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Posts posted by TrelNargil

  1.    Ok, now here are some video's for you to watch, which should at least put a smile on some of your faces... 🙂




       Now the BIG question here in this video, is this... Who or what (in regards to CoH) is this in regards to (metaphorically speaking)? The changes to AE? This very thread? "Some" people's beliefs about the coming change? Gaming trends in general? Or something else perhaps? You all decide, as do we all, but one thing is clear; after 20 PAGES of discussion about the coming AE farming changes, I am with @agentx5 here. The sooner actual communication from the DV's about the reasons for the changes comes (and NOT just a short, diary, thought/post), the better. Like I said before; communication is always key in life, and even here. Now for this video... 😁



       This is my comments on anyone's attitude about speed in a game, and/or life in general. Or to put it another way, everyone has a right to eat 5 great cheeseburgers in a row in 10 minutes, but I can guarantee that I will savor the taste of it a whole lot more than said person will; and when it's done, I'll be less likely to puke it all out as well. So slow down if you will, and try and taste the burger's will you lol? But in the end, as someone famous said relatively recently, "Perception IS Reality". Everyone has the right to enjoy & play the game as they see fit, and if that means you feel the "need" to create 30 level 50+ characters in AE by farming, compared to my single one, well that just means your priorities are different then mine.

       Either that, or you got a serious gaming addiction going (which as we all know, ANY addiction is not good), have a TON of time on your hands, or maybe should get out more and enjoy life, take a walk in the park, go fishing, dancing, etc. In either case, it is certainly clear by this thread/post that no matter which way things end up, some people are not going to be happy about it, and you know what? That's ok too. Why? Because life ISN'T easy or fair, nor is it meant to be! It will grind you up, and spit you out if you let it, so again, please enjoy this awesome game, no matter how it winds up (if you can), and be thankful that Homecoming IS here.

       Because let's face it, if ya don't like it, anyone can always create their server and play how they want to play (sorry, if that sounds harsh, but it's very true as the code IS out there for all to grab). Please just remember though... "You can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time” - John Lydgate


       (Sorry if this post of mine sounds humorous with the vids and a "bit" harsh too, but after 20 pages on this topic, I am sure some of us are just waiting for it to hit the 47th page lol)



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  2.    Sigh...
       Ok, I am sure the Dev's are shaking their collective heads here seeing 17 pages on this topic and all, considering what has been said ad nauseum over and over again, as this is suppose to be a Focused Feedback thread here (for the most part, which is why I like that @Marbing summed it all up nicely on page 16, so I will basically say this. I am a old man, who has gamed since the dawn of computers, and over the last 17-18 years the culture of gaming has changed BIG time. This of course is a byproduct of Real Life changes in the world, people, and in culture as well, and as such it is no surprise to me that it has affected  CoH as it has.

       Everyone, and everything these days, whether in RL or GL must be done as fast as possible, even when it doesn't "have" to be; that's just a fact. We are in the time's of "I want my cookie, and I want it NOW dag nabbit!!!". Now do you, me, and everyone have a right to that attitude and goal? Absolutely! But is it always for the best, in the long or even short run at times? I don't know; as a old fart, I have lost more brain cells over living then I have gained them lol. Take this for an example... in the hustle and bustle of our lives, how many of us hit the fast food joints in between trying to get everything done we need to the day?

       Most of us at one point or another I am sure. But does that mean that a nice, slow cooked Pot Roast in a crock pot is not the way to go too, or valued in any way? No, again of course not. This is par for the course in today's crazy world, where time is money, and money is time, but for God's sake, it's also good to stop and smell the roses so to speak too. Which leads to AE yet again... This change has NOT killed anything people! It has only (to put it in driving terms) changed the speed limit from 120mph, to like 75mph instead. It has not destroyed your world, and you will still wake up tomorrow with all the fast food joints around.

       It's just about balance is all, in a system that was created 17-18 YEARS ago, in a game that should not even be running, so please, please be thankful for what you got, because one day it WILL be gone, as all things in life eventually do. Time is fleeting after all, and while everyone wants to run speed TF's and do AE content ad nauseum to get their characters to 50+ sometimes, just sometimes it is just nice to chill, spread your arms wide, and thank the stars your alive to play a game that could be long since dead.

       It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than this change to "fix" anything in the game without a total overhaul, because let's face it, fixing issues with a game as old as this is akin to fixing all the coding nightmare that is "Windows", and most of know how impossible that would be these days lol. So take some advice from someone who is at the end of his life, not in the beginning of it at some of you may be; stop the car, get out, and smell the roses and be thankful they are still there...



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  3.    Ok, to ease some of the semi-tension here, how about this whacked idea...

       Move all the AE's to a high end PvP zone (not RV though, as that is only for lvl 50 characters), and if folks want to farm to their heart's content, they can still do so... with the caveat that they may be jumped by some PvP'ers before they ever reach AE in the first place. This way it "may" solve or at least ease two problems currently in CoH. One being "some" folks want PvP to be a bit more active generally speaking, and two, if you want the choice rewards in AE, your gonna have to go out on a limb to get it maybe. After all, many PvE builds will get slaughtered in a PvP environment (and vice versa), so as the old saying goes...

       "If you want the fruit off the tree, sometimes you gotta go out on a limb". 😄 Heck, for S&G's, you could have lots of NPC's all standing around AE, protesting their hearts out, all saying the following lol. Now wouldn't that be fun? lol...




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  4. 14 minutes ago, luficia said:

    (TBH I think new people in the game should have to level to 50 first before even allowed to touch AE but that's just me.)


       Omg, that would be a sight to see! The outcry alone would be heard from sea to shining sea lol. Maybe next year, as a April Fool's joke, the Dev's could do something like that... just to see the over reactions and chaos unfold, while all us old folks just... smile... 😄



    • Haha 3
  5.    Personally, I like this QOL addition, though the 8 second length is a bit too much imo generally speaking, and a direct killing effect specifically for some. Out of all sets, the Kheldon's appear to have gained the most benefit from this addition, while controllers, dominators, and the like recieved the least. Maybe this is by design (?); I don't know as the technical aspects of this and the numbers therein are a bit beyond me I am sorry to say. However I will mention this; 8 seconds is way too long all things considered, especially when you add in the fact that this is an addition to the time you are mezzed in most cases (even if it's only by a little bit).

       4-5 seconds seems to be a far more reasonable compromise I would think, and as in life, compromise in many cases is a key in solving an issue. I would also like to mention that I can see the validity in some upset in not being able to choose which toggles come up first, and I for one would love to hear how & what calculation is used to determined which turns on first as I am very curious by nature. 🙂 But also, please consider this. There are macro's that have been created that will not only allow one to turn on toggles one at a time with the press of ONE button, but also let you choose the order in which they are turned on.

       And if a person has a lot of toggles (like over 6 of them for example), this can be of great benefit, and in most cases people would rather have this option of selecting which toggles get turned on first, then have the system choose it for them in some way, WITH an additional 8 seconds added to the person being mezzed. So maybe there is a way under power customization to let people choose if they want to use this feature or not? Or maybe even create a new seperate "power" toggle everyone has beginning at 1st level that when activated will turn on this QOL feature instead?

       After all, more options and/or choices are always better than being stuck with something a person may not like. I don't know, just trying to come up with an positive suggestion is all, as on another shard this "power toggle" option was created for the use of KB>KD, with the penalty that if you used it you dealt a little less damage, and that was a great addition & choice that everyone loved. So just trying to think out of the box here. 🙂 In either case, yeah... 8 seconds is too long imo; 4-5 seconds seems better. That is all for now... 🙂



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  6. 10 hours ago, TomatoPhalanges said:

    I just wanna say that I appreciate the amount of time and effort you put into playing around, testing, and typing all of this out. That's all!


       Thank you very much for the complement @TomatoPhalanges. Generally, when I test something out and/or do something, I tend to give 100%, though sometimes my comments and "reports" on such can be a bit... over long (again, sorry about that folks).


       In either case, after reading more here, it is great to see some more very good ideas spring up instead of just a lot of negative comments (valid as they may be or not). Being able to transfer salvage between alts on the same account is also a great suggestion, as it would again certainly help deal with two more issue people have with it; dealing with salvage a particular toon no longer needs, and supporting the building needs of other alts. As Homecoming has prided itself in a very big way on QOL benefits here (and thanks again for that too Dev's 🙂), this would be a most excellent one to introduce into the game me thinks.

       However, as much as it would be, I am not to sure if it would be done or not. After all, such things that we have been begging for in the past for a LONG time, such as Pet Customization and the beautiful Kalisti Wharf actually being put to USE (as examples only) have yet to be done at all. I know that at least for me, whenever I have gone too the Wharf, I just stare at the oh so great zone, and become sad that such a great place has never been used at all... such a waste. 😞 But any new content is always a blessing in the end (so long as it is balanced, works great, and isn't a nerf that will upset & affect the players in a very negative way), and I again appreciate and am thankful we have Dev's that care enough about us and the game to improve on it and our enjoyment.

       But as I mentioned in my overlong book report above (lol), communication IS key here, as always, so I will be waiting patiently to see what the Dev's say in these Diaries (and why call it that btw? Wouldn't calling it a direct explanation post be better? lol) before making any more judgements on the matter (maybe not comments though lol). Just don't force me to write another book report Dev's, because if your Diaries are not up to snuff, believe me... I will. And NO one wants me to do that lolol. 😄 Heck, I already got a ton of questions written down in notes that I will post if I have too lol, so yeah here's hoping. And to everyone here, keep the great suggestions coming! Because remember, the Dev's may be blessing us with this great game of ours here, but YOU matter too, as do your ideas and thoughts. So rock on! 🙂



  7.    Ok, I have read everything written here, have played on the Beta server, have done a little bit of solo AE content there, and this is how I see things atm. Overall, I believe the Dev's have done a fairly good job in this new Issue, and again I am impressed at how much work had to be put into it, and am thankful that we have a game LONG since "officially" dead as a MMO that we can still play, by a team of active people who make no money off of it, have personal lives to attend to, but still are here trying to give us a game that wouldn't even be here in this form if not for them. So please try to understand that here, as in life, nothing is perfect, and sometimes we may not always get what we want, but we can at least try and get what we need. And that is CoH on Homecoming, and I for one am very thankful for that blessing (because it could be FAR worse than it is atm).

       That being said, I would like to mention my general & specific views on the AE change's if I may, even though I am no expert on farming or AE in general at all. The first is this... As far as "nerf's" goes, the AE one's were fairly minor individually, but as @Bionic_Flea pointed out in his 1st post here on pg 5, the combination of many of these small changes, does impact things in AE semi-greatly. One on one, not so much so, but collectively it does. This may not be a "bad" thing in the future, as only time will tell, but atm it seems like it just might. Because remember, while a small change might not lead to a bad result, several of them involving one thing (such as AE) might just add up to being a very big and bad deal.

       In regards to the Incarnate rewards, I also believe @nyttyn suggestion involving them being able to be still gained by implementing them into the hero ticket system might just be a great way to balance things, as it would not only solve the Incarnate rewards tears, it would also make the tickets a worth wild thing to get now (as everyone always tells me to ignore them, as the standard rewards you get are far better overall). Things in life, as in the best of games, are about balance, and in this regards @nyttyn suggestion actually kills two birds with one stone, and in my mind that would be a good thing. Would it work in the long term? I have no idea, but at least someone is trying to figure out a nice balance solution to the issue.

       Now as far as nerf's goes, I have been a long time player of games my whole life, and having even dealt with business', I can tell you absolutely one thing is certain and is constantly done, and that is this; it is FAR easier to nerf something, then to "fix" an issue or add to it. Case in point... upon moving into our new home many, many decades ago, we discovered that at one time there was a fire in the kitchen which burnt all the cabinets over the kitchen counters. So what was done to fix them? The landlord decided that just painting over them was the best solution to the problem, instead of tearing them down and rebuilding them.

       Remember, money is time, and time is money, and in a business sense, this was the most cost effective way to solve the problem of the cabinets. Was it the best one (or healthiest)? Not at all! But it was the cheapest way to do it, and that also applies to CoH's and Homecoming here folks. The Dev's have little budget, time, or resources, to do things as we wish them to do (in many cases), so they instead "nerf" things they view as a issue/problem, as it is the easiest & simplest way to solve it. And guess what...? It is neither right or wrong, or good or bad. It is just how things have always been done in gaming in general, as in life. Because it is NOT personal, it is just business. That is why nerfs are done in games (and maybe here in this instance), as some people have asked. Which leads me to my next point...

       As has been said numerous times already, this has NOT destroyed AE, but it has affected it negatively to a lesser or greater extent, depending on how people use it; that is a fact. Which is why I for one am very eager to hear/read what the Dev's reasons are for these changes to AE. And I don't mean superficial explanations either; I mean specific, pointed, and transparent reasons for the changes (even if it goes against their instincts). My father (God bless his soul) was a WWII Naval Communications Officer, and war hero, and was very much part of the battle of Midway & even the development of the first Radar systems, and he always had a line that he drilled into me and everyone else. And that is "A lack of communication can get people killed".

       Now of course no one is going to lose their life or minds (hopefully) over the recent issue changes in AE lol, and in certainly an excessive example here, BUT it speaks to what the Dev's are planning to do with these Diaries. If it is going to be used to explain their reasonings, it better (imho) be done in a specific, transparent, and pointed way as to actually explain things, other then "We don't like A,B,or C is, so we are changing it". The why's matter here, and I would hope and pray that the Dev's shine a very bright transparent light on this, good or bad as it may be, because while these changes are not catastrophic at all, it has and WILL affect people playing the game, and maybe even make them decide whether to stay or not. And I may be dumb at times, but even I know that Homecoming doesn't need ANY population numbers dropping at all. That is just asking for trouble.

       We need more people to come play Homecoming, not less, remember that Dev's, so please I humbly ask that you take my "dumb" advice seriously; Clear, transparent, specific reasons for the AE nerf changes, not less... please. Anywho, I have a lot more I could say on the subject (as I have taken many notes about this post and the Beta server), but seeing how much I have written (sorry about that), I think I should stop here for now. Overall, I think the changes are ok (at least on the Beta server), but I am not wise enough to know how bad these changes will affect live once it hits, as only a small number of people who play live post here, but it could be very, very bad indeed (or even just a eventual "meh" response). Time will tell as they say, but I for one am still thankful the Dev's put out the Issue they did, and cared enough to do it in the first place. So from me to you Dev's, Thank you...



    • Thanks 1
  8.    Awesome! I can't wait to try it out when I can. I just read the entire update on the new issue, and I am totally floored by how much work had to be put into it; way cool, and big time applause on all your hard work! 🙂 On a side note, I also can't believe that I actually got a couple of my interpretations right, specifically #1 (about weapons on our backs now) & #3 (about new weapons being added to our weapon list); Way cool...



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  9. I27p4Teaser.thumb.jpg.52f6f0c3690387e238a763c65d6d3357.jpg.540d4f09e6936d7ca1483d4801b7bb9e.jpg


       Thanks for the post & update Troo. I for one am very excited about that is to come, but as I am feeling a bit silly atm, from the image you posted I believe I can extrapolate what is to come "Super Soon". So without further adu, from top to bottom, left to right, I believe these pictures mean...


    1: We are getting the ability to hold our weapons, especially swords and such, on our backs now; hopefully without cutting off our wings in the process (if we have any that is). Either that, or a Final Fantasy mini-game is being added to CoH somehow, for better or worse lol...

    2: Firefighters! Yes we are getting a Firefighters class finally! And it's about time too if ya ask me (seeing as how many fires are going on in the game and all lol)...

    3: We are getting a new set of hammers and maces to play with, with the possible addition of a emote that intails using them in a mixing bowl, like we are beating some eggs or something. Though, it's gotta be a big bowl that's for sure I would think, wouldn't you agree?

    4: Death. I am not sure about this honestly, but maybe if we die in game, our bodies balloon up for a time, or are placed in a new nature themed hall of sorts for a while for all to see. Yeah, I am just guessing, but hey I actually don't know where this picture comes from, so yeah (sorry)...

    5: Giant Robots and/or Sentinels! Yes, we are actually going to be getting something some of us have been asking for a while now, and that is a Giant Robot invasion (event?)! One that will spawn in every zone randomly, or all at once, and "Terminate" anything that moves. And if your origin just so happens to be Mutant, well I am sorry to say that your gonna be boned hard, as these are going to do at least x2 damage on your butt. Hey, it's what we all get for choosing the next stage in human evolution after all, right? Just ask Magneto if you don't believe me lol...

    6: The Dark Crystal IS coming to CoH. Mark my words folks; very soon we're going to be knee deep in Muppets and Dark Crystals, which btw are going to kick our collective ass (forcing us to make a Dark Crystal character to fight them obviously)...

    7: Magic! A specific spell casting class is coming to CoH, and it's going to be very, very cool imho (so long as we don't need to use magic wands to cast the spells). Either that, or the magic power pool is getting an upgrade AND specific magic based missions are going to be added to the game. So ya better learn your spell words quickly (https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_spells), before its too late...

    8: Ok, this might be a "weird" one. Specific Witches are coming to the game (in missions or what not), and we are going to be able too cook them in a skillet. Either that, or they are coming and are going to be vulnerable to fire and/or electric energy, but as a trade are gonna be able to do all sorts of nasty things with their spells...


       So that about wraps it up for my guess work on these 8 images I see. Of course, I could be very wrong here on some if not all of them, but overall I would say I am closer than some would think. What ya all think? Me? I am looking forward to the new expansive update Super Soon too, so thank you again Troo for creating this post and stirring up the excitement for it (again)....



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  10.    At the top of my head, I would say an Enhancement that would change the type of damage a power causes to a different type, but at the cost of it being reduced in damage by a "tiny" amount. And when I mean change, I mean change; as in not add a 2nd type of damage to a power, but change it completely to another one. For example, change Fire Blast from causing DoT fire damage, to say Toxic or negative instead. Of course, this would require an Enhancement for each type of damage in the game, but that's feasible I am sure. So this way you could slot one into Super Strength, which causes smashing damage, to instead deal Psi damage instead (without changing Super Strengths standard secondary effects btw). These Enhancements would of course cost a lot as they would be able to change a very important and integral aspect of the game itself (damage type), but hey maybe it would be worth it in the end? What do you think?



  11. 3 hours ago, The_Warpact said:

    Speaking of crap, y'all did notice that the OP hasn't responded...well to anything since the initial, right?

    I can tell you peeps are getting old because you're just rambling on 🤣.


       Yes, some of us are old (and proud of it too), thank you very much...
       Now "Get of our damn lawn ya young whipper snapper, and let us old fogies listen to our Vinal's!" 😛  Hehehehe

       However, seriously, the crafting system and AH (generally speaking only) is just fine and doesn't need to be fixed as I said in my last post here. For example (only please)...
       Yesterday I went to T-Spy to check out the shard and once more try out the Psychokinetic Whip set (which I do love btw, but that's a whole 'nother different subject and not relevant here), and checking out the AH for a basic lvl 10 Panacea (chance for +health/endurance) I discovered this. The IO alone was selling for who knows what, because there was NONE in the AH, despite being told that it is seeded there by the GM's.
       So being curious, I decided to check out what it would take to craft the little guy, and this is what I discovered (sorry, I didn't think to take pics)...

       The recipe alone cost 10 mil, with the crafting salvage costing on the high end (only):

          Industrial-Grade Tech = 100

          Magic Trinket = 100

          Military-Grade Tech = 2000

          Magic Curio = 3000

          Bleeding-Edge Tech = 10 mil


       So to craft the lvl 10 Panacea, it would cost 20,005,200 Million Influence to do (not including the crafting it as well); and this is on a Shard where money is extremely hard to come by, where as here money is easier to get and/or earn (not including the fact that the Panacea only costs 8 mil to buy outright too), and the player base population is far less then here as well. So the moral of the story is this... While not perfect (nothing ever really is in life or gaming), the AH & crafting system here could be FAR worse than it is, and the GM's should be praised for making it not only a enjoyable experience, but one that doesn't make you want to pull your hair out (unless that's your thing of course, and if it is, I don't wanna know lol). So again...


       "Don't fix what ain't broken..."



  12. 3 hours ago, Galactiman said:

    Crafting in this game is basically just grocery shopping. You have a list of crap that you pull from your storage or buy on the AH, you travel to/summon a workbench, and you click a button. There is no interesting gameplay aspect involved and it just boils down to a time waster and inf sink. If there are no plans to change the system at all then it would be better to either get rid of the crafting system altogether and have IOs just drop instead of recipes, or at the very least just have recipes require inf to craft, because at the end of the day that's what it is already, just with extra pointless steps. This isn't a live service game anymore, we don't need pointless time wasters to keep people subbed.


    Agree or disagree? Also, for anyone out there who enjoys crafting, what are your ideas for how to fix the system so that it's actually an interesting gameplay feature?


       There is an old adage where I grew up at, and it's this...
       "Don't fix what ain't broken..."

       So yeah, pass...



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  13. 6 hours ago, Marshal_General said:

    With hands like that, I hope you can't find your ass with both hands! 


    Then again, that explains why you are looking for your booty!


       Well, as a actual pirate ghost too, my poor hook hands would go right threw me anyways, so I think I'm good. Then again, as my pet parrot is instead a black cat, what do I know? lol


    3 hours ago, srmalloy said:

    He's a body model for goatse.cx     😇


       Actually, I had to look that up as I have never heard of that term before until now... And now I wish I hadn't, so ummm... no. None of that with him thank you very much. He's too busy being the ever lovin ghost pirate that he is... 😁


    Peace & a bottle of ghost rum matey... 

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