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About DarkEye86

  • Birthday 11/05/1986

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  1. Dont have the Contacts in my List nor matter if I am Hero or Villian, can't start any Missions from them -.-
  2. Thank you very much
  3. So far has anyone found the new ones and is willing to share the locations :D?
  4. I just can't express myself, of how greatful I am for you guys and what you have done for our CoHmmunity since Homecoming launched. You have given us a home again and still you give us more. You guys are amazing!
  5. Are there any Chances, that more NPC could be added to the Base? Like Soldiers and so on, so you could have like a private Army to guard your Base 😄 Also, a friend told me from another server, that they added over 600 new costume pieces for the hero creator, like freakshow arms. Could you guys see something like this for Homecoming too?
  6. The new Base Items are AWESEOME
  7. I am siding with Widower here, logic and reasoning it not allowed, please raise your arms into the air, run in circles and scream: "We are doomed!". Then you are allowed to stay. *cough* so excuse me *starts running in circles with raised hands and screams*DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
  8. At this point and all of the comments here and in the discord I have read, I have come to the conclusion the HC team should have waited, until they had something. I get a headache from all this "DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM" talk.
  9. Nah why try to stay positive. These days it is all about thinking the worst, I trust you guys and I think of it like, 7 Years have passed, so there will be probably other guys sitting in the chairs of NCsoft then 7 Years back!
  10. You Guys are amazin, I wipe a dear once every day for having my 2. home back. People sometimes tell me "Oh Yeah it can go down every minute, or the guys shut it down, when they have no more energy for this!", but I always stay positive, because YOU are positive and I think everyone of us in the Homecoming CoHmmunity can see how much you love the game like all of us. So I am hoping that everything turns well for you and us and to see where this could lead us, I am more then excited.
  11. Since I dont have reddit, why have those Badges: moved to Accomplishment? I just checked in Game and Badges like Agent of Praetoria, Rising Star, True to the last, Agent of Order, Excavator, Port Authority, Story Teller and Vigilant which I all own are under Accolades and not under Accomplishment
  12. The problem with the birthday badges was, that one badge cost 100 Reward Merits, at that time I barley had them. I think it would be ok, if you could buy those any time, I mean the Winter Birthday Badges so do speak, can be bought in Pocket D any time and not only during Winter Event.
  13. I think, I am finished with my Icon Store in our Base, so what do you think?
  14. Hello everyone, I am still building on our base, but I have to say compared to some basebuilders, I feel like a toddler xD. But for the last couple of days I am trying to kinda rebuild a Icon for our base. Of this is so far what I have and with the things I have, I would like to know, what you guys think of it and if maybe someone has an idea to improve!?
  15. "Zukunft" heißt auf ReUnion "The CoHmmunity", da Zukunft als SG Name da schon vergeben war und wir nicht an den Namen mehr ran gekommen sind.
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