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  1. Hero - Strives to see Justice prevail, always helps those in need, upholds the Law and does their best to work within its bounds. Vigilante - Strives to deliver Justice to the unjust, often harms those who harm others, works outside the confines of the Laws they deem ineffective. Rogue - Strives only to achieve their own selfish gains, harms whoever gets in their way without remorse, sees the Law as more of a challenge than a set of rules. Villain - Strives to inflict suffering on others, hurts others just to see their expression change, the only Law is the Law of the Jungle.
  2. Mopery

    Twist on a Tank

    My Dark/Elec Tank "Monster Magnet" is basically a Controller. 59% Melee Def, capped to all resists but Energy and Toxic(65ish% each) after a couple procs of the ATO, 8sec cd on Dark Regen, no Cloak of Fear. It's like a moveable zone of disorient, and when I start Thunderstriking them even the AV winds up wandering about stunned until they are saved by the ptod. Oh yeah, and Lightning Rod for the BOOM! Nigh unkillable, except for the double-tap from some of the iTrial AVs.
  3. 100 toons but a Kheldian ain't one.
  4. Natural Psychics just use a Cold Read, same as the "real" ones. 😏
  5. Sometimes, people just want to go to the orgy to masturbate.
  6. If you merge the A with the I you get 4 Fantastic AI
  7. Consider that Scientists in the 19th century were called Naturalists, because Science is nothing more than the study of the natural world. Kind of complicates things.
  8. Hey, you do you.
  9. Should name the AT "Beyonderer"
  10. Problem with Faathim's TF is there are three AVs(Malaise, Mother Mayhem, Lanaruu).
  11. I named my Kin/Regen scrapper "Hand Waver"
  12. gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
  13. This is exactly what I told the blind woman.
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