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FINALLY, the *Home for the Holidays* Base Giveaway event is **tonight** - Thursday, December 5 from 8:00pm-12:00am ET. Join Faverty Events and Black Friday at a brand new venue located high in the hinterland forests. Make sure you browse the artisan holiday market for last minute gifts for friends and family! There are shops available with IC roleplayers ready to answer all your questions and suggest unique finds! Santa will be giving away 37 RP-style 1-bedroom homes to people on his "nice list" starting at 8:45pm all while listening to the music brought to us tonight by **DJ BEEF**. Basecode: H4TH-2520 Black Friday Discord: https://discord.gg/HnuDt28ege Faverty Events Discord: https://discord.gg/29yReugT Queup: http://tinyurl.com/BlackFriday-Music Visscale recommendation: 2+ (/vis_scale 2)
Hello Everyone! Dec 3 is upon us and that means the base code lists with the builders who built is available for your viewing pleasure! People who made requests have been notified that they are receiving a base, but they don't know which one. It'll be so much fun to find with them which one Santa gifts them! Join us at the HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS base giveaway on Thursday, Dec 5 at 8pm EST. Giveaway starts at 8:45pm. Criers will be posted in Pocket D and Atlas with event details just before the event starts tomorrow. See you there!
Hello Everyone! SOME IMPORTANT DATES to remember for the upcoming Home for the Holidays Base Giveaway: Wednesday, Nov 27 - Last day to submit your request(s) to receive a base from Santa for yourself or someone else. Se first post in this thread for details on how to request a base. Tuesday, Dec 3 - Base code list of all the bases will be released to the public for their viewing enjoyment. Thursday, Dec 5 - The Home for the Holidays Base Giveaway event. Event base code will be released just prior to the event. Check this post, flyers discords, and criers in Pocket D and Atlas.
Faverty Events in partnership with Black Friday is hosting the Home for the Holidays base giveaway event on Dec 5 on the Everlasting server from 8pm-12am EST The event will be featuring a Christmas/Holiday market with stalls. I required 8 roleplaying vendors to interact with guests from 8:00pm-12am EST. Roleplayers will have the option to choose their stalls based on first come, first choice. The market stalls available are: * Crystals * Potions * Donuts * Jewelry * Artisan candies * Coffee * Clothing * Furniture * Paintings * Collectible & Trinkets * Christmas Trees * Books * Soaps * Beauty and Lotions * Candles * Mystic Stones * Gourmet marshmallows at a fire pit with sticks for roasting * Mrs. Claus' kitchen serving gourmet cookies and hot chocolate (Roleplayers do not need to ICly know these crafts - I'm just looking to add a fun and unique roleplaying experience to the base giveaway.) It is highly recommended that you join the Faverty Events discord to get all the pertinent information and in the section for "need verification" you mention you would like to be a market vendor. I will assign you the proper tag. https://discord.gg/wnaHm5nNRB If you would like to participate, details of remuneration and duties will be discussed in private. Please contact me ingame at @faverty Industries or on discord: domi.sidney_faverty.events
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It's not so much as I'm asking for builders to build bases. It's more like I asking builders to join a pseudo assembly line to build a massive amount of bases in a relatively short time frame. I build the structure, doors walls, windows, floor, stairs, portals, ceiling, roof. Builders come into the pre-existing structure and fill in the details of either the interior part of the structure or the exterior part of the structure. If you're interested in being a builder for Home for the holidays, please join the Faverty Events server and in the verification thread say you're there to build.
Santa has started up his workshop of building bases for the good and villanous boys and girls of the City of Heroes community for the HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS BASE GIVEAWAY and he is looking for a few base builder helpers! Last year, community builders built and gave away 33 RP style bases and this year we are increasing that number significantly to help with the demand of accessible bases for all players. The bases are small projects where you can choose the build the interior or the exterior of a premade structure of walls, windows, doors, portals and floors. Think of building in the SIMS game and that's what you can expect here as well. Projects are paid with influence and if you build out both the interior and the exterior, there's an influence bonus. This year, Santa's helpers are building 6 themed RP style bases - industrial loft, neutral/natural, asteroid/space, lakehouse, forest log cabin and underwater. There are demos available for you to view to get an idea of what the expectation of the builds are. If you are interested in helping build bases for the base giveaway, you must: be familiar enough with the base builder editor to fulfill the requirements of each space; mastery of the editor is not necessary and novice builders are welcome. have at least one character on the Everlasting server to build with join the Faverty Events discord in order to coordinate the build progression efficiently: https://discord.gg/wnaHm5nNRB be a team player and support other builders If you want to help build bases or to get more information, please contact me on discord: domi.sidney_faverty.events
Santa has started up his workshop of building bases for the good and villanous boys and girls of the City of Heroes community for the HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS BASE GIVEAWAY and he is looking for a few base builder helpers! Last year, community builders built and gave away 33 RP style bases and this year we are increasing that number significantly to help with the demand of accessible bases for all players. The bases are small projects where you can choose the build the interior or the exterior of a premade structure of walls, windows, doors, portals and floors. Think of building in the SIMS game and that's what you can expect here as well. Projects are paid with influence and if you build out both the interior and the exterior, there's an influence bonus. This year, Santa's helpers are building 6 themed RP style bases - industrial loft, neutral/natural, asteroid/space, lakehouse, forest log cabin and underwater. There are demos available for you to view to get an idea of what the expectation of the builds are. If you are interested in helping build bases for the base giveaway, you must: be familiar enough with the base builder editor to fulfill the requirements of each space; mastery of the editor is not necessary and novice builders are welcome. have at least one character on the Everlasting server to build with join the Faverty Events discord in order to coordinate the build progression efficiently: https://discord.gg/wnaHm5nNRB be a team player and support other builders If you want to help build bases or to get more information please contact me on discord: domi.sidney_faverty.events
Santa has been VERY busy and has crafted 50 roleplay style bases with the assistance of his 12 community base builder helpers. He’s looking for 50 "nice" people to give them away to so they can be “Home for the Holidays”. The Home for the Holidays Event will be held in partnership with Black Friday on Thursday, December 5 from 8pm-12am EST. The base code will be announced on December 5th. The base giveaway will start at 8:45pm. Write Santa at @FE Santa Claus and let him know why you should be given a base to be Home for the Holidays this December. Players are welcome to nominate other players following the same guidelines. The nomination window is open from November 15 until November 27. In your email to Santa, include: Your in-game global name (OPTIONAL) Your discord handle The in-game global name of the player you are nominating (OPTIONAL) Let Santa know if it’s planned to be a surprise Your toon/nominee's toon alignment (blue, gold, red, gray (no alignment)) The order of the top 3 styles of base you would prefer (Ex: Space, Industrial, Lakehouse) Reason(s) why you/your nominee should be *Home for the Holidays* (ICly or OOCly) There are 6 styles to choose from. Feel free to visit the sample bases: Industrial - DEACON-35672 Lakehouse - WINDY-35788 Neutral/Natural - JERSON-32870 Space/Asteroid - ORACLE-35799 Forest Log Cabin - COZY-35840 Underwater - MARINA-35922 Home for the Holidays Base Giveaway Guidelines (Fine Print) City of Heroes and Faverty Events Guests are expected to follow the City of Heroes (CoH) Terms of Service/Code of Conduct at all times: CoH TOS: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/terms/ CoH COC: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/code-of-conduct/ Guest are expected to follow Black Friday's rules and guidelines at all times during the event. Guests are also expected to follow the Faverty Events guidelines at all times: All are welcome to attend the event (unless a player is listed on a blacklist of the co-host venue). Be Respectful - Guests will be respectful to both the staff, event organizers and other players at all times. Unruly guests will not be tolerated. Be in the Spirit of the Event - Guests undermining the spirit of the event ICly or OOcly will be asked privately to redirect their conversation or to leave. See below for contact information if you have a concern or issue with something at an event and you wish to discuss it with the event organizer. Minors are welcome unless this conflicts with the co-host venue guidelines. It will be stated in the Faverty Events guidelines if minors are not permitted into the co-host venue. No Fighting or Weapons Allowed - Any guests caught fighting (or instigating trouble) at an event will be removed. *Weapons include (but are not limited to) special powers, dangerous items, magical artifacts, etc. No IC Damage to the Venue Allowed No Excessive Vulgarity or Swearing RP Allowed Stalking/Harrassment, either OOCly or ICly of other guests/staff/organizers, is unacceptable. It will be reported to GMs without warning and the player account will be banned from future Faverty Events permanently. Guests All guests are welcome to tour the sample bases. All players are welcome to join for The Home for the Holidays Event will be held on December 5 from 8:00pm-12am EST whether Santa issues a base or not. Base Giveaway Sample bases are samples – the bases in the giveaway are similar, but not identical. Players MUST send an e-mail to @FE Santa Claus in order to register for the base giveaway. Onsite base giveaways will not be available. There are limited amount of bases available. Santa will decide who receives a “Home for the Holidays” based on the detail of the email the player sends. Bases will not be issued based on first come; first served. Santa will gather 2-3 helpers to help make decisions on who will receive a base. Every attempt will be made to issue a base in order of preference. Players will be issued one base only. Please use the honor system and do not request more than 1 base (unless you are nominating others for bases) with secondary accounts Known alternate accounts will be rejected as well at the original player account. There will be NO exchange of influence, in-game services or otherwise for any base. Anything sent/attached to the email with base giveaway request will be considered a donation and given to the community base builders involved with the Home for the Holidays event. Guidelines are subject to change at any time without notice. It is the player’s responsibility to ensure they follow the guidelines for the Home for the Holidays event. Nomination of Self/Others Players who are on Santa’s nice list are required to be present at the event in order to receive their gift (base). This includes players who nominate themselves and players who nominate others – the nominee must be present. (For unforseen circumstances, communicate with me if this is not possible. I will allow some exceptions on a case by case basis.) Nominators (ONLY) will be notified with which of their nominees will be issued a base so they can ensure their nominee(s) is present for the event. Base transfers will only be made to the global name of the player or the nominee. Ensure you bring an SG-less character or have one ready that you can alt to quickly. Players will need to come to the giveaway area when their character name and/or global is called and will be given a 5 minute grace period to present themselves in person. Tells, other than stating you are on your way to event, are not acceptable. Players who miss the call, may speak to the organizer (Sidney-Lynne Faverty) about having their turn reinstated only within the event timeframe. If a player is issued a base and does not want it, they may give it someone else or return it to the organizers and it will added to the next base auction raffle. Any bases not given away or not claimed, will be entered into the base raffle at the next base auction. Event Participation If you would like participate in the Home for the Holidays event as a community builder, please contact me on discord domi.sidney_faverty.events. There are still opportunities to help build bases. See link for details:https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/54362-santa-requires-a-few-base-builder-helpers-for-the-home-for-the-holidays-base-giveaway/ If you would like to join the Faverty Events Team, please contact the event organizer. Contact information below. Roleplaying an asset, but not required. Community Base Builders Faverty Events would like to thank its community base builders for their dedication and desire to build bases for this event: Mascot Nox Witch Ruaidhri Wravis Dropout Max Trystan Laryssa Easter Bunny Deep Six Bootstrap Burden of Sin Faverty Industries Contact Event Organizer: @faverty industries or on discord domi.sidney_faverty.events with questions, concerns, interest in building bases for the event or interest in joining the events team ONLY. Message @FE Santa Claus for base giveaway requests. Join the Faverty Events Discord Server: https://discord.gg/wnaHm5nNRB Future Events Our next event will be a Real Estate Base Auction held in spring 2025. If you (and your group) would like to co-host the event, please reach out to the event organizer. Perks of co-hosting a Faverty Event: have your base showcased to a large group of players have your discord link included in all advertisement house DJ plays the set of the evening house staff & DJ are generously paid for the evening event advertising created and distributed by Faverty Events Other Keep an eye out at the event for a characer called "Head Elf Jane". She has some goodies and surprises to giveaway. *TIP* She enjoys ALL things sweet, especially chocolatey things. Renaming a Base If you receive a base to be Home for the Holidays and want to rename the base, please send an in-game support ticket with the following information to make the GMs task of renaming your base easier: the current base name the current red star character name the shard the base is on the base numeric code the name of the base you would like it renamed to (To check the availability of a base name, go to Atlas or Port Oakes to the supergroup register NPC, search for the name of the base you would like. If it does not show up in the list, the name is available.)
Hello Everyone! If you came out to attend the Real Estate Auction last night, it was certainly a wild ride! We saw new record base prices, crazy bidding jumps and much excitement from everyone - including people who were just there to cheer others on! It was definitely an evening to remember! 31 one base owners are thrilled with their new acquisitions and are probably moving in as I am writing this! I thank everyone for coming out and supporting our roleplayers, the Penny Palace and the Faverty Events team. We certainly had a blast! Now, for the results! The Real Estate Base Auction brought in just under a staggering 91 billion influence. The base builders and owners were paid 100% of the proceeds of the sale of their bases - 81.8 billion influence. The operating costs and thank you gift to the Penny Palace came to 2.8 billion. We also had two people donate funds for a total of 295million, which helped sponsor raffle tickets. The remaining funds from the raffle sales and all sales from the Faverty Industries built bases (roughly 6.4 billion influence) will go towards funding the next big Faverty Events base giveaway. That's right, The Home for the Holidays base giveaway will be back this year in December. If you remember it from last year, you wrote Santa and told him why you should receive a base to be home for the holidays or you nominated a friend and explained why they should receive a base. With a cute little holiday market - which will also be back - Santa made his appearance and gave 33 bases away to the players of CoH on the Everlasting server. Keep an eye out for announcements for details of the event. If you're already in the Faverty Events discord server, you'll get the announcement a few days before everyone else! Join the discord and be in the know! https://discord.gg/wnaHm5nNRB Some interesting facts: There were only two repeat buyers from the 2023 auction. All other buyers were first time auction winners. For the first time since holding base raffles (Faverty Events and Black Friday), tickets were sold out a week before the event. The highest price paid in 2023 for a base was 6 billion influence. In 2024, the new record is 15 billion influence. The base giveaway had a record of 52 registrations compared to the 23 registrations in 2023. In 2023, 15 bases, 2 raffle bases, 1 giveaway base and 1 silent auction base were listed in the auction. In 2024, 20 bases, 10 raffle bases and 1 giveaway base were listed. What's in store for the future? Faverty Events was thrilled to be partnered with the Penny Palace for this event. For the next Real Estate Auction, Faverty Events will be considering other groups and clubs to partner up with in the CoH community on the Everlasting Shard. If you are a leader of a group interested in collaborating for the next Real Estate Auction, let's chat! Feel free to contact Faverty Events on discord: domi.sidney_faverty.events In Conclusion... One last hearty thank you to everyone who contributed and supported this event. It was a joy and honor to organize the event and help meet the housing need of City of Heroes roleplaying community. See everyone next year for the 2025 Real Estate Base Auction!
Faverty Events changed their profile photo
Faverty Events in collaboration with the Penny Palace are pleased to announce the 2nd annual Real Estate Base Auction will be held TONIGHT from 8-11pm EDT. There are 31 bases available for auction, in the raffle and giveaway. BASE CODE: GLITTER-15236 PENNY PALACE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/RHdEghx8mn PENNY PALACE MUSIC LINK: https://www.queup.net/join/penny-palace IMPORTANT TIMES: 8:00pm - The Penny Palace opens 8:00-9:00pm - Registration for the base giveaway 9:00pm - Auction starts in the club area 9:05pm - Base giveaway reminder PM (only if you did not receive a registration number) BASE GIVEAWAY REGISTRATION: To sign up for the base giveaway, you must do so onsite at the auction. There will be broadcasts advertising to whom you will send your request. Send only one request - there will be a back log, so please be patient to receive your registration number. If you do not receive a registration number by 9:05pm, send a second private tell. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Faverty Events would like to thank all its collaborators for their parts in bringing the Real Estate Auction to the CoH Community: The Penny Palace - for the use of their club space, providing staff, a DJ & base building services Black Friday - for hosting two base takeover events to showcase the auction bases the base builders the base consultants the Faverty Events admin team LAST MINUTE DETAILS: Raffle Tickets are sold out and will not be available to purchase onsite Review the Real Estate Auction guidelines at: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/52181-faverty-events-in-association-with-the-penny-palace-is-hosting-a-real-estate-auction-on-september-15-2024/ JOIN UP: Join the Faverty Events discord server and get notice of future base events **in advance** and discord member perks! https://discord.gg/wnaHm5nNRB FUTURE COLLABORATIONS: If you are interested in collaborating with Faverty Events for future base auctions or giveaways, send me a message and we'll chat!