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Posts posted by Triumphant

  1. No experience with Katana but I love Dual Blades.  I chose Dual Blades over Katana simply because I like the animations better and it fit more character concept.  DB feels like a very fast/active set to me, which can be fun.  Damage is a barrage of little cuts over time.  You sort of nickel and dime the enemy to death.  It's like feeding them slowly into a wood chipper, an inch at a time.  lol

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  2. My favorite armor sets are SR, WP, and Rad.  I'm not a super efficient builder, but they all work very well for me.  I also like to have at least one unplugged hole/weakness to make play more challenging and my character more interesting (even superman could be wrecked by magic or kryptonite).


    SR= IT's a cinch to cap defenses and Ialmost never get hit.  When I DO get hit, it hurts like a b***h, though.


    WP= Decent protection against everything but not as good at avoiding faceplants as the other two.  HOWEVER, your T9, properly slotted with recharge reduction allows you to  faceplant and get right back up again, every 2 minutes or so, which makes me feel unconquerable.  This is batman or captain america getting beaten down by a super powered foe, then pulling themselves to their feet again, battered and bloody, because they simply WILL NOT QUIT.   It's one of the few T9's that actually sell the entire set to me.


    Rad= Taking little to no damage from most attacks (Except cold and psi, which I have holes in- cold more so than psi) and being able to heal damage on those attacks every minute gives him amazing resiliency and staying power.


    Almost any armor set can be fun, though.  It sort of comes down to 1) Personal preference/play style and 2) How focused you are on maximizing performance/efficiency in all areas.

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  3. If you switch to a server with a larger population, there is going to be a better chance that you can find other players that like to play with just SO's.  However, most people seem to level to 50 pretty quickly, so I think you'll still find it challenging to join PUG's.  Your best bet is probably to start your own PUG's on a high-pop server with something like:  SO only, lvl 27 radio missions lfm.


    Or a similar tagline.

    • Thanks 1
  4. I hadn't heard of either of these two games, prior to your post.


    Looking at each game, it seems (to me, at least) like City of Titans is dead in the water.  Ship of Heroes seems to have a pretty structured and active development and PR team, though, so it may yet reach the finish line.


    I think if either of the games is released to the public and, if they are good games, they will attract a loyal base of players.  There are dozens and dozens of fantasy and sci-fi mmos on the market, but only a handful of super hero rpgs.  People that love that genre want more choices to scratch the itch, and competition is never a bad thing IMO.



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  5. Not as wowed by it, myself.  I still haven't seen Shazam yet, though.  It's the humor and camp elements I like the most about the marvel movies, though, and the grim seriousness of the DC movies that tends to turn me off (The first Nolan Batman movie, being the exception.  Didn't like the one with Bane and the one with Heath Ledger Joker, though).  All the jokes, etc.  Why I read comic books in my youth, honestly.


    Different tastes and what not.

  6. Glad you found an AT that you love playing!  I quite like blasters, myself, but I understand the mez vulnerability can be too frustrating for some.  As DreadShinobi pointed out, there are various ways to mitigate this, but if you don't want to futz with it then Sentinels are a great choice (albeit, with less damaging attacks).

  7. The thing is, it's in such a weird, isolated place.  It's marked on the map, of course, but still.  It seems like it would be hard to justify our small development team spending their time on something this obscure.


    To be fair, that's not my call.  Just airing my opinion here.  As I said, if the devs wanted to spruce the place up or do something else with it, I certainly have no objections.

  8. Never been there and went to check it out.  It's just an empty warehouse with laser lights.  Even decorated, I can't see how it's an interesting venue compared to Pocket-D.  Also, there are approximately 1,500,272,981,000  Player base clubs, each with a distinct aesthetic that look better than both of them.


    I'm not against the place getting spiffed-up, mind you.  I just personally don't see the appeal.  Maybe it's a nostalgia thing you have to be a player from Live (which I'm not) to really understand.  🤷‍♂️

  9. I haven't gotten very far with my Archery/Trick Arrow blaster (lvl 27) but, so far, I've been surprised at how fun and rewarding this build has been for me.  I'm used to playing blappers, so going for pure shooty was a bit of a hard sell for me, but trick arrow has enough cool gimmicks to keep play fresh and interesting.


    My opinion could change once I get to 50, of course.  We'll just have to wait and see.

  10. I sell everything at 1 insp.  Things that have actual demand/value (i.e. that go for half a million to several millions) I will typically get a nice chunk of the asking price for.  For example, if an orange enhancement is going for 5 million, I can sell it at 1 insp. and I'll typically get anywhere from 3 to 5 million for the inspiration.


    I hate bothering with the market.  It's boring and has nothing to do with the super hero game that I like to play.  However, I do need to acquire large sums of cash to buy the enhancements I like to slot on my characters.


    The solution, for me, is to list everything at 1 insp.  It doesn't require me to futz with the market and I get in and out with my cash and back to doing the things I like.

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  11. 1 hour ago, The_Warpact said:

    If you hadn't noticed a large chunk of the player base do not get on the forums.

    Out of my VG I am the only one out of 7 that get on here. To most it is a game and treat it accordingly. 

    That being said, it does not condone any behavior that bashes on anyone's fun.

    I didn't know when I first joined because it was just a game and I didn't frequent these forums. Obviously that has changed but, then again RP doesn't bug me because its none of my business how other players want to have fun.


    My post wasn't directed at you specifically, but at "you", the people that do these things and then complain about RP on an RP server.


    I just wanted to clarify that, lest you think I was singling you out.

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