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Dusty Longshot

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About Dusty Longshot

  • Birthday 01/17/1980

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  1. It seems that Cross Punch punched a bit hard at its description and caused all the lines to get double spaced. I had noticed that more descriptions of powers exceed their boundaries, but this is the worst I've seen so far.
  2. Thank you all. Reading through this helps me setup this mission so much better.
  3. Thank you UltraAlt, this is very helpfull. I'll keep the levels of the various groups in mind, but I think the level of the Crey would be leading in this case, which I think are minimum level 30? Just not sure if the Skulls group would become level 30 because the Crey are in there, or because I set the minimum level of the mission to 30 overall. Not sure how that all works. Guess I'll figure that out once I start working on the mission.
  4. Can it be done? I'm working on an idea that involves having 2 different enemy groups in 1 mission. This is my idea: The mission is set in a warehouse. The objective is simple: "rescue hostages and escort them out". Fairly early on in the mission you encounter some Skulls doing shady stuff. You defeat them and move on to the next area. Again you run into some Skulls, defeat them, move on. But in the last room where the hostages are held you run into Crey. You defeat the Crey and work your way back to the exit running into more Crey on the way. I know I could do this using a story arc having 2 missions. One with Skulls and making it a "find clues" type mission. The other would be "rescue and escort" involving Crey. But I would like to know if this could be done in one mission.
  5. ...and it came up with this which to me looked like a scene from Steel Canyon. I'm not disappointed.
  6. 100%?! with Windows volume at 20%? and not getting deafened? How you do that? My Sound FX is set at 20%. Music and Voiceover at 15%. Windows volume at 32 and game volume at 16. Still getting occasional deafening moments.
  7. Scored 130/200. Had trouble recognizing the red side pictures and I don't know about the Preatorian AV thing. Everything else I had wrong was just me being sloppy.
  8. Wait, there's an arc in which you have to fight yourself? Which arc is that?
  9. My re-re-rebuild Street Justice/Invulnerability brute: Miss Unity, in her Jupiter's Legacy Lady Liberty inspired costume.
  10. My new Broad Sword/WP scrapper: Persian Prince His description: "Escaped the dungeon, didn't get the girl..." And...in case the reference isn't entirely clear for those born after 1998: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_of_Persia_(1989_video_game) Being born in the 80's I grew up playing the game for hours. (yes I am THAT old)
  11. Great to see so many toons together. But ... can somebody tell me where this was taken? I don't recognize the location, environment, Statesman statue or anything.
  12. My toons Star Jewel (left) and her sister Mystfury (right) sharing a pleasant evening in Atlas Park.
  13. THIS! I know, maybe to some this doesn't seem to be such an important fix. But hurling stuff into mobs and watching chat explode on why I just threw a chair/desk/car at someone made me cringe. Me going: "I just launched a pool table into the guy, what are you guys talking about?!"
  14. Thanks Oubliette_Red. It does contain some info on extracting the textures from CoH data files. So that helps. It doesn't say anything about importing them into Poser/Daz3D.
  15. Miss Unity - Street Justice / Willpower Brute WW2 Outfit -- European Union Outfit -- New 2020 Outfit -- -- Miss Unity was created as a response to Germany's invasion of European countries during WW2. While America was working on their Super Soldier project, which produced Captain America, a secret team of European scientists was working on a similar project. During WW2 one resistance member stood out above all others and was selected to become Miss Unity. With the limited resources available her first costume was created blending military grade fabrics with sleek design. After WW2 was over and the European Union was created, the second EU costume was created to represent unity and safety within the boundries of Europe. Several years later, after helping out on multiple international missions, the third costume was created. This costume also reveals the cybernetic arm that was created after she lost her right arm during a fierce battle.
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