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Razor Cure

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  1. They are meant to work with the opposite side, but twice now, I have tried to do a Blue Side (lock box) mission as a Vigilante, with a Rogue helping, and it wont let them destroy the box.
  2. 100%. It looks badass! Lots of Aoe attacks, the Praetorian bosses have quite a few attacks with these.
  3. This is so cool! Love the insanely huge 'ending' and special present! Possible text error during the vows.. " [NPC] Manticore: Truly, deeply, and with every fiber of my being I trusted you. The rest of the world only sees the actions I task. They view me as the loose cannon of the Freedom Phalanx who takes reckless actions without fully considering the consequences." 'actions I task..' should it be 'actions I take?' Possible Suggestion: Best MAN / MAID of Honor. Obviously our toons are locked to Male/Female/HUGE, but in the days of LGBQness..what about a Best Person / Person of Honor (Honorable person?) options? This would also make a lot of sense if your toon is (costume, bio or rp-wise) a monster, creature, alien, or other gender type.
  4. Had never heard of Axe Cyclone. According it Mids it has a Repel effect? Given how much I hated the repel they tacked onto the Storm Blast cone attack...
  5. I have seen him. He actually messages people who dont have an SG and asks if you wanna join. More annoying to me..is that he has SUper SPeed on, while kneeling. With teh particles. Pet peeve. lol
  6. All of this. I may have missed it, but why are people so focused on a badge for this being a bad thing? Form a TF in LFG, as a Quitter TF. 8 people who want the badge join, start the tf..everyone instantly quits. Unless there was some kinda time/missing threshold..but even then. You want the Quitter Badge? (and why not, I reckon it sounds cool) Join a Tf with some friends, all go AFK for dinner etc, come back, quit. Shiny badge. Or as Storm said..just start any TF solo and quit. Honestly, I'd like to think all (most) of the trolls have gone, or never came back. If they really wanted to troll by quitting a tf (and is it trolling, unless the rest of the team cant finish the tf?) they can do that right now. I am sure some creative people could come up with some cool background as to why their hero/villain quits on jobs (hopefully besides just being an ass).
  7. I remember back on Live, Poison Debuffs (weaken and envenom) USED to be single target only. God that was painful. The devs had a thread gonig on possible changes, and one of the ideas was to give those powers a 'splash' radius and make them an AoE. Makes sense thematically and helped the set. But as mentioned, the aoe's arent huge, with multiple applications being the idea. Only..it doesnt really work. With a small mob, sure (but even with a 2-4 person team you may miss someone at the edge of the pack..like a Sapper), but a full team? Nope. Of course, this is less of an issue in a full team, as there will be other debuffs, damage, aggro taking etc. But the exact same thing could be said for buffs like Sleet, Tar Patch, and the Rad toggles, which hit an entire mob 99% of the time. The difficulty as I see it..how to make the main Poison debuffs great (single target, great, mobs, not great) without just turning them into auto hit toggles like a lot of other debuffs. The change to AoE's was good but (and someone correct me if wrong), the poison aoes aren't even 'proper' ones, because only the target gets the full debuff. This is unlike any other aoe debuff in game (maybe that Marine TP power is closest?) but really drags the set down, as not only do you need multiple applications to 'maybe' hit an entire mob, but they wont all have the full debuff anyway. The 2 powers at least should have the same recharge (makes NO sense to be different), and the AoE debuff set higher, if not at the full value. A radius bump, at least 10 or 15 (Darkest Night..25!). An effect similar to Disintegration would be very on theme too..like a proc change for the debuff to spread (to targets currently unaffected) to mobs within range.
  8. Even if you had the OPTION (dont have to) of doing your 3-5 Radio/Paper missions + Bank with some kind very loose narrative. The person who gets the missions has the option, which then selects the 6 missions from a differ Pool, so they link up somehow. Could be as simple as Stop Archon Max, which then turns into Oh no, the Council got a Responmetron again! The missions could be all one faction (maybe get boring), or a mix, with the final Bank/Safeguard having all Villains/Vandals altered to be the mobs from the missions, sort of link a mini Task Force.
  9. https://gyazo.com/8986113bedf6c3d8fddf3dec9b5cf16f Suggestions AND Feedback.
  10. We have Demons..so..yes.
  11. I mean...sure. That's a reason. Is it gonna change anything though, a long charge 30 sec click? Pretty sure it wont. There is already a much easier (and more useful) accolade in Demonic Aura vs Archmage, which hasnt seen flocks to redside. Likewise, we have Atlas Med vs Marshall, which has the opposite issue. Is Marshall gonna get adjusted too? Wouldn't it be better to make things basically equal and then let people play where they like?
  12. Yess! Bonus points if it was possible to use a rez on a Zombie hero to damage them!
  13. As Vanden said... I was able to confirm that Fortitude does NOT interrupt powers. Are you saying that other powers like Speed Boost behave differently? Edit: I tested Speed Boost, since OP specifically mentioned it, and it does not interrupt powers either. I play a lot of Stalkers and Blasters (granted, Slow AS gets used less with the stalker proc), but I still cant even think of a buff knocking me off doing either slow attack.
  14. Given how Barrier Reef manages to be a flying (haha, cause of course reefs fly!) and pretty zippy..doesnt really make sense to have FFG still crawl along. Triage Beacon could (wishful thinking) also fly or at least be mobile. Total dream, but having Acid Mortar mobile would be amazing too..but perhaps too hopeful. Just messing in Mids and on a Beam/Traps Corr, both Overcharge and Temporal Bomb (I didnt even KNOW the power now did recovery and an enemy slow!) are 'extreme' damage. Only Overcharge does 290ish with Bomb is 120. A High damage attack is higher! Also the other Mine is Superior and higher, unslotted. I know the 'in melee' playstyle is Traps thing, but maybe making the bombs 'throwable' like an AoE could work. But they it might just ruin the playstyle.
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