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Everything posted by VoidSpawn

  1. To summarize what I discern as the erudite views of those who responded to this thesis: Building a solid Regen Brute may indeed be done; however, a lot of conditional ellipses shall follow... That's a bit of snark. Because Snarky is needed. Please return to the boards, Snarky!
  2. Thank you very much for your review and analysis, @Spaghetti Betty! While it is certainly true that I built it with defense in mind, the build doubtless will become much stronger once I take into account both your and @WuTang's advice. I think I'll go "all in" with the offered advice and see how things turn out. Thank you! -void
  3. EDIT 20250119: In response to a query in Help last night, I posted this build to show how to optimize a Regen Brute. The concept is based upon building to certain requirements, then implementing a phased approach to using powers (powers, accolades, incarnate powers, etc.) to maintain a viable level of hardiness. (A tip of the hat again to @Spaghetti Betty for their most excellent demonstrations of Brute Regen; and, in other places, Battle Axe.) First, build the Regen Brute out to have the highest level of HP possible. I settled for just over 3,000 HP, which is close to the cap, and high enough to serve as a strong basis for leveraging some of the HP-based powers. Second, invest in +Recharge. We want this as high as possible, while not sacrificing everything to the stat, as some things will never be made practically permanent (such as Instant Healing). Here, we're basically looking at Dull Pain, Moment of Glory, Reconstruction, and Instant Healing. We're resolving this one, for this specific build, by adding Force Feedback: Chance for +Recharge to all applicable Battle Axe attacks. Doing this will effectively boost our +Recharge up to 300%, which is great. Third, Boost every possible IO you can logically boost. This is a min-max option, and is not required, though it is strongly suggested if you want to totally optimize the build by adding a few precious percentiles to your overall Personal Power Rating (which is a conveniently nonexistent stat at this time). Fourth, learn and implement how to Time Phase your powers in order to create a smoother, more well-rounded overall defense. There are many different combinations of usage during a Time Phase. We'll show one example below. Regen Brute Time Phase, Example (sans Incarnates): Phase 0: Brute is just outside combat range with a mob of multiple villains. Brute sets up combat by activating Dull Pain, which will last for 120 seconds, then MOG, which will last for 15 seconds. Phase 1: Brute closes to combat range with mob, takes Alpha. Brute and villains exchange attacks until MOG ticks down after approximately 15 seconds. Dull Pain is still in effect. Phase 2: Brute activates Rune of Protection after MOG expires. ROP lasts for 60 seconds. It also adds some Status Protections. Phase 3: Brute may activate Instant Healing at any time. It lasts for 90 seconds. Brute may also activate Reconstruction at will. It is, at this point of the character's development that we are chronicling, up once every 12 seconds. Phase 4: Brute may activate Eye of the Magus/Demonic accolade power, which lasts for 60 seconds, at will, to cover for any possible Resistance or Defense issues. The Time Phase is all about coverage and overlapping coverage (Defense in Depth) over combat time. Our goal is to weave all of our powers into a web, or matrix, that optimizes our overall combat defense over time. While there are a few that are mostly First Come, First Serve (viz., Reconstruction) where we fire them at will and/or when needed, the others mostly may be woven into a reliable matrix of defense, based upon their attributes, coverage, and durations. We won't cover Incarnates here, but several of them are applicable to the Time Phase. Barrier, Ageless, and several others count here. Some might prefer Barrier for generic defense and resistance over time, while others might select Ageless for excellent Debuff Resistance. Melee Core Embodiment is another choice to augment Resistance. It's possible to earn multiple incarnate powers per incarnate slot, too, so please keep that in mind. Questions? A very powerful min-maxed Regen Brute: Void0084Battle Axe Regeneration Brute 004.mbd
  4. The end AV actually rolls out at 54+3. It's an Incarnate itself, which is interesting. I stacked heavily when going against it on the SD/EM Tanker, as my SD/DM Tanker's earlier attempt got Mot down only to 80%. That attempt, however, was without additional input, so I added that additional input (seen on the screen capture above) and went Max Overkill with it. Turns out, it was unnecessary; the SD/EM Tanker probably had enough punch to end Mot solo, with no additional help. That's /EM though, compared to /DM, on a Tanker. It's noteworthy, however, that the /DM Tanker seemed to take little, if any, damage at any time. That little dude is really tough. It might not be able to defeat some DPS checks without a lot of external help, but it'll almost certainly come out of the encounter without so much as a scratch on its shield. Also, thanks to @Spaghetti Betty for the reply and endorsement! -void
  5. I have One with the Shield, but it's rarely necessary to use, if at all, in the context of the Dark Astoria Incarnate Arcs +4/X8, with no deaths. Mostly, it's relegated to a combination of panic duty and whatever-fits mule. @Uun outlines the whys and wherefores. Curiously, the SD/DM build in the Spoiler below can ramp up to 3,398 HP with OWTS engaged. Perhaps the math is off, or the code is befuddled by erroneous IO Boosting. IMHO, Battle Axe can be leveraged enough to need few powers to help it. @Spaghetti Betty's Rad/BA Tanker build demonstrates how to achieve this: Tanker - Modified Spaghetti Betty Air Fryer for Battle Axe (Radiation Armor - Battle Axe).mbd They call it an "Air Fryer," which is accurate. "Insane Buzzsaw of Doom" would be equally accurate. -Void
  6. Awesome! Thank you!
  7. @Frosticus, after reviewing your Ill/Marine YouTube videos, I've decided to roll one up for the pursuit of my own solo fun. There's a whole lotta fun stuff going on in that video, and that makes me really want to explore it, as I've enjoyed experiencing several of your other builds and your unique tri-Ill/Cold configuration. While I might be able to back-engineer the majority of your build based upon what I'm seeing in the video, and based upon some of your other published builds (they all have a distinct Frosticus DNA to them), at your convenience please let me know if/when/where you post one of your Ill/Marine builds. That would be the figurative icing on the cake. Thank you so much for mastering the solo experience, Frosty. It's inspiring to those of us who think similarly. @VoidSpawn
  8. Thank you for your kind comment. @Werner set the bar as high as it could go. The build is in the "Reveal hidden contents" section. It's in the new Mids format. Your SD/MA Tanker probably could achieve this. You might need some external assistance with damage on the final AV, or you might not. Only one way to know... 🙂
  9. Greetings! After noticing that @Werner had achieved a Dark Astoria Incarnate Arc victory on his Katana/Dark Brute several years ago, I decided to once more follow one of my main mentors into the fray. After all, his tales of ITF Mastery had compelled me to take on the challenge of completing, with no deaths, a baseline 0/X8 ITF with all ATs. That was a nontrivial undertaking, as I've detailed in each of the respective forums for those ATs. (And it gave me vast respect for those who've done it with any AT at +4/X8. That's massive.) In any event, I took the first shot at it with a Shield Defense/Dark Melee Tanker, because that's what I had my focus on at the time. I totally min-maxed it, boosting everything, and gave it a shot. First time, got completely through, no deaths--nary a scratch, actually, save for that one time when I jumped into a mish after one of those character-based mishes with my toggles off--only to get to the Mot finale and being unable to move the AV below 80%. After the proper calculations, I concluded that I could invest enough in the S.T.A.R.T. to do the trick--and grab a few more things to help from other sources--but my Shield Defense/Energy Melee Tanker was pinging me, asking me to put him in, Coach. Rather than try one of my 14 Bio characters, or one of my dozen-plus Rads, etc., etc., I thought I'd heed my nagging internal dialog and put that miscreant in for a quick spin. Sure enough, the SD/EM Tanker, even at a not completely Tier 4 incarnation level, blazed through the mishes, laying waste to the mobs, as well as to the minor AVs along the way without having to dip into the S.T.A.R.T. (et al) goodies. Then, the Mot Mish finally appeared. I prepped, as you'll see from the screenshot: ...and I burned that level 54+3 bastiche down so fast it was crazy. I used one of the Ultimate level INs, and two of the Super Damage INs. I had my incarnate drones, a Shivan who hated everything with radioactive fervor, and a single Signature Summons in the form of Positron. I'm not saying that it was a letdown, of course, because I won, and that's all that matters. But it was a bit strange. Kinda like having Linda Lovelace as a first date as a teenage virgin. Over fast, and then a bit of confusion. <.< Build (sorta; I didn't go totally T4 on this): I hope the build manifests. Not so sure about exports nowadays. (DM me if it's whacked.) Anyway, I use the DA Incarnate Arc ( Story Arc Contacts Heather Townshend Mu'Vorkan Max (phone only) Praetor Duncan (phone only) Dream Doctor (phone only) ) as a testing and proving ground for my newly minted Incarnates. Most just do Heather (ahahahaha), and then stop. However, some of the more powerful Incarnates can continue on, at +4/X8, and proceed to Mu'Vorkan and beyond. But it's more uncommon that one might expect. The mobs hit hard, with various deathly force, and test you most exactingly. The DA Incarnate Arc, at +4/X8, therefore becomes a bitter gauntlet of shattered power-dreams, moreso even than the ITF. It is, however, massive fun, massively rewarding, and a true litmus test to pass if one considers oneself an Elitist Jerk or now. (WoW tip of the cap heheheh.) @Werner made me do it. (Not that he was the only one, of course; he was, however, one of the few, if not the only, to post on it.) Try it. You'll like it. -void
  10. How, precisely, do we import the posted builds on the Clear Speed Leaderboards GoogleDoc into the new Mids? It's doing its very best to defy my feeble efforts.
  11. The Rune of Protection is the main buffer here, offering periodic time slices of improved Resistance. There's very little effect from Incarnates (i.e., no Barrier running). Also, there isn't standard Defense saturation to bump that Melee Defense up to soft cap range. It's mainly opportunistic slotting, and understanding that the "perma-90% RES" isn't quite permanent. (With Martial Arts it gets very close; an example of which is my previously posted Dark/MA Tanker who, once combat starts, can permanently maintain "perma-90% RES.")
  12. Devs, The scope and scale of this update is probably NaN for most nontechnical players, so please forgive them if they miss this particular elegant primal growth forest for the scraggly Charlie Brown Christmas Tree that they think is the real deal. I performed a SWAG on the man-hours involved, and I think I ended up with a NaN myself. And I'm a megasavant... Magnificent work. You put your blood, sweat, and tears into this. Thank you. Respect, Void
  13. Testing @Psyonico's advice on just attaching the file: Void6666 - Tanker Dark Armor Martial Arts RoP 002.mbd Thanks!
  14. I've noted that MidsReborn forum exports aren't working correctly, with the exports being faulty and incapable of being properly shared. Anyone have a solution for this? Thanks! -void
  15. I'll offer up a Super Tanker build I've been testing in my quest for The Tankiest Tanker. First, by way of disclosure, I play or have played all of the major Tanker armor types, and I've done it at high levels of power (having 172 level 50s allows for this). I agree that SR is a beast. All other armor types can be made so, too. It's just easier to do it with SR than with most others. To truly break a sweat with, say, my SR/DM, I'll use Linea's 801 series, or solo Hard Mode ITF, etc. Rad, Bio, Stone, Electric, etc. and et al, all have their own unique powers, and all of them, as well as the rest of the Tanker armor sets, may be built to near-perfection. My INV/DM Tanker? With use of Rune of Protection, it can periodically reach the "all 90 RES" plateau. But, it's not steady-state. and, ultimately, steady-state is really what you're aiming for when creating a Super Tanker. I admit to creating a few different builds in parallel, armoring them up, checking and testing them out. Then, after noticing the performance of one of them, I decided to Tier 4 it and check it out in more detail. Is it the Tankiest Tanker? That's entirely arguable, considering the fact that the definition of what constitutes any "tankiest tanker" isn't solid yet. But, it does have normally capped melee defense, a full heal on a quick timer, stealth, disorient, fear, and a damage aura. Then, to top off all of this, it's also got a combat steady-state of "all 90 RES" available to it... which may then be additionally reinforced by periodic doses of Storm Kick, Superior Might of the Tanker, Barrier, Melee Core Embodiment, and Rune of Protection. Normal, non-combat RES and stats may be seen below: Notice that the Day Job "Frozen Hand of Death" is in the mix, providing +10% Negative and Cold Resistance. Cardiac Core Paragon is also in there, providing additional RES. However, none of the periodic modifiers are in the normal state shown above. Now, witness a snapshot of combat (with a bit of a Melee Defense debuff in place): Storm Kick, Superior Might of the Tanker, and Melee Core Embodiment are in various states of effect. Storm Kick and the procs from the Superior Might of the Tanker set will continue to preserve this new RES baseline under most circumstances. Barrier and Rune of Protection, which are not active at this point, may be activated (in the case of Barrier) and woven into the periodic mix (in the case of Rune of Protection). The coverage is total and complete over time, in almost all circumstances from large numbers in a mob to a single opponent. DDR? Who cares. Take flight and hover above the Roman wannabe mobs, and effectively counter their ability to use swords on you. In other scenarios, such as when mobs of Incarnates are slaughtering your defense value, you can send most of them flailing away helplessly with your Dragon's Tail, stun them with your Oppressive Gloom, or scare the heck out of them with your ugly face. I mean, with your Cloak of Fear. So, just to be fair, while I, Void, consider this little monster to be an absolutely awesome Tanker, I'm not sure that it's on everyone's S-Tier list of Super Tankers (or, Tankiest Tankers). And, of course, anyone can stack Day Job powers, P2W temps and buffs and boosts, Superbase buffs, Temp Powers like "Wedding Band," etc., and pretty much do the same. I invite your thoughts on this matter. Build: 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
  16. Awesome! Thank you Devs, GMs, and Players! All the blood, sweat, and tears you've shed to get us here have finally paid off. And we love you for it! And, dare I say it? Yes, I dare, even if you might not like it. Because, otherwise, we wouldn't be now where we are, if he had not set things into motion. He took fire from the gods, and gave it to us. So, thanks, @Leandro! -void
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