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Lady Kiwishta

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  1. This process I understand and expect, now. But... Has anyone run into the situation where you log and look at the SG and there is NO ONE with the red SG leader star? My friend (a base builder with many toons and SGs) has run into that on two of their SGs. We're stuck with no SG leader able to change permissions, and no way to figure out who the SG leader character was supposed to be, short of a petition.
  2. On exit from an AE mission, whether completed or not, whether a single-mission or multi-mission arc, I find that the custom contact does not display the contact skin until one interacts with it. @Kiwishta, Everlasting. Consistent bug across accounts and characters and different AE arcs. This behavior began upon release of the Issue 27, Page 3 patch.
  3. It is wonderful to get this much RP interaction, but hard to manage the local chat scroll. Yes, please, if there is a solution for this, implement it. Thanks.
  4. Soo... We post the required information here, in this thread. Are we on our honor not to lift cool stuff from others who post before us? Or to revise our own after we've posted? Is November 30 the cutoff for the start of judging? 😄 EDIT: 'Cause this was hella fun inspiration and I'm already working on the "coding" part!
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