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  1. Congratulations! That is awesome. 🙂
  2. Paragon Wiki has all the contacts and their missions listed. Keep it open in the background to check as you progress.
  3. LOL Snarky 🙂
  4. Sorry for your loss. /em holdtorch
  5. Thank you to all of the volunteer staff of Homecoming. You guys are doing great work and we truly appreciate it. Thank you.
  6. There is no difference as far as where you select the class. That is just because of the merger of villain and heroes. A tank or brute will always be their own class regardless of where on the scren you select it. Now, the difference between tanks and brute is that tanks have higher resistance/defense to absorb more damage, where the brute does more damage. the brute are kinda like Hulk, the more they fight the more damage they do. This is represented in a bar next to health/stamina called Fury. The tanks while doing less damage they hit more target with AoE attacks than the brute. Have fun with your new toon
  7. In my experience any tank with the right IOs and Incanates can fill your requirements. I would recommend Invulnerability, Rad Armor, Bio Armor and Shield Armor as the top choices with Stone Armor, Electric Armor, Dark Armor and Super Reflexes following close behind. Out of the top choices Invulnerability is my favorite for high end content. It reaches hardcap resistances to all including psi, and sofcapped defense to almost everything with only 1 or 2 baddies in range. Rad is a close second for me, with Bio and Shield close behind. These are only based on my experience, but others might dissagree and based on their own eperiences. I say make one of everything 🙂 Try them out, tanks are incredible fun to play.
  8. Hi Everyone! I was thinking the other day and no, nothing was burning. Since we have a massive influx of new players, well, old and new alike, I think that I would like to start up New Toon Tuesday again. New Toon Tuesday will be held every Tuesday Evening at 6 PM CST. We will create new characters, meet in Atlas Park, run Death from Below a few times to get to lvl 8 and then run Positron 1 and 2. This will be a great way to try out new archetypes, powerset combinations, and meet new people. It's also a perfect opportunity to experiment with something you have always wanted to attempt and see how it works in a team setting. Everyone is welcome to join and I look forward to seeing new faces and having a lot of fun! @AngieB aka Mule Kick Jane Miss Paragon City 2009
  9. Hi all! I'm @AngieB formerly of the Champion Server. One of my oldest friends from this game has suffered a family tragedy. Last week, her husband, while working on their daughter's Jeep, was severely injured when the vehicle rolled off the ramps and fell on him. The tire ran over his stomach, struck his shoulder and the frame landed on his chest, He shattered the glenoid fossa of the scapula, his humerus, fractured two ribs, and has contusions everywhere. He spent 3 nights in the hospital and, after surgery, was released home to get better. He is the sole financial provider of his family of 9. Boo and PT have their own kids and over the years have opened their homes to several other children who now live with them permanently. PT will need many months of recuperation and occupational therapy before he can even think of going back to work. If you can help, anything would be appreciated. Their older daughter started a GoFundMe page if you would like to donate. If you cannot, offer words of encouragement. Thank you so much for your time. Angela https://www.gofundme.com/f/rfvzr4-medical-expenses-for-my-father
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