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  1. Also Chitin pants set to Tiger2 pattern show up as Chitin pattern.
  2. Yep just came here to mention that also; and in addition to 'metal spikes' ... 'color tintable' also doesn't show the color selections either.
  3. good call on showing timestamps ... gonna have to edit my earlier post to include all those now 😜 Nice work, brutha
  4. ...and that's that These 10 I think were the last "No 50s" ... that is till Shock Therapy. :) LvL50 Kin/Dark Scrapper Lvl50 Ice/SR Brute Lvl50 energy/ice Sentinel Lvl50 claws/fire Stalker Lvl50 Katana/Stone Brute Lvl50 TrickArrow/RadiationBlast Defender Lvl50 Archery/IceArmor Sentinel Lvl50 Sonic/AR Defender Lvl50 Traps/PsychicBlast Defender Lvl50 ColdDom/AR Defender
  5. ... lvl 50 at least one of EVERYTHING edit: ... funny thing, I already had a few of those started 😉
  6. Simply the ability to have the logo/emblems in UpperBody>various>ChestDetail>Symbol (& Special Symbol) added to BackDetail. Would be great to have jackets,gi,tights,trenchcoats, and more showing off our affiliations, and such ... wonderful for jersey numbers for those sports toons as well.
  7. So a new badge was added , one for defeating 'Nemesis Rex' in his storyarc. The title of the badge is 'True Nemesis' ...meh. Bit boring and generic. Wouldn't 'Rex' actually be the best way to go for such a badge. So now you too can be a sexual tyrannosaurus with your 'Rex' badge attached under your name for all to see! ;D
  8. After facing and teaming with personal clones & alternate dimension selves time and again ... it kind of dawned on me (and, no doubt, others)... Be fun to have a Lore set that were clones of our toon. Might be more of a cosmetic venture though. The clones powers had would require balance, but would still be fun. Some base power sets that rank roughly with the current one ... ok actually could just port over another Lore set's powers and replace the models. Just an idea for something new
  9. Yea I've had issues where KD becomes KB after a respec. THough sometime it feels like it fixes itself after a relog or such.
  10. They're working on a fix and are hoping to have it out very, very soon. oh shhhiiiiout ... dat bird be back already. ;D
  11. Sooo when / is null the gull coming back? I mean he has more uses than just swapping alignment.
  12. I was able to get/do "The 5th Column Overthrow from Mender Lazarus " solo ... in fact, I didnt even realize I started this TF at first. iirc I was roughly lvl30 and got it right after getting into ouro for the first time on the character. As for Twilight's Son ... the guy didn't(and still doesnt) realize I out leveled what his text info was telling me was required.
  13. It seems that global channels disable when doing missions that involves using the Grandville portal near 'Recluse's Victory' portal. Such as during 'Time After Time' storyarc from Scirocco https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Scirocco#Time_after_Time_.2845-50.29
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