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About Hyardgune

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. For a tanker, I am a big fan of Barrier for the rezzes. I'm usually not the first to die in a major fight, so being able to rez someone else is handy.
  2. Is there a way to get rid of Mid's? Any time I try to open something, it pops up in Mid's instead of Pine's and I have been hunting for that damn program, trying to kill it and it just won't die.
  3. Good catch on the AVAST issue. That was my problem and you saved me a ton of headache this morning.
  4. I'm guessing that "one piece" thing applies to the Cimerorian Sybils as well. The Sybil belt is a costume piece, but none of the rest of the Sybil outfit is available and I assume that's why. Too bad, because I'd love to have those pieces as an option.
  5. I wouldn't put any slots into Tough. I'm capped out on S/L. I use Tough to hold the +3% Def from the PvP set since Defense is Rad/Rad's weakness.
  6. Thanks, that's very helpful!
  7. My rad/rad just hit 50, and I'm looking at the Incarnate stuff. My defense is underwhelming. It is basically just Weave and Combat Jumping. Resistance is obviously much better and improving as I switch from generic IOs to invention sets. Should I just double down on resistance and use the Incarnate abilities to boost that as high as I can, or should I go for additional defense?
  8. I haven't noticed any -regen on AVs from Radiation Therapy. Not a big sample size, but yeah, I haven't seen anything yet.
  9. I am by no means an expert, but here are my thoughts. I'm considering using the PVP resistance set which includes a +3% defense unique on my rad/rad, and maybe that might be a good substitute for one of your Impervium sets. I feel like maybe you don't need the 3 slots in the Gamma Boost passive, and might be better off using those slots in say Radiation Therapy and Beta Decay. Speaking of Beta Decay, it can be slotted for -To Hit Debuffs. Maybe run partial sets of Def and Hit debuffs there, or more heavily slot Irradiated Ground for defense debuffs and go all-in on Accuracy debuffs on Beta Decay.
  10. My experience has been a mixed bag so far, in part because I've been away from the game so long that I've forgotten a ton of stuff. I've mostly been doing TFs, but also a few radio teams. Early on it was amazing, particularly when backed up by some Kins. I was going through Positron, etc. and pulling whole rooms and just crushing it without any enhancements. By the late 20s and 30s, things got ugly. Mind you, this is partially my fault because I'd completely forgotten about generic IOs, which would have made a HUGE difference. But for a good while, I was blowing through the few SOs that I had because of how fast I was leveling and was really squishy. Now that I'm in the 40s and have rediscovered generic IOs, it is much better! Now that I'm starting to put in things like defense debuff enhancements, I feel like the character is really starting to come together. I'm still slotting in IOs as fast as I can, but I'm running 6 toggles (Combat Jumping, and the total of 5 between both rads) and doing OK, even without a Kinetic. I'm still earning my debt badges, but it's a lot of fun. I would definitely recommend slotting in generic workshop IOs starting at 22 and I suspect that you'll have more success than I did.
  11. I have a Rad/Rad that is nearing 50. As this is my highest level character, I'm still fairly poor and will likely be only slotting IOs for now, but could use some advice. Also, while I had a few tanker alts back in the day, this is my highest level tanker ever, so I'm really new figuring out caps and everything.
  12. Thanks, that's very helpful!
  13. Hi all, I started a TW/Rad brute, and I'm still pretty low level. So far the survivability has been fine, but at low levels, that's not a surprise. Stuff dies pretty fast too, at least so far. What I'm wondering about is the attack speed and keeping rage up. The wind-up on the TW animations take forever, and I seem to recall from when I last played that brutes built rage faster with lots of quick attacks. Am I setting myself up for a world of pain at mid/high levels with a Titan set that has animations that are so long?
  14. Looks like down again :(
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