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  1. Hi everyone! I was in doubt between Dominator Dark/Dark or Controller Dark/Dark (but don't like melee powers in the dominator powerset, so the Controller won). Hexscarlet Witch:
  2. It is 😉 I have one of each nation except wind (Waiting to wind control to be released). I even created a character with all the elements 😊
  3. Hi everyone! Came back to the game after some years and I just created a new toon! I was in doubt between Blaster Water/Ice, Sentinel Water/Ice or Corruptor Water/Cold (This last one won in my mind). I think water it is always related to "support" so I decided to go as Corruptor to get some support skills to the team. The Water Whisperer: I'm enjoying all your Characters Ideas! Keep posting!
  4. I see, I'll take all that information to build again my character. Thanks to all of you for the time answering this topic, it was really helpfull to rethink my build and to be able to build it more as a personal build that as meta build. Thanks!
  5. Hello everyone, English is not my mother language, apologize for any mistake in the post 😊 I played City of heroes in the official servers and I'm back to the game in this awesome server. After several tests of all the archetypes and powersets, I found corruptor Storm/Storm very fun to play. I'm still leveling the character doing the story and arc missions, so it's a slow leveling, but I'm already building the character with the MidsReborn APP to practice and test the builds in the meanwhile. My preference in the gameplay is to get the powers I like even if that's means lose some damage/CC... or whatever, but, I would like to know what is the minimum defense and/or resistance than a corruptor (or an Storm/Storm corruptor) needs to: 1- Solo play: I understand this playstyle needs more def/resistance to be able to kill AV or big groups. This means getting powers as Maneuvers, Weave are key, and I will get those powers in the solo play and slot them. Having said that, ¿What should be the softcap to DEF/RESISTANCE in solo play mode? 2- Team play: I think going with a full team (with tanks, defenders, controllers... etc) doesn't need the same def/resistance as going solo, and I could drop the Maneuvers, Weave... but still get Steamy mist for example... In this case ¿It is necessary to have the same soft cap in DEF/RESISTANCE as going solo?¿What numbers should I try to reach in DEF/RESISTANCE in this case? Thanks in advance! 😄
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