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Jiro Ito

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  1. i remember Turok 2, i played a TON of that monkey multiplayer mode in college lol, good times. it would be awesome if COH had some version of that with the Rikti monkey form you randomly turn into when using the secondary mutation temp power.
  2. Lots of fun playing with you all in-game! -Jiro Ito, noted Elitist
  3. Thanks for hosting Zam! Nice to see you all in-game!
  4. I'm honored! Will do my best to be there Sunday for the run on Torch.
  5. There's two pieces to it. One is objective requirements like spelling and grammar, consistent mission levels and storyline, complete custom characters and objects, overall polish. The second piece is going to be the subjective stuff, like did the mechanics appeal to me, did I like the story, were the characters and setting appealing enough to me that I could overlook the limitations of AE, etc.
  6. Vorpal Judgement is kinda this
  7. I always err on the squishy side for my custom enemies, and if I want to ramp the difficulty up, I give them a power that is innocuous on its own and only becomes difficult if the number of enemies is increased (tohit debuffs for example). I've never gotten a complaint that enemies were too easy! If I want a hard enemy, I use EBs or AVs that way the player knows what they're getting into, and I try to give them an ally to help. It can be a pain to balance, and testing and trial and error is really the only way.
  8. just wanted to circle back to this post and give it some love, as I'm using it now in putting together a customer character full of various electrical powers and it's good to know how to color-match them all. thanks!
  9. Without a few people to actually play them, we're just screaming into the void. Thank you my friend!
  10. β€œLearn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
  11. ah ha! now i know! does not mean i won't disobey it though.
  12. I do have other duplicates of powersets (lots of fire and ice blast, nature affinity, invulnerability, shield defense, storm summoning), but if I'm paying attention, I'll switch up the pairings and archetypes.
  13. Winter Horde, Tuatha de Dannon (reindeer!), Fir Bolg, Cabal (since OP mentioned Halloween as well) are all available as enemy groups, plus infinite options to make your own. Baby New Year's ice skating map, Frostfire's ice skating map, and all the Croatoa outdoor maps are available under the Unique tab. πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ πŸŽƒ πŸ‘»
  14. You know, you could write your own stuff in AE, that way it's catered to your exact tastes.
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