its for the core aspect values, personally I'd prefer the AoE def there. What added to that absorb proc?
  2. I imported the build to Brainstorm to make sure I didn't just slot something wrong and theres still a discrepancy between the builds.
  3. @tidge if I where to lose an attack power it would definitely be Eviserate. With its 7ft range and 90 degree arc I seem to notice that very rarely do I hit more than one or two targets with it but that also could be due to the less dramatic effect it has versus Shockwave with its KB/KD. Shockwave is 30ft with 90degree though also so that makes a big difference. While it does seem like our style of play may be different Focus and Shockwave both have CCs and range for runners. Granted I have Combat Teleport also and its not effective if someone is actively running. It is extremely effective if someone runs, gets KD, use CT bind, attack. Focus and Shockwave are why I like Claws personally, those built in ranged attacks are totally useful. On the other hand I could see them being sacrificed to add other pool powers too though.
  4. I'm about to do respec number 4 on him to add 5% more recharge and possibly add that Gladiators Armor proc. I dont want to add purples or ATOs as a common practive to builds I make. IMO that turns to game into a grind for me and thats a definite fun killer. Those are nice builds you posted and I appreciate the input and I'll try to work out where I can add some slow resists.
  5. Ok, now I get what you where saying. I actually wanted a bit more recharge so I think I'll move a slot so I can have another Crushing Impact. I don't really think losing an ACC set bonus would hurt so I'll take one from Eviscerate. As far as like six slotting CJ, I dont completely understand how exemplaring works so I figure if I slot things at lower levels I'd be less likely to lose the procs. Maybe I was right, maybe i wasn't but I'd rather err on the side of caution and keep my additions from those procs if its an option. The share menu shows me Build Data(chunk), Forum Export(text), InfoGraphic(image), and Mobile Friendly (link). I tried to export the data chunk and I got a wall of gobbledegook text. Forum Export (all 5 formatting code types) and Mobile Friendly I get unhandled exceptions errors. The only other export options I see are under File and those are for test server and beta server and that doesnt seem like what I'm looking for in this situation. Yes I am using the most recent version of mids. I've been 'confused' and taunted so many times with this toon and it drives me up the wall, if I found a place to add some mez resist then I'll take it. You can't do much with taunt from what I understand but if i keep adding mezz resists eventually I wont get confused. Like I mentioned, the last Manti I ran I still got confused but it wasn't nearly as long as without IOs. I haven't play tested anything with the most current version of the build and theres some descrepancies between mids and ingame so I should be in a better place. If you want to do your own version then have at it. Honestly I think we might just have different goalposts for this specific build, but I do still wonder if I just had a different idea from the get go. I suppose we could compare and contrast the builds.
  6. I did a claws/regen scrapper build and finally got my values to where I wanted them and for some reason in game Mez is only at 58.52% as opposed to MIDS at 70%. Is this a known issue or something?
  7. Can you really tell from a non-interactive image that I didn't slot the core aspects? I wouldn't think so, but maybe you memorized (or looked up) each set I have slotted to see. Honestly I tried my best to not go over ED when slotting. MIDS does passively warn the user with the colours in the pop-ups, some did go into the green and I think Dull Pain may have gotten into the red. If someone would let me know how to add a link to download the build for others I would do it and I think that would give a better idea. Could you elaborate? This is my first time actually putting a ton of effort into using IOs to shore up things on a build and I just chose things that fixed things I didn't like. The build is really fun to play, Scrappers have lower numbers and regen is nerfed every time theres a chance and he stays upright and I have used heal more times than I've used the other click powers. Yeah, I'll hit an inspire or two when I see teammates health getting lower or something looks like I could have issues but its very survivable.
  8. I kept the acc/end use/dmg/recharge so on and so fourth at the values I prefer for each power while still getting the set bonus i was looking for. The main reason I've never put much effort into messing with the IO system is because I didn't want to 'nerf' a power to get whatever set bonus. No offense, but I'm either reading your post wrong or completely confused about IOs cause I thought the point was to add them in to get the set bonus and/or the proc.
  9. For some reason in game Mez is only at 58.52% as opposed to MIDS at 70%
  10. I've updated this and according to the numbers it should be closer to what i wanted. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears. Troo absolutely hit the nail on the head, I try to keep it a cheaper build but still solid. I'd post the build download but I havent figured out which option in mids does that. I've only gotten errors when I've tried.
  11. Apparently this is a thread of people eleborating on the previous posts 😆😆😆
  12. Comes up under combat attributes and player ID (keystrokes "\d") Edit: thats the same thing Krimson said but I'm used to just pressing the buttons lol The one under combat attributes can be monitered also so the amount of influence you have will always be on screen.
  13. Thats seems like a good suggestion but I'm going about it the opposite way. I'm not quite capped but I'm looking at the enemy type that specifically did damage to me and trying my best to add that in. Storm kick and confusion is a pain right now, so I'm trying to add what i can so that those aren't any more, which in hindsight I should have already had more melee def lethal. Theres a reason why i see those higher on most builds I've looked at.
  14. LKN-351

    my kat/inv brute

    I put two Oblits in Golden Dragonfly, I do need the S/L and mez from the two slot. You're right, that Achilles proc would do better in those AoE powers, but to get to where I want I don't really see much of a solution. I think i'll take that slot from haste and put it into Lotus Drops for just the Achilles proc though. I added the Gladiators Armor global for more def and instead of 4x 3 slot of Reactive Armor I did 2x 3 slot of both Aegis and Reactive Armor.
  15. Thanks, I wanted a cheap build since I new I'd have to change things around here and there. I just ran it on a Manti and I need more mez resist and those crane kicks are still noticeable so I need more S/L. So far I only have one of the two LotG. I may have to move another slot into MoG for a third, but I'm hoping i don't have to. We'll see how it goes when that second is slotted.
  16. LKN-351

    my kat/inv brute

    I'm definitely trying not to use Hamis, purples, and ATOs. It's already going to take me a while to get the LotGs and the Achilles. I'll have to DL that and take a bit of a deeper look at it tomorrow. I'm not sure what eps stable is but I'd hope with 5 LotGs it should be pretty close to perma dull pain but I'm not really sure.
  17. I've had fun with this build, but could it use anything else
  18. LKN-351

    my kat/inv brute

    I thought about adding more regen into combat tp but i wasn't sure if it was necessary. I couldn't find any more def to put into Golden Dragonfly either so I never decided on anything. Hasten should lose a slot and I may go for something besides Achiles Heel in those first two attacks.
  19. LKN-351

    my kat/inv brute

    I can't get mids to export a forum post so I'll just use this. I haven't completed the build in game yet so I have no idea how it plays so far. I thought about going to beta and trying it but there's usually not enough people to make a team and run things so it doesn't seem like its a good option.
  20. Honestly I don't like pure defense sets either, I ran an SR scrap for a while and I just didn't like it at all. My fav used to WP but something happened to it between when I rolled my first one in 08 and now. I like Bio, Dark, and inv out of the box a lot so far but I've yet to have any experience with any of the other sets. Regens fun now that I've put some IOs into it. I think I may post the two builds I've actually done so far in seperate posts. If anyone has anything else to add for general numbers to shoot for I'll definitely take them.
  21. Hyperstrikes builds gave me some ideas to use but I'm still stuck with the same question... How much is enough? (without softcapping) Granted that question is really better answered by playing the build, but I'm trying to figure out a number goal (in mids) to work towards. For example with confuse, thats simple to test. I'll try my 50% in a manti and see what happens and then add to it if i need to. I think it needs to be a more specific question per powerset and I was really hoping I could find a more generalized answer that would work across the board that may not exist when it comes to def and resist on each set.
  22. I've got 7 brutes and a scrapper I'm going to build, but currently i'm working on a claws/regen scrap and a kat/inv brute. I forget that that one is a scrapper lol I figure if I know where I'm going on these two then I'll know where to go on the rest when I get to them. Confuse and taunt were on my mind cause i had done a manti TF shortly before I posted this. I'm glad tactics was specifically mention cause I thought about adding it to power choices and now I'm glad i didn't. Confuse though, the regen and inv toons tend to be susceptible to it. Inv I got up to 50% and /regen i got to 51.25%. Honestly I don't know how much to shoot for but i'd guess 100% I understand the gist of "add to what you've got" but for example with /regen it seems like it needs some def and resist cause I tried just adding recharge and regen and that wasn't enough. He was much more fun to play once I added IOs with more status and more def/res. Hes sitting at 11ish def but resist is all over the board with a min of 21.05 and a max of 39.55. What I'm getting at with the regen (and the other toons I'm going to build) is I like the idea of having a bit of def/resist/regen/end/rechrg added in, but I'm not sure how much I'd add to make it worth the time/effort/influence.
  23. I've never really put much effort into building characters with IOs/set bonus'/procs but I have interest in doing so. I thought about just posting each individual build but I've got 8 different brutes with different powersets I'm messing with at the moment and I'm kind of just trying to find a rule of thumb. as I'm messing with this I just keep asking myself the same question over and over... How much is plenty? I'm not looking to cap things out, just enough so it makes a difference. I'd like some direction lol Specifically, How much Def do I actually need? Should I focus on s/l/e/n/c/f/t/p? Or positional? Should I not worry about certain defenses? Resistance, should I focus on certain aspects there? which should I ignore? I keep getting confused and taunted. How much confuse resistance do I need? Is assault the only thing to do about being taunted in PVE? What about the other mez resistances? KB is covered on /fire and /dark but where should my other mez resist numbers be? I've got a claws/regen, psi/dark, em/wp, kat/inv, wm/inv, fire/fire, db/elec, and a bs/bio.
  24. That sucks that yours didn't work. Are you wanting to troubleshoot or what?
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